Showing posts with label baskets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baskets. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Vintage Baskets for Every Season

Hello friends, Welcome to our bimonthly gathering of vintage loving décor peeps. This is where we share how we use vintage pieces and collectibles in our home decorating. Coming from parents who were antiquing nuts and myself buying and selling vintage and antique pieces for my whole adult life, I come by incorporating old pieces into my home spaces as a way of life.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Early Fall Sideboard and Vintage Basket Bouquet

A couple of weeks ago, I was out in the garage sorting tubs full of fall florals. Our garage is temperature controlled, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do that. The previous owners  were very innovative and vented the sunroom AC into the garage, so thankyou! My fall tub count is far and away the most, even compared to Christmas décor. I was gathering like florals and took out these realistic looking straw/paper black eyed susans from the others. I just randomly stuck them in the old funeral basket which was within reach for later. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

Vintage Baskets in the Entry

Last week in honor of May Day and Mother's Day, I put together two little baskets, one vintage, the other basket new but with similar elements. I was inspired by the old tradition of May Day where you would put together a small bouquet and hang it on the front porch door. Then you would hide and wait for the lady of the house to come to the door. Such a sweet gesture, but maybe not too practical in today's time and culture.

Friday, April 28, 2023

How to Create a Floral May Basket

I say a "May" basket, but of course, but this can be for anytime in Spring that you want to put together a fun small basket to give or to keep and use in a small vignette or display. I've always loved the idea of May Day baskets and that inspired me to create these. I'm using two different baskets; one vintage, the other a new basket purchased several years ago. Using the same process, you can create a sweet basket filled with different elements that shout "Spring"!!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Bountiful Vintage Fall Baskets

Using baskets has been a fun and creative way for me to decorate since I saw the first issues of Country Living Magazine back in 1978. One of the best things about them is that they can be found at any vintage market, flea, antique shop or garage sale, usually for a price that will fit anyone's budget. Baskets come in so many varieties; mostly wood products, wicker, willow, and even metals. Since I turn first to vintage finds, I have a good stash, big and small, that I can choose from. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Nature's Neutrals for a Winter Farmtable

One trend I've seen in the bloggyworld this last few weeks is that so many of us are leaning into January and winter weather using nature's cue with more neutral colors. Whatever our basic "style" might be, doing it in neutral colors, is a clean feeling way to start the new year.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

There's a Bunny in That Basket!

Hi Friends, I thought I'd share a few last minute Easter snaps with you all.
In my decor book, the only thing better than "a bunny"
is a bunny in a basket...
or on a tray, or drawer, or in a crate.
You know, some kind of cute vintage container
to keep it corralled and surrounded by flowers, eggs, moss, or veggies.

(It's a little hard to make out, but that's a brass rabbit mold on the shelf)

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Use Baskets and Crates in Vintage Decor

Hi Friends, I'm excited today to be joining in on a Hop with a great group of talented gals created by Cindy from County Road 407. She's put together this fun gathering for those of us that are lovers of farmhouse and vintage decor. This month we're sharing our ideas for using baskets and crates in our vintage decor, vignettes and hopefully gaining some much needed storage.

 If you're coming from visiting our friend Amber
 at Follow the Yellow Brick Home welcome, I'm so glad that you are here. 
Thank you Cindy for such a fun gathering!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Holiday Cupboard for St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day may not be a big holiday, but it's still a fun one to decorate for. It's a chance to bring out the green and start incorporating it into the Spring season. Temps are still on the chilly side, but it's easy to see the warm weather and that buds and blooms are on the way.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Vintage Mini Spring Baskets

I'm ready for Spring, I know most of you all are too. We've had a lot of cold weather here and frequent snow. Not deep snows, but snow none the less. The latest was this afternoon as I'm writing this. So many years we have a warm late winter when all the buds pop out, then a deep freeze will hit and early flowers and buds are killed. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this year. Let's get all the cold weather over and done with, then bring on the sunshine!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stacking Painted Baskets

I'm very fortunate to have a long wall in the Hearth Room that can handle multiple pieces of furniture, and I've made use of it to bring back two vintage pieces I've had for years. I didn't know how they would look together, but I realized I'd need something of a different size and texture to go between the two. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Bountiful Fall Baskets Blog Hop

Using baskets has been a fun and creative way for me to decorate since I saw the first issues of Country Living Magazine back in 1978. One of the best things about them is that they can be found at any vintage market, flea, antique shop or garage sale, usually for a price that will fit anyone's budget. Baskets come in so many varieties; mostly wood products, wicker, willow, and even metals. Since I turn first to vintage finds, I have a good stash, big and small, that I can choose from. Today I'm joining in for a Fun Fall Blog Hop that's showcasing Baskets decorated for Autumn. If you're coming from Follow the Yellow Brick Home, so glad you're here. I think Amber loves this time of year just as much as I do.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Vintage Elements on the January Baker's Rack

Before the calendar changes over to February and we find ourselves indulging in all shades of pink and rosebuds and hearts and Valentines, I'm finally able to share some of the vintage goods that I've brought together here in the Kitchen Sitting Area.

Monday, February 29, 2016

First Glimpse of "Spring"

Happy Leap Day!!

Since tomorrow is March, and Easter is coming early this year, I thought I'd get started on bringing a few Spring Things out of the tubs and boxes. This is just my starting place... on the Dining Room table, which is usually where all my seasonal decorating begins.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fall Birdies

Does that title sound like I've lost my marbles?
Like a crazy cat lady that spends all her time bird watching with her felines?
don't answer that...

Hope you all are having a great Labor Day Weekend. We stuck close to home except for a fun trip on Saturday to a new winery in the area. I'll show you a few pics and share a link with you soon. They also have a sheep farm, so that was the real draw for me. We've had a heat wave this last week, and it's supposed to break in the next few days. We had such a wonderful taste of cooler weather earlier. Hopefully, that will bring us back to the 70's. gosh, I'm more than ready. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ideas on Styling a Cabinet or Cupboard Top

I started a little "project"on top of my Dining Room China Cabinet right after we moved into this house last November. We have really high ceilings here, and I love them, but sometimes the furniture looks lost. Believe me, these pieces are huge (this one is about 7 1/2 feet tall) but there is still a big distance between the ceiling and the top of this cabinet. So now 3/4 of a year later, I finally have some kind of decor up there to help fill in this space.

Friday, April 3, 2015

You're never too old for an Easter Basket...

I remember fixing Easter baskets for our girls even after they were married. I knew how much they enjoyed them, even when they weren't really candy fanatics any longer. They might be grown-ups, but they still wanted and expected, their baskets. So we ever get too old for an Easter basket?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baskets for Spring Door Decor

I've slowly been putting "Winter" away, and bringing "Spring" into the house this last week. After Christmas I keep some of my winter faux greenery out as a backdrop and base for winter flower arrangements, and in baskets. Since snow covered trees and evergreens have been about the only landscape in sight, I've enjoyed my transition time from Christmas to Spring. But now that the sun is shining and the thermometer is going to be in the 50's and 60's we have a good chance that the worst of winter is behind us.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

When you just have to decorate something...

This Friday is the big move, but we had furniture delivered from the storage units last week, and it was good to see a few of my things that had been packed away. I've been taking bits and pieces over to the new house, like baskets and pillows and some odd things that could fit in the back of my car. But a few days ago my deep inner need for some sort of a vignette took over, and I grabbed what few things that were within arm's reach and put together something (even if temporary) in the living room. I know I can do better, but bear with me...I'm ready to decorate this dang house!

This sofa table won't stay against this wall, but it was a flat surface (that wasn't being painted), so it was fair game. The lanterns made it, but no candles to be found. The basket and corbels from the baker's rack, one of my Autumn Trays, some bittersweet, pumpkins, and a wonderful soup tureen from a garage sale for a dollar. really. yes, a dollar. (and it's not even busted!)

You can see that the rug is rolled up while I'm working on the coffee and end tables. They're turning out great, but taking more time than I'd figured. It took me quite a while to mix the exact color, but I'll have pics soon. 

I'm not sure why the walls look blue, but trust me, there's is no blue in them. Just a great neutral taupe. (Benjamin Moore Smokey Taupe). I never knew there were so many grays, taupes, and whatevers. My advice if you're thinking of painting your walls...get sample pots of paint, lot's of samples, You won't know what color it really is until it's up on your wall.

Speaking of pillows, my two little squirrels made it to the new kitchen. 
The perfect time of year for them.

And my hat boxes and old hats are up on the hutch 
above my computer in my new office.

Here are a few pics from the Dining Room; it's snug in there. I've realized my chair slips are in "no man's land" somewhere in the depths of the last storage unit that was filled. I hope to have them located and in my possession before Christmas... hopefully that will be this Christmas.

My Staffordshire bowl with velvet pumpkins that I hand carried over. I think my table runners are all with my chair slips, so ditto for having some decor tablescapes on the big brown DR table.

The clock looks a little "white" and by itself, but with the chair slips and prints up, I think it will balance out.

And here's a sneak peek of my new antique mirror I found a few weeks ago in a great little shop in Ozark, Missouri. It will go above the buffet that you see here. It's my gold scroll-y French-y mirror that I had been looking for.

I'll be without email and the computer for a couple of days, while we get things transferred to the new house. Have a fun Halloween and weekend. I'll check back when the dust has settled!


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