Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Give-Away Heads Up and thoughts from my last post...

First, I want to tell you about a Give Away that I'll be starting (tomorrow)'s really good and you'll be surprised what it is. I don't do a lot of Give-Aways because sometimes people just don't find them compelling, and sometimes people think they're too much trouble, but I think you'll love this one. Because this one is going to be a new take on something you might never have thought about doing.

And now, I really want to thank each of you that commented on my last post about "blogging". Many of you that left comments are No-Reply bloggers, and I so wish that I could return your individual comments because they have meant so much to me. That's why I did the post on "Friends tell Friends when they're No-Reply Bloggers", just so I can at times give a personal note in response to a specific comment. Thank you all for the thoughts and insights about a subject that is timely and so very not forget who we are as bloggers.

The most important take-away from all your comments has been this: to blog about what you love and enjoy; what feeds your creative soul. Don't get caught up in "the machine" of blogging. To be authentic in each post, and not be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings. I may have ideas for blog posts, but I never do any in advance. What you see on my blog is what's happening in my life, in real time. That a blog post doesn't HAVE to be a major production. Sometimes a photograph and a short thought is all that is needed. Let's give each other permission to take the pressure OFF.

And bottom line, I think we all need to remember that we're here sharing our passions, not engaging in a competition. Let us not be afraid to "be the individual" that God has called each of us to be.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Garden Girl, some Hydrangeas, and thinking out loud...

 This is one of those posts that is a little of this and a little of that...
just some small things to share with you.

Blogging has changed so much from when I first started almost 6 years ago.(You hear that every day, but it's really true) It used to be that you could confidently share a pretty photo or vignette, how you made a small change on your kitchen counter, or a new "whatever", without feeling like you were supposed to be entertaining everyone. We were excited to show our latest flea market and garage sale finds without feeling "less than". I still love those kind of posts, because honestly, it's those kind of "everyday life" posts that let us in on the real person that's blogging. It really intimidates me that blog posts now are expected to be some kind of major "production", elaborate DIY, or fabulous room reveal. And that if they aren't, then what you may post might be considered as irrelevant, blah, or boring.

(found my sweet little fountain last week)

Don't get me wrong...
I totally love a great DIY, Room Reveal etc.
but I have to tell you...
my life is just not that darn exciting,
 or productive, for that matter.
...and I really don't need or want it to be.

So today, 
I just want to show you where I put my little French Girl fountain,
and that I bought some Hydrangeas...
one pink, and one blue.
Now I just need to pick the right place to have hubby plant them.

 and that for right now they are in my black goat cart 
that I finally found, 
and sitting on the front porch.

'Endless Summer"...
they bloom all summer long 
and then have the most amazing colors come Fall.

 I can't wait to get them planted.
Last year I really missed having Hydrangeas
and Peonies, and Roses, and Black-Eyed Susans...

 Hydrangeas are my go-to flower.
They're beautiful in any season.

 and that my "Little Miss Muffet" is sitting on her tuffet...

taking a bath.

sorry for the cord in the pic.
I'm keeping it real today.

Try as I might, I just can't get "into" Facebook or Instagram.
I know Instagram has real possibilities,
 and it seems like so many bloggers are heading that direction
 because there's less "pressure".
Even there, many blogger photos look "professional",
 and that my little phone pics look silly in comparison.

Oh well,

Let's not miss out on sharing the sweet small things 
of everyday life on our blogs.
Let's not let blogging turn into a "Professional" sport.
Here's to feeling that as people and as bloggers,
 we are "relevant" matter what.

linking here:


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Share Your Style #13

Hey Everyone,
 It's Wednesday and time to Share Your Style!

I really look forward each week to checking out your links and seeing what you all are coming up with. I'm a vintage gal at heart, so when I see some fun vintage items being used I get all excited. I love decorating with vintage things, but I really enjoy seeing how you all "use" and enjoy them too. I loved Benita's post about her packing her vintage picnic basket and heading out for a "Breakfast Picnic". Hope you'll visit Chasing Quaintness and see the rest of the post.

This last week I shared posts on finishing up 
And then pulled my odds and ends of wicker and vintage pieces
 together for a Patio Seating Area under the deck.

I'm so glad you're here to join in on the party!

Kelly is our host this week,
take it away Kelly...!

Hello everyone!
Welcome to the 13th Share Your Style party!
  I am Kelly from The Essence of Home and I am your host this week. 
Remember that when you link up here,
 your link will also show up on 7 other blogs as well!  So, this is a BIG party!

Here are some features from last week.

Panoply shared a fun wedding party that took place in a barn.
  I love country style weddings! 
 This one had lots of great ideas if you're planning your own too. 

Mia Bella Passions shared her recipe for 
raspberry white chocolate drizzle scones. 
 Oh my goodness, do these ever look good! 

One More Time shared how to make a farmhouse hall tree. 
 It's so cute!  I'm sure her family will get a lot of use out of that.

Gates of Crystal shared how she made
 French style shutters for her windows.
  They are so pretty!  I love the blue color too.

Forever Decorating shared her new barn door installed in her garage.
  I would love to have one of these somewhere in my own home! 
 Love this idea.

If you were featured, please add this button to your blog.

Now it's time for YOU to share your inspirations! 
 Be sure to provide a link back to this party on  your specific post. 
I can't wait to see what you share!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Patio Seating Area

Hi, Everyone, hope you had a great Mother's Day weekend, 
mine was nice, but pretty quiet.
 My goal last week was to finally get the lower level patio sitting area cleaned and put together so we can have a place to sit and relax. This is under the deck, so it's somewhat covered, but not waterproof. I found the two seat cushions and bench cushion online at Lowe's, and they were just what I wanted. They're outdoor friendly and have the look of heavy linen or hemp in a dark khaki/taupe color. I wanted something neutral, that would match most of my pillows and quilts, and not show pollen/dirt/or grunge and I think these will work out fine.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Container Planting and Painting Styofoam Pots

Like most of you, I've been excited to finally get some outside work accomplished. Earlier this Spring we had our deck rebuilt. It was torn down to the studs and given a complete overhaul. This is the point that I can get really negative on the previous owners for neglecting an amazing 10 year old deck and landscape, but I won't do that. So instead I'll tell you how nice it is to have it mostly finished except for some painting we need to do under the floorboards, and how it's quickly becoming a comfortable place to relax and enjoy our beautiful back yard.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Share Your Style #12

Hey Everyone!

I hope you're having a great week, 
it's time again for Share Your Style! 

This week for me, it's been all about outdoors clean up, getting my potting bench in order, and then planting flower containers with some sun loving posies. My feature pick this week from Praire Charm grabbed me with a fun potting bench and lovely pics of Violets.

 Prairie Charm

So glad you're here to share all your inspiration!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Container Planter Inspiration

I was starting from scratch this year when it came to getting containers planted. Up until last year, I had Geraniums that were 5 and 6 years old, as I would winter them in our basement. So last week I went looking for some container pot inspiration. I was mostly interested in plant varieties that would work for full sun. I do have some shady spaces that I will get to later, but my first round has been for the deck, lower patio, and a large concrete container for the front courtyard.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Potting Bench Progress

Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great weekend...

I've spent most of my time outside this last week. First, working on getting the container planters filled with flowers for the deck, patio and front yard, then coming up with more things for the potting bench area. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Share Your Style #11

I really want to personally thank all of you who have been coming by each week to join in the party. There are so many wonderfully creative links; each of you are helping to build a fun and inspiring place to share your blogs. I had so many favorites this week, that I have to share two!

Poppy from With a Dash of Color shared a Spring Tea Tray 
and wonderful moss covered candles.

...and Penny from Penny's Vintage Home has been working
 on her Greenhouse, where she shared this wonderful old dresser
 filled with flowers.
Just so Spring-y. I want to live there!

This last week I painted an old Concrete Pedestal for the Dining Room and Styled my Sofa Table using neutral elements. If you haven't had a chance to come by, I hope you'll have time to catch these two posts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Concrete Pedestal for the Dining Room

One thing I've learned in living in this new house, that's smaller and "Open Concept", is that keeping a sense of "flow" is very important. Having a Kitchen, Living Room, Entry Hall and Dining Room that are all one big space can present some challenges in decorating.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Share Your Style #10

Hi Everyone, hope you've been having a great week, and have been enjoying some good weather. There are so many projects I want to get started on, and most of them depend on some decent weather!

I'm your host this week for Share Your Style,
 and I'm so happy you're here
 to join in for the fun and inspiration!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Potting Bench Beginnings

Over the weekend we were able to get alot accomplished by renting a U-Haul trailer, and with the help of our son-in-law, we emptied out one whole unit and then combined the last two. We started this a year ago with 4 big units that are climate controlled, so we were spending big bucks each month just to store all our stuff. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Small treasures...

I've felt a little frustrated these last few weeks on the unpacking front. We accomplished alot last weekend in the garage organization, but now box after box awaits my attention. I can't do much of it on my own since I have to wait for Hubbs to be around to lift the heavy stuff. We've made so much headway, but then I look at what seems mountains, and it's easy for me to get overwhelmed. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Share Your Style #9

Hi Everyone, it's that time of the week again, and I'm so glad you're here! Time to Share Your Style with all your great posts about what you've been up to this last week. Hope you're having some wonderful Spring days and getting your spaces geared up for warmer weather.

Last week I did a post on some of our new little blooming trees in the back yard, Before they're gone was about cutting some Spring Branches, and then I added my Scrolly Chalkboard to my kitchen cupboard, with What's on Top of the Cupboard. Hope you'll get a chance to catch up if you haven't visited this last week.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On top of the Cupboard...

We've been working hard lately to get more boxes opened and unpacked, so we'll have space to bring more over from storage. It's a domino effect, with storage shelving going into the basement storage room first, then organizing the garage and getting Holiday tubs and decor stacked up and out of the way. I'm finding things that honestly I didn't remember I had... and probably don't need. But that's beside the point, because I'm now having to go through box after box of "stuff".

I am finding some of my favorite little things, though.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Before they're gone...

We've had a few storms and windy days lately, so I thought I'd better get some photos of my blooming branches before all the blooms were blown away. I had planned on doing this early yesterday before a heavy down pour that I knew was headed our way...but something else came up.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Share Your Style #8

Hi Everyone, I hope you're having a good week and recovering from any sugar overdoses from last weekend. I've loved seeing all your wonderful Easter and Spring Inspiration from the last few parties. Things are greening up and blooming all over blogland!

So, Welcome to Share Your Style!

Last week I posted about never being too old for an Easter Basket, and then shared a few seasonal  Botanical Prints that I'm using in the Kitchen Sitting Area. Hope you'll catch up with me if you haven't seen those yet.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Decorating with Seasonal Botanical Prints

Hi Everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Easter! We had an early dinner/late lunch at my sister's. What would you call that...Dunch? Linner? Since there aren't any little ones running around, (except their doggy, and you can't call Harley, little), things were pretty low key, and I got to enjoy my belated vanilla coconut cake. yum.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Is it Easter or Resurrection Sunday?

I'm going to be honest with you, last night I sat down to edit a few pics I had taken of my entry console that I had decorated for Easter, but I just couldn't. I still haven't found all my boxes of Holiday decor, one of those being some Easter things that I've used in the past. So, I just put out a few cute vintage Easter cards with baby chicks on them, a vintage bunny photo print, and called it "done". Happy Easter...

But that was my problem...

Friday, April 3, 2015

You're never too old for an Easter Basket...

I remember fixing Easter baskets for our girls even after they were married. I knew how much they enjoyed them, even when they weren't really candy fanatics any longer. They might be grown-ups, but they still wanted and expected, their baskets. So we ever get too old for an Easter basket?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Share Your Style #7

I hope you're having a wonderful Easter Week and that you're weather is actually behaving like Spring. I'm so glad you're here to join in on Share Your Style!

I'm so excited that April is here, things will be greening up before I know it. So I shared some touches of Spring last week; a Reloved Samper and a Hall Vignette, and My Easter Mantel.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter Mantel

I was thinking about the fact that I don't have a lot of "Easter" things out when I realized I probably haven't shared my mantel since Christmas or right after. I bought some new pussy willow stems and white blooming branches for Spring-i-fying the pottery vases, since I couldn't locate any Spring branches here at the house. I think my second tub of Easter goodies that I had from last year is buried somewhere in our basement storage room (story of my recent life).

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A ReLoved Sampler and a Hall Vignette

Last Friday I had a day out with my sister and we headed to 
Ozark Missouri to check out the Spring Open Houses 
and to have lunch at one of my favorite places ever, 
Spring Creek Antiques and Tea Room.
(they have the best chicken salad sandwich in this part of the world)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Share Your Style #6 Spring Blog Hop

Are you ready for some fun?
Well, you're in the right place,
for a Link Party that's all things 
Spring and Easter Inspiration.

New Posts in Your In-Box