Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hurray for the Red, White, and Blue

I've been trying to get the house ready for the St. Louis kids to be here this week. They have a super long, free weekend ahead. I'm so excited, they haven't been here since Christmas, and we always have such a great visit.

I wanted to put together a table centerpiece that was fresh.
Yea, I can be the queen of faux flowers,
but today I cut a few of my fresh stems from my potted plants.

So, these little sweeties are real.
Red, white, and blue...well, sort of blue.

This vintage metal milk bottle carrier
and a few bottles, fit the bill.

It really brightens the kitchen
and also adds a patriotic feel.

Just love this old Summerdale Meadows milk bottle.

Hope your week is a good one.
I'll see you back here on Thursday and Friday
with Vintage Inspiration Friday for the
 Patriotic Party

I'm also joining in on these great parties:

love to you all,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Make Plans for a Patriotic Vintage Inspiration Friday

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to announce the theme for this week's
Vintage Inspiration Friday.

So who's up for a party to share our
"vintage and vintage inspired" Patriotic items?

This could be an outside July 4th Party,
patriotic decor display,
authentic items celebrating the good ole USA,
recipes for the 4th,
memories from past July 4th's.

You know..."anything vintage or vintage inspired"
with that Patriotic theme.

I have a button on the sidebar
that I'd love for you to grab and display
on your sidebar and blog post.
(thanks for sharing the party fun!)

Sorry it's a little "squishy"
it was hard coming up with a good image.

You can link past posts if you'd like
please just keep it in the vintage and July 4th theme.

Thanks everyone,
love ya,

Friday, June 24, 2011

Big Sale this Weekend

See all this great stuff?

Well, it's all at Relics Antique Mall
in Springfield, Missouri.

We're having a giant Mimosa Party,
and your invited!

And what's a "Mimosa Party" you might be asking...

Let's just saaaaay there's some champagne in the house...

And most dealers are having a sale.

These next pics are from my spaces.
First row west of the soon-to-be tea room.

it's all 30 % off!

See this darling round white coffee table,
 I nabbed at the Seed Box Open House?
yep, it's 30% off!

There are lot's of great booths.
Come check us out this weekend!

Relics Antique Mall
corner of Kansas Expressway and Battlefield Road,
right next to Grizzley's.

Have a great weekend everyone,
I'm feeling better!
love ya,

Summer Block Party and VIF #43: Vintage Summer

I had a lot of ideas about what to do for this post,
but I really wanted to convey some memories from growing up
 that embodied summer to me.

So many things evoke that feeling of summers past;
swimming in the river, cookouts, picking dinner from the garden,
sitting in the porch swing on a warm summer night.

But one of my real enjoyments would be to grab an old quilt
and head outside under a tree with a glass of lemonade.

Drawing and reading were two of my favorite "alone time" joys.

Savoring my latest copy of Seventeen Magazine,
or the summer I vowed to read War and Peace.
(I did)

We lived in an old white farmhouse just outside of town;
no immediate neighbors,
and spending quiet time, uninterupted, was a perfect afternoon.

Today I'm enjoying Celebrating Home,
a Country Living decorating book that I've had for a few years,
but always brings new inspiration.

And don't forget a game of croquet with friends after dinner.

Hope you'll be sharing your thoughts on Summer.

And now for some great posts from last week...

Carolyn from Sweet Chaos Home shares her wonderful Flea Market Finds
oh my gosh, that color!!!

Just met Christy from Dora's Cottage last week at Relics.
She's such a sweetheart. Be sure and go by and say hello,
and see her darling dachsund silhouette.

Suz from Hometown Girl shared her Welcome Summer Party on the lawn.
Gorgeous photos of a wonderful setting!

And Theresa from Momma T's found THE most amazing
French Bed. I'm drooling here!!

So, here's the info on the party,
I imagine a lot of you have already linked up a post or two.
Just link your VIF post into the group if you haven't yet.
Only once per individual blog post link.

This has been a lot of fun,
whew...I haven't posted this much for awhile,
I'm gonna have to go crawl back on that quilt!!

I'm also joining in at:

Party Rules:

Link Up any post past or present related to this parties theme

Be sure to link back to your original post and not just your url (main blog address)

Please post the Blogger Block Party button (code located At the Picket Fence or the button with your own link) in your post so others can join in the fun! (MANDATORY)

Visit another guest. We love it when you party with our other guests! Please take a moment and visit some of the other posts and leave some comment love! This is what makes a party so much fun!

                                   This is ONE HUGE PARTY!!!
   There are lots of links, just join in like you would any VIF party.
     Be sure and check out the other parties through the weekend.
                      Have a wonderful rest of the week, everyone!
                                            lot's of love,

Oh, and P.S. If you participate in the Block Party from this post,
please grab the button below, and share the fun. Thanks so much for joining in!  Don't forget the Give Aways, there are a bunch!