Wednesday, November 30, 2022

French Country Lantern Centerpiece

Welcome to the Christmas Dining Room, friends. This last several years I've been pushing myself a bit to come up with new ways to decorate this room. I have relied heavily on Tartan Plaid in my Dining Rooms for years, but recently I've tried to move toward a more French Country look that relies more on neutral, natural garden elements.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Weekend Inspiration: What's Your Favorite Christmas Style?

Today I'm sharing a post from back in 2016 that is one of my all-time most read. I thought I might "refurbish" the content, but instead just added to it a bit to include "Cottage" style which has emerged this last few years. If it feels a little dated, decor trends have shifted and redefined themselves this last couple of years. You might even find some "new to you" blogs from the last decade. I thought it would be fun just to take a quick look at some of the different "Styles of Christmas".

Christmas Copper On the Hearth

Happy, happy day after Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day Thursday (and this weekend) with family and friends. Some of us still have family here so we're enjoying a bit of shopping, resting, and eating leftovers. How about you. Are you itching to get on with Christmas decorating?

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Welcome Home Tour

So glad you're here, Friends. I'm grateful and thankful for each of you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend!

Hello Everyone, holidays have a tendency to creep up on my decorating schedule. Thanksgiving to Christmas is especially tricky for me because I really enjoy late Fall, Thanksgiving and November and don't like to get in a hurry to jump into Christmas with both feet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Weekend Inspiration: Nature Inspired Tartan and Transferware Tablescapes

Hi Friends, I know many of us are getting ready for Thanksgiving this weekend and that some of us are still in a bit of Thanksgiving mode at least till Thursday evening when we put the last dish away. These pics are from years ago in 2013 when I shared this for a Thanksgiving Tablescape. This theme is a basic idea that can be used for any season or holiday. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Copper Styled Thanksgiving and Christmas on the Baker's Rack

This last few weeks I've been straddling the fence with Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's the same each November... I love Thanksgiving, but I'm also ready for Christmas. Here's the baker's rack for Thanksgiving with a bit of a peek at Christmas. Here's the fun Christmas teaser...

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Weekend Inspiration: A Christmas Home Tour

Hi Everyone, It's the weekend and time for a bit of Inspiration from the Archives. If you're like me "inspiration is inspiration", whether it's yesterday, last year, or a few years ago. This is a Christmas Home Tour from 2014, and one of my favorites.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

All About Home #169: Welcome to November

Hello Friends and Welcome to the 
All About Home Link Party!

When that calendar page turned to November I know many of us jumped off the sofa and ran for the Christmas tubs... yes I know, even me. I'm doing a hybrid Christmas this year. I'll share more later what that's looking like. I mentioned this once before at the party, but our first grandbaby is due sometime late November to mid December. The arrival date is fuzzy, but that little sweetie is ready to go, so we're trying to anticipate her making a surprise debut! 

Thanks so much for coming by and sharing all the fun stuff you're up to. Amber and I appreciate you all taking the time to join in on the party! We're going to have a fun time this next 2 months with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year on the horizon!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Weekend Inspiration: Tips for Transitioning Fall and Thanksgiving to Christmas

Contemplating the Age Old Question...
When to decorate for Christmas; or more plainly... when do you start decorating for Christmas even when you love Thanksgiving and don't want to let that go. Well, I've learned some tips and ideas for making the transition starting to bring out Christmas things but still enjoy the look and feel of Thanksgiving and late fall.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Paint Refreshed Tote for a Farm Table Vignette

Hey friends, Here we are in November and it's all about the upcoming Holiday Season. Call me old fashioned or a traditionalist, but I can't bypass Thanksgiving. It's always been my favorite holiday and season so I'm sharing some late November decor posts and Thanksgiving, and then also bringing in some Christmas decor and inspiration too. Even though I love Thanksgiving, I too am ready to see some Christmas inspiration and ideas. Let's have both!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All About Home #168: October Wrap Up

Hello Friends and Welcome to the 
All About Home Link Party!

Glad you were able to grab a minute and make it to the party this evening!!

We finally made it out for a drive in the country Sunday to see some Fall leaf color and as I thought, the leaves were a bit lackluster. In town the color was much better but we are running early this year for peak, I guess because we had two hard freezes about 10 days ago. But it was nice to get out and roam the back roads in my hubby's Jeep. He has the "original" kind of Jeep where you feel like you're "off roading" even when you aren't. LOL!! (bumpy, but fun).
I've been decorating for Thanksgiving, because I REALLY love Thanksgiving, but I'm adding some Christmas decor along the way. Next week... On to the Holidays!!!!