Thursday, October 31, 2019

Goat Cart filled for Fall

I can't believe I haven't gotten around to sharing the goat cart that I first talked about weeks ago. After searching through Pinterest for ideas, I put it together with mums, vines, and all kinds of white pumpkins. And then the landscape guys showed up and it all went kaput. So this is what I've had in my Garden Room since. The mums went back to the front porch and I substituted moss orbs and faux pumpkins for the real ones. So much for a fun display on the front porch. At least I've been able to enjoy it here in the Garden Room.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

All About Home Link Party #12

Hi Friends, thanks so much for coming by to visit
 here at All About Home!

It's always so much fun now in late October. Leaves are changing, the weather has cooled off, we're having fun with Halloween, thinking about Thanksgiving and even making plans for Christmas. I'm loving all the great seasonal inspiration you all are bringing. Thanks so much for being here and sharing your fun ideas with all of us!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fall Vignette on the Farmtable

I wanted to have a little fun this week with one of my vintage birdcages and a sassy little blackbird that I've had for a few years. He didn't fare very well during the move, as his cute little paper hat became unattached. I did the easy thing and used some transparent tape to get it back on. Don't look too close. He's almost good as new.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Woodland Creatures and the Late October Hearth Room

As October heads into it's last weeks, I'm tweaking a few things around the house. I'm bringing in a few darker colors now that the heat wave is over, and some heavier textures. Two old friends are joining me on the mantel to add a little woodsy charm in the Hearth Room.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

All About Home Link Party #11

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to All About Home!

I think we're all feeling like it's Fall now that we're in the middle of October and our temps have finally come down. All the better to love those wool throws and grab a hot drink to enjoy the party. 

Wow everyone, we had a big increase in link-ups last week, and it's so great to see the party growing. It gives us all a chance to get to know more people and see more inspiration that's going on as we're coming up to Halloween and Thanksgiving. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fall Front Porch and Landscape Beginnings

With temperatures in the 80's and 90's till a week ago, it's taken me a bit to get my front porch decorated for Fall. I didn't go all out this season because I knew that we would be starting our landscape work here in October... and then last weekend we had a killing frost that took out my flowers out back. Thankfully I went ahead and covered the mums out here, not really thinking it would get that cold.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

All About Home Link Party #10

I think most of us have had that long awaited cool-down in our areas, but unfortunately ours came with a killing frost. I lost all of my outside plants in the back that weren't covered. Lantana and zinnias and some geraniums didn't make it. Fortunately I had the mums out front covered so they survived. Nothing like going from about 90 degrees to 30 in a day! Hopefully we will now stay in the 60's and low 70's for a while. I just hate it when it goes from Summer to Winter overnight!

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to All About Home!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Weekend Inspiration and Fall Favorites

I'm totally dating myself here, but when I was thinking about a title for this post other than "Weekend Inspiration" the phrase "Wayback Machine" just popped into my head. If you're under 55 there's a good chance this will fly right past you, but since this is a post I'm sharing of some of my favorite Fall posts and pics from the past, somehow it fit. (do you remember Mr. Peabody the Dog and his sidekick Sherman on Rocky and Bullwinkle and his WayBack Machine?)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Light and Bright Fall Entry

I'm really loving this Entry Hall at the new house. It's light and bright and traditional with just a hint of pattern in the wallpaper. It's so easy to decorate and fun to try out new elements. This Entry Hall is always flooded with light no matter the weather, so for early October I've wanted to keep that lighter look. As we head into later October and November I'll bring out the deeper colors and prints, but for now I found a couple of British vintage prints with a lighter palette that had been in my bathroom at our previous house.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Embracing Fall in the Garden Room

Hello Everyone, 
Welcome to the Embracing Fall Blog Hop!

Our good friend and Hop Hostess Amber, from Follow the Yellow Brick Home has gathered some of us together to celebrate our love of Fall. If you're coming from Christi's beautiful Fall Porch at Our Southern Home, so glad you're here and following this fun Hop. Of course I'm super excited to be participating in this Hop, because well... Fall is my absolute Favorite Time of Year! Thankyou Amber for putting together all this inspiration!

Monday, October 7, 2019

All About Home Link Party #9

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to All About Home!

I'm super excited that we're having a week of bona fide Fall weather here in SW Missouri. Today has been beautiful, with rain and cooler temps over the weekend. Fall decor is getting off the ground a little late this year since it's been so hot all across the US. I know we'll all feel more like celebrating Fall when it actually feels like it! Whether you're an Autumn devotee or not, we're glad you're here, we'd love to see what you've been up to.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Weekend Inspiration: Fall Door Baskets

Hi Friends, this week I'm sharing another Weekend Inspiration with you all since I've been working on Fall-ifying my front porch. I wanted to use my gray-wash door basket for Fall since I had been using a grapevine wreath during the Spring and Summer. It's time for something different on the door with a Fall touch.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Fall Dining Room and Needlepoint Pumpkins

It's now October, but since the weather hasn't been very Fall-like, I'm still feeling the need for the "lighter version" of Fall Decor. When I was first adding Fall to the Dining Room I was going for Fall colors, but not anything dark and heavy. I don't want a bunch of that when it's 90 degrees outside. I started thinking about maybe using a vintage print on the buffet that had all the Fall feels, but still added some lighter color and a little "white".

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

All About Home Link Party #8

Welcome Friends, glad to have you here to party!

September has just sped by, and it's hard to believe it's the last day of the month. I always look forward to September since it's the beginning of all things Fall and usually the weather does at least a small cool down. But this year it's just been mostly hot and dry and really NOT at all like Fall. BUT there is hope for next week... low 70's and rain... YAY!!! 

No matter the weather, I think we've all realized it IS Fall now, 
and we're decorating and nesting no matter if it's 90 degrees or not!