Thursday, January 25, 2018

Vintage Elements on the January Baker's Rack

Before the calendar changes over to February and we find ourselves indulging in all shades of pink and rosebuds and hearts and Valentines, I'm finally able to share some of the vintage goods that I've brought together here in the Kitchen Sitting Area.

So many people have had that nasty flu bug that's roaming around and has stopped them cold for several weeks. I've not had the flu, but before Christmas I had a run-of-the-mill cold, and after Christmas it all managed to come back at me with a bladder infection that has been a real killjoy. So that's my excuse for the blahs. After Christmas and before the sickies I had put together a "neutral winter decor" look, and I've really been enjoying it.

I've realized "neutrals" mean different things to different people. For me I gathered up "natural" colors and textures with nothing bold or bright. I found a few pieces I don't think I've used on the BR before, like this little wicker compartmentalized basket, an old cardboard print, and some antique crockery ware that I stole  borrowed from my Hubby.

I brought out a few of my little English Cottages; 
a salt and pepper and sugar and creamer.

The new whitewashed olive bucket that held the Christmas Tree here on the bench,
now holds some faux winter greenery and some vintage gardening tools.

I have a habit of taking pics at different times, then using them in the same post. Did you notice a certain little gray cow creamer? She was a Christmas gift from my younger daughter.

I needed a smaller piece of Ironstone, and this petite hexagon tureen fit perfectly.

Beaufort has changed his seasonal scarf. This one is a Burberry knock-off.

Hard to see because of the bright lighting, but those are antler sheds in the Seed Box.

My little French Shepherd Girl Lamp
is here as always.

I have more to share before February.
Hope we all stay well...


joining in  here:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Style Showcase at Shabby Fufu
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Favorite Things Thursday at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Sundays at Home at My Soulful Home
Amaze me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. I love those marmalade crocks and Beaufort! He's a cutie! Hope you feel better soon! My DIL has the nasty flu and seems everyone I know has a cold. Trying to steer clear and stay healthy! Happy Wednesday!

    1. thankyou, yes, trying to stay away from the flu can be a real job. and those crocks... I should have borrowed them before!

  2. What a great design for your winter rack! I so enjoy seeing others' collections, and you have so many items that speak to my love of vintage. That gray cow creamer is adorable! Maybe he needs a scarf too. Beaufort is quite dapper in his.
    This flu is frightening. Just another reason to wish spring to come, and soon.

    1. I'm a voyeur. I love to see how other people decorate, especially vintage collections. Stay well, Rita

  3. Beautifully designed Baker's rack! Love the pieces that you chose to decorate it!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. I love what you put together, so pretty. Nice job. I have been lucky so far avoiding the flu, the sinus mess, the colds, the tummy bug...hoping I continue to avoid them. Hope all of you are feeling better.

  5. I love your collection of neutral decorative items --beautiful display! Thanks for sharing on Share Your Style.

  6. The bladder infection sounds terrible. The stress of the holidays---or anything--can bring on a lot of illnesses. My virus kicked up again about a week ago. Nothing I can do but sleep.

    Everything looks lovely, Debra. I've always loved your lambs, and the little thatch roof cottages stole my heart!

    If I can find the energy to get Christmas completely put away, I'll do something for winter. To my credit, I did spend 10 days at the lake chilling, that's why it still looks so festive here! lol!

    Take care!


    1. I used to apologize to my family (and myself) for needing to nap or rest, and I've had to get over it. Getting enough rest when you have something chronic is so important. Taking care of yourself has to be your priority! rest up!

  7. It's all just perfect Debra! I sure do love that sheep in his stylish scarf. I love using garden things in my decor and know that you do as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. thankyou Jann. I love garden things, too bad I'm not a very good gardener!


  9. You've styled this so pretty...full of great goodies! I love the olive basket whitewashed! Hope you are feeling better soon...I've had a dumb cold the last couple of weeks and am ready for it to be gone!

    1. after all this flu and colds, plus cold weather, I think we're all ready for an early Spring!

  10. Love it. I hope you are feeling better. Beaufort's scarf is super cute. I love the crocks. Have a great day. Stay well.

  11. Just beautiful! I love your antique jars... Have a good afternoon. Leticia

  12. Debra, I am so inspired! We have the same baker's rack but I fear mine is far from tidy and so neatly kept and well staged! (Especially the underneath part, which tends to be a catch-all for everything from cat food to the toaster!) I'm getting a very strong urge to go take EVERYTHING off of mine and start anew -- and if you can get me to do that, you're quite the motivator!

    I come from Jann's -- it's delightful to visit.
    ~ jeanie from Marmelade Gypsy.

    1. Hi Jeanie, so glad you came by to visit. It IS hard to keep that bottom shelf tidy!

  13. I don't think anyone could not love your vignettes..You have the best lambs which I always coveted. My favorites are you garden vignettes...I don't know how I missed it but I LOVE you new header! Simply charming.

  14. Debra, I love Beaufort and so many of your other beautiful vintage items. I hope you're feeling better soon and stay away from that flu. My husband and I had the stomach flu and it took a few days to recover from that. Thanks for sharing this at Share Your Style!

  15. Debra, this is so lovely! I adore the little sheep and the ironstone!!


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