We've had a few cooler days and nights and it's really got me going for fall. I know it will warm up again and maybe have a few 80's until the end of October, but it's so wonderful to know that fall is truly on it's way.
Showing posts with label tureens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tureens. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Monday, August 26, 2024
How to Use Pears for a Seasonal Transition to Fall
By mid-August, I'm always ready to start making small changes that lean toward fall. When I was younger I'd tackle it all in a day or a weekend, but now I have to do it in stages. One day it was summer; the next day it was totally fall. But actually I really prefer the small changes that come throughout the late summer, day by day. The changes of the light, the outdoor temps, nature's color in foliage, grasses and sky. It's all beautiful and I love to replicate it all indoors.
early Fall,
late summer,
transition to fall,
Friday, December 15, 2023
Christmas Cheer in the Cupboard

Garden Room,
holiday cupboard,
red transferware,
Friday, December 23, 2022
Gathered For Christmas in the Holiday Cupboard
This has been such a busy month that Im running behind (what else is new?) But it's not every Christmas that your first grandbaby arrives! Christmas will be here in a few days and I have to start getting ready for overnight guests and bake a few desserts.
Garden Room,
Gingerbread Houses,
holiday cupboard,
Friday, July 15, 2022
Mid-Summer Entry with Blue and White Transferware Tureen
Hi Friends, I know many of you are "Blue and White" collectors with gorgeous dishware, ginger jars, and amazing decorative Chinoiserie pieces. I admire it and love that elegant and traditional design "look", but I've just never started a collection of it. I think it's gorgeous in the summer when I love using Blue and White accessories. I've stuck to the Browns, Reds and Green patterns in transferware, but I do have one piece that I totally stumbled upon years ago at a flea market for just a few dollars.
entry console,
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Flea Market Finds in the Dining Room
I've not been out to the fleas or antique malls for quite a while. Between the back problems and Covid and my autoimmune issues, I've had to put a lot of shopping on hold. I've really missed having the chance to get out and enjoy the fun of vintage and antique shopping. Let's just say it's always been a highlight of my week/month/year to get out and browse around. The added perk is that I always came home with not only fun finds, but also filled up with new creative ideas.
Brown Transferware,
Dining Room,
vintage prints,
wire plant stand
Friday, October 2, 2020
October on the Washstand
I've been having a little problem keeping myself focused on accomplishing decor tasks lately. I've called it DADD before, but I don't want to be callous or offend anyone who genuinely deals with ADD. I'm dealing with (Decorating) ADD. I just have more space to play in than I've had before, and a lot of fun Fall stuff to use.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Rainy Day Busy-ness
Hello, my friends...
This is a bit of a random post, but I wanted to share a few pics of what I've been up to around here. I felt the motivation to change out my Holiday Cupboard china from green transferware to my French Faience. And here in the Dining Room, I haven't shown you my sweet little ceramic rabbit tureen that I made many years ago, and has been here for Easter.
holiday cupboard,
vintage postcards
Saturday, January 18, 2020
January Cupboard in Candlelight
For me, January is a month for settling in for Winter. Here in the lower Midwest we do have a few beautiful warmer days during Winter, but for the most part the days are gray and cold and spitting something wet. In January I'm all about staying warm and cozy indoors. To combat the short dreary days I like to have some spaces in the house that evoke a feeling of warmth and comfort.
Brown Transferware,
Garden Room,
holiday cupboard,
Monday, September 16, 2019
Fall Sideboard and a few "Technical" Difficulties
This is one of those posts when I feel like starting out with a big "So..." which is always a telltale sign of frustration. This has been a few weeks of computer/blogging frustrations for me. We all use different computers and different software etc. I happen to like a desktop computer that has a big capability to house tons of photos and programs etc. But my tech skills are not particularly whippy. I freely admit it. I depend on my husband for his technical and computer expertise, so it's a PC not a Mac which I would be on my own with.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Layering Table Linens for a Thanksgiving Vignette
Dining Room,
Dining Room table,
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Styling My Buffet for Fall
I've been trying to spread out my Fall decorating over the last few weeks. It's given me a chance to try out a few different ideas, and also taken the pressure off to get it all done in a couple of days. I used to make myself and my husband crazy by going into a marathon décor frenzy. Now I'm taking my time and looking for inspiration from Pinterest and Fall Magazines from my many year stash.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Summertime Seashell Vignette
Since it's still Summer, I wanted to try to use my antique Blue Willow Transferware Tureen here on the Entry Hall Console. I've had it out with some other "blues" for my Patriotic decor so, I hunted down some of my shells to replace the summertime potpourri.
entry console,
Entry Hall,
Monday, November 10, 2014
Kitchen China Cabinet with a New Look
You've heard the old saying "It's got to get worse before it gets better." That's exactly what happened here at the new house this weekend. We rented a U-Haul trailer and made several trips from the 3 storage units back to the house with all kinds of boxes...kitchen dishes, decor, china, crystal, pillows...etc. Hubbs brought some of his fun stuff, and it all ended up opened and stacked on every flat surface available. After 6 loads of china and crystal going through the dishwasher, we started putting it all away.
If you noticed, a few pieces of wicker found a spot here in the kitchen dining area. It makes me feel a little better for not having a sunporch at this house. Now, if I can just not "over-decorate"...I don't know if that's possible.
Of course it took longer because I decided that I wanted to put my transferware into the kitchen china cabinet instead of my French Faience. (You can see this cabinet at the old house decorated for Christmas).That meant having some kind of a plan. I'm still missing some of my Old British Castles in Brown, but when they show up I'll just rearrange a little. Decorating can slow you down, you know...
And this morning before taking pics,
I knew I needed something on top of the cabinet
So I added a few pumpkins to the mix and some bittersweet.
This cupboard has glass doors that stay closed, but I opened them up so you could see inside without at bunch of glare. I'm having to figure out the best time of day for photos at this new house, because this room has south facing windows and the blinds cause a lot of issues for photographing.
This is a newer cabinet that we purchased when we moved into the other house 12 years ago. I went back and forth on this one or a hutch and top cupboard, but in the end I chose this one. It matches the kitchen table and chairs with a somewhat creamy distressed finish.
I really enjoyed putting this all together, it's just a mix of my brown and red random pieces. I'd had the Faience in it for a long time, so I wanted to change things up a little. In the Spring I may go back to the florals and pastel dishes, but for the Holidays I wanted to stick with predominately brown.
A few of my old friends are here too, like the cows and cottage ware teapots and sugar and creamers. I have more of these...somewhere. Oh, and good news...Hubbs found the Dining Room chair slips (YAY!!) and they are now waiting to be washed and ironed. We literally looked for that specific box for hours, and of course it was hiding at the very back behind my outdoor garden goodies. He had packed that last storage unit with all kinds of various random boxes, and he knew not to come back home without it.
I'll be a part of Sherry's (No Minimalist Here) Thanksgiving Vignette Blog Hop this week, starting Wednesday November 12 through Friday November 14. Please come visit us for some Thanksgiving fun and inspiration.
I'll see you again on Thursday for my Thanksgiving Vignette
with the rest of the gals.
I'm linking up here this week:
Have a great week!
Brown Transferware,
china cabinet,
red transferware,
sitting room,
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