Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Marketplace: Etsy and Boutique Showcase

Hi Everyone,
 and Welcome to The Marketplace!

Thanks so much to all of you who have made The Marketplace a weekly stop this year! This has been a great year as we have so many new vendors and lot's of new shoppers. Vintage and Handmade, one-of-a-kind decor and clothing accessories...we have such a wonderful variety of links. Here are just a few of the links from last week. 

Vintage Sugar Bowl Trophy

D.D.'s Cottage and Design

NanNas Things

Ete Nostolgique Deluxe

And Today's Sponsor is
Be sure and catch the Year End Clearance going on now!

Party Guidelines:

This is a linky party that is for items that are FOR SALE only. You don't have to have a blog to link up. If you have a blog post about your items that's great too, but they need to be available to purchase. Please try to link to the individual item that you are selling if possible. Please be a follower of Common Ground and if you have a blog it would be so nice for you to grab the image below to share somewhere on your blog. (not mandatory, just nice). Remember the link is up all week, so please stop back by to check out new items being listed.

Time to link up,
and if you missed last week's Marketplace,
 then you can check it out HERE.

I want to take this time to wish you a 
Happy and Blessed New Year.
 Thanks so much for being a part of The Marketplace.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013: The Year in Review

Like so many of you, I wanted to take a minute to look back on 2013. It's not been an easy year for my husband or myself healthwise, but sharing some of the highlights with these posts make it all the more precious. There are so many major changes coming just after the New Year, but I'll be sharing them in depth later next week. We have a move (or two) on the horizon. After eleven years, we know it's time to sell and find a home that's easier to maintain. We've been praying about this for over 2 years, but things fell into place quickly once we stepped out in faith. We're in good spirits and feel confident this is the right direction, but it doesn't mean it will be easy. Tears have been shed, and many memories were revisited this last week, as our kiddos know they won't be here for any more Christmases or Holidays...more on this later; for now enjoy a few posts from my last year.

I've shared my New Year's Tree several years in a row, each year a little different and a little more sentimental.

Pantone's Color of the Year
Everything you ever wanted to know about "Green" in decor.

What I Would Have Missed

I debated whether to just jump in the middle of it, but I decided there must be too many wonderful moments to miss. I'm so glad I took the time to watch. This post is my 2 Season's Catch -up of Downton Abbey.

Spring in the Entry
This is one of my most visited posts.

Fairytale Inspiration for Spring
The Jeanne d"Arc Spring publication gave me some wonderful vintage inspiration.

Make Your Own Vintage Seedbox

I love and have several antique seed boxes, but I got to thinking about how you could make your own for just a few dollars. Many of you tried your own, and created some beauties.

I had Spring fever and thought I'd try my hand at a tablescape inspired by the Spring Garden.

Most Visited Post
I finally had had enough of my manufacturer's yucky tabletop finish on the kitchen table. So ASCP came to the rescue.

Patriotic Sunporch

Each season brings so much fun in redecorating the Sunporch.
Look for a feature on my Patriotic Sunporch in a new publication coming in 2014.

I love seasonal wreaths, here's my secret to lush, full, natural looking ones.

Dining Room Dressed for Autumn

Autumn is my favorite time of the year,
and I love to use my windowboxes for some of nature's inspiration.

Pumpkin Filled Goatcart
Full of Fall Yumminess!

Nature Inspired Thanksgiving Tablescape

I went all out for this, and had so much fun creating a vintage tablescape.

Featured in the Winter Issue

I loved showing you the house decorated in Tartan Plaids.

Christmas on the Sunporch

My cozied up Sunporch in warm plaid for the Season.

Thank you all for being such a constant support with your prayers and friendship this last year. You will never, ever know how much I love you all, and would like to meet each one of you personally and give you a big 'ol hug. I'll share more next week. I'll still be blogging, but things may change a little. I consider this blog a reflection of who I am and where I am in life, not just some pretty white decor. Stick with me, we have some changes coming,  but I'll still be here. Now excuse me while I find a kleenex...

sharing at these great parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Year in Review at Unskinny Boppy
Top Posts at Southern Hospitality
Blog Hop at City Farmhouse
Mod Mix at Mod Vintage Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Friday, December 27, 2013

Be Inspired #170

Hi Everyone,
 and Welcome to Be Inspired!

Do you have any energy left to get up and party a little after yesterday? We had a great time at my sister's house for a fun dinner and get together but I haven't been to bed before 1:00 am all week. So this week I'm sharing a few photos from the Dining Room and Entry that I hadn't had a chance to post. I grabbed a few posts for features from last week's links, so I hope you'll drop by for a visit if you haven't seen them yet.

On the Buffet

and in the Entry

And from last week's party:

(please don't miss this beautiful blog.
 Many of you will remember Alice from a few years ago, she's back)

Amanda from One Girl in Pink
shared her beautiful Home Tour

You'll love the Country Home Tour 
From Anita at Far Above Rubies

from Christine at At Little Brags

Thanks Gals! 

Next week we'll do things a little different with linking up some of your favorite posts, projects, and top visited posts from this last year, or feel free to share what you've been up to this week. I know lot's of us will be cleaning up, so take this time to link up a previous post or two from 2013.

Party Guidelines

  • Please remember to turn off word verification. I've tried leaving comments that didn't go through. I'm sure others have tried also.
  • Please have an individual link back to Common Ground within your post. I'd love to feature you. This is just part of the Party Etiquette.
  • Please no direct links to Etsy or Advertising.
  • Link up to three of your current posts.
  • Take a minute to visit a few of the other links.
  • Please be a follower of Common Ground.

  • thanks so much to all of you who come by to party each week
    Next year holds some changes and excitement!!
    You bless me with your friendship each day!

    Today's Sponsor

    Wednesday, December 25, 2013

    Christmas in the Cupboard

    Just a quick "Hello" from the Lower Level Sitting Room,
     home of the Holiday Cupboard to wish you all a very

     Merry Christmas!!

    I couldn't let Christmas come and go 
    without sharing this special spot with you.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Eve,
    and a Happy Christmas Day.
    (to see last years cupboard, click here.)

    We thank you Father, for your Son
    who came and died for our sins
    that we might find peace and salvation in your loving arms.