Showing posts with label mirror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mirror. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A few more touches in the Dining Room

Over this last weekend we finally got a few things up on the walls. We've had so much to do, and my hubby only has the weekends to help me do things, so this decor fun was moved on down the list. I explained to him that I needed to share some things that were not Garden Room or Hearth Room related here on the blog, haha. Time to get to share some other rooms.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Light and Bright New Entry

This is my first post since we moved in last week, and it's been a busy week for sure. We did this move in stages and it really paid off in our ability to make the transition much easier than other moves. All the interior remodeling has been done and the house was clean and ready with most of the furniture here in place. The best part is that it already felt like "Home". The sun came out today, so I grabbed my camera and took advantage of some wonderful soft Northern light.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Layering Decor in the Hearth Room

We are getting furniture in place and unpacking "decor" throughout the new place, so I've been trying out ideas and moving pieces around. One of the house projects that made a big difference in looks and functionality in the Hearth Room was a beef-up of the concrete mantel. Not sure why it would have been made of concrete, but the big problem was that it was a very narrow ledge and wasn't proportionate to the size of the fireplace. You can read about that project here. The update is a huge improvement.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hop Into Spring Blog Hop

Hi Everyone, I'm so glad you're here today to celebrate Spring and join us with our "Hop Into Spring" Home Tour. My good friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home has brought together a group of Bloggers who love to decorate their homes with the colors and warmth of the Spring Season. If you've come from Stacey at Poofing the Pillows, Hello and Welcome to Common Ground. I'm so glad you are here and following the Hop.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Styling My Buffet for Fall

I've been trying to spread out my Fall decorating over the last few weeks. It's given me a chance to try out a few different ideas, and also taken the pressure off to get it all done in a couple of days. I used to make myself and my husband crazy by going into a marathon décor frenzy. Now I'm taking my time and looking for inspiration from Pinterest and Fall Magazines from my many year stash.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer Door Decor in the Sitting Room

I've been "Summer-fying" the kitchen sitting area this weekend, and you all know that means changing up the quilt, pillows, and the florals that decorate the old door and mirror behind the wicker settee. I had this post named "Summer Swag in the Sitting Room", but it dawned on me some of you all might not be familiar with that term... a swag... meaning a gathered bunch of flower stems.  It's not a wreath and it's not in a basket. I guess it gets it's name from being similar to a swag curtain. Fabric that drapes down and is gathered together and sometimes tied with a ribbon. OK, whatever we call it, I have one here on the old door.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Garden Flower Pot Wreath for Spring

I made this fun Springtime wreath a few years ago after I'd found these old French seed packet labels on Etsy. I added them to some tags and then tied whitewashed flowerpots on the grapevine wreath. Last year I didn't get to use it because it was hidden among a ton of other tubs and boxes in the garage, but this year it's hanging on the mirror on the old door in the Kitchen Sitting Area.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Reflections" on the Old Door

One of my favorite places to change things up, is on the old door in my Kitchen Sitting Area. The old door had been on the Sun porch at the old house, and moving it into the Kitchen Dining spot when we moved here, gave me the sense and feel of the old space that I loved so much.

Monday, October 19, 2015

An October Entry

My house tends to look a bit overdone if I'm not careful;
especially this time of year.
OK...most of the time it's a little too cluttered.
Blame it on blogging and enjoying sharing it all with you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A "New" French Mirror for the Dining Room

As I was taking pics for the upcoming
  Christmas Open House Blog Hop
that will be starting on Wednesday, I realized that I haven't shown much of my Dining Room, and hadn't shared my buffet and "new" antique mirror at all. what's wrong with me? My big boy white turkey had been here on the buffet at Thanksgiving, but I never got around to letting him strut his stuff. So now it's Christmas and I finally finished the upstairs decorating, so here goes...

I'm just going to give you a little tease, 
since I'll be showing much more at the Blog Hop on Thursday.

I tried to keep things a little more subdued in here, 
so I thought I'd just use one of my ironstone tureens 
with some vintage Shiney Brites.

I'd been looking for a new antique mirror for the buffet for quite awhile.
When I saw the French plume design on top, I knew this was the one.

I'll be sharing a few more snippets this week,
so hope you'll come back.

All my birdies say "come see us Thursday"!

Joining in with these wonderful Christmas Parties:

The Scoop at Stonegable
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Saturday, November 22, 2014

The "Wait Till Thanksgiving is Over With" Mantel

I still have tons of boxes to unpack, and I can't get my hands on a few of the things that I'm looking for, but I thought I'd show you my quick fix for my "Late Fall/Wait Till Thanksgiving is Over With" upstairs mantel. I've had a running joke with a few of you over the fact that my Fall Mantels go through 4 or 5 transitions before Christmas. What can I say...Fall is my favorite time of the year!

I'm lazy when it comes to decorating the mantel. If I find the "basic" elements that look good, and that I can "add to" for the seasons, then chances are they will stay there. The big mirror is bolted on so there won't be any mishaps, so that will be staying. I love my Wolff Pottery urns, and I can change the seasonal flowers and greenery easily, so they're a staple also. Ditto for my mantel lamps. They are easy to work around and I love the warm glow they give in the evening.

I love the versatility of a Preserved Boxwood Wreath, especially in the cooler months. And so my wooden monogram from a couple of years ago was the natural addition. I'd like to use a seasonal ribbon to hang them with, but Hubbs would have to get a ladder and make that happen. With all that's going on to still get unpacked here, get the lease house cleaned and ready to turn back over to the management company, and then get ready for Thanksgiving and company, I haven't made that request. Maybe next weekend I can  persuade him get that accomplished.

Just pretend that this cute little leopard print ribbon is holding up that wreath and monogram...doesn't it look pretty?

And speaking of Leopard Print ribbon, I made a quick change on the front door basket with a few pieces of faux greenery and leaves, just taking out the sunflowers from the "Earlier Fall Version".  Next weekend, it will be reworked for Christmas.

You can see my reflection in the glass...BTW I'm still in my leopard print fuzzy pajamas taking pictures with the door open while cats are escaping to the front porch. Sure hope no neighbors were out there. They've already been warned about my crazy blog photo habits.

My two large boxwood orb topiaries fit perfectly here on the hearth. I imagine they will stay there, at least for a while. I wanted to add a little Fall color without going overboard, so a few preserved leaves and Bittersweet were added. I'm not sure what direction I'll go for Christmas decorating, but I'm sure it's going to be "simple" whatever it is. I always love a "natural" approach with greenery, some ribbon and a few small touches. I have my Christmas boxes and tubs in the garage, but it's been so cold, I haven't even looked through them.

OK, I'm headed toward the garage to rummage around a little. I want some new ribbon for Christmas...don't know what that will be. Guess I better see what I have first...  Have you started Christmas shopping yet? Amazingly, I have a jump on things from ordering over the Internet. The credit card has been smoking!

Thanks so much for all the sweet comments from the last post about my old door and blogging, I read and appreciate each one. I've started Cardiac Rehab and it seems to be wanting to take over my life. Going to the gym has never been something I've ever wanted to do, but now I have no choice. Also, I'm having to endure old men wanting to flirt. Please Lord, make the next 12 weeks go quickly.

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rugs, mirrors, shutters and more...

Hey Everyone...

things have been a little hectic around the new house this last week. Lot's of things going on, but not much that's interesting to share here on the blog. Cabinets were re-installed in the laundry, finished up the painting in the kitchen, painted the entire 3 car garage in one weekend (whew), carpet cleaning,...that kind of fun stuff...nothing very "pretty".

But I did want to share a quick couple of photos of the new Living Room rug "unrolled" temporarily, just to get an idea of how it will look. This is the 9x12 something. I also bought it in a smaller size for the Dining Room, and a runner for the main hallway. I spent lots of time searching the web for rugs, and found several that were contenders. I knew that it would be a pricey purchase, that's another reason I wanted to be sure of the colors. Trying to re pack this rug and return it would have been a real task. It's so heavy I can't even tug it around.

I wanted wool, and that's what these are. The quality is beautiful, and they are thick and look very well made. I found them on Overstock, which is a great source for rugs. I had originally wanted to go with a lighter color rug, but the more I thought about trying to match colors, fabrics and wall paint, the more paranoid I became. So this has a little of the neutrals, some grays, and some browns and gold along with the black. The black picks up the dark bronze metals, and I think the rug will "ground" the open space and pull it all together with the sofas and chairs. 

So, you know I have been complaining about the tv niches above the fireplace. This house is 10 years old, so it's right in they heyday of "lets make a cave above the fireplaces for our honkin' tvs to live". Yes, I've had a lot of angst over them to say the least. We discussed covering it up with sheetrock or cabinetry, but in the end I would only have had about 5 inches of mantel to decorate, as the mantel recesses in the middle. There would barely be room for a mirror or framed piece, let alone any seasonal decor or candles. It's hard to tell just how big this is, but I'm 5 foot even and the top of the mantel is several inches above my head.

A few weeks ago we found this Ethan Allen beveled mirror on consignment at Relics here in Springfield, and even though it's not what I envisioned, (all gilt and scrolly) I think it will compliment the larger wood finished pieces we will have going in here. Plus, it totally filled up the "hole" and has an arched piece on top that will match the shape of our tv armoire. We have it secured onto 2x4's attached to the back of the wall. I didn't want it sliding out if a door slammed, so I think it's pretty much there to stay for awhile. 

This week the old landscaping is being removed and the new is going in. I worked with our handy man/landscaper yesterday on placement of the shrubs, so hopefully it will get finished this week. The dead tree was cut down, so now we have to wait for the stump to be ground and a new maple put in.
The newly built shutters are up. (just what I wanted) They are bigger than the old ones by several inches, so they look more size appropriate. The door and shutters are Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore. Love the color, it's just a nice charcoal gray. 

("before", with old shutters, shrubs, and green front door)

This isn't a good pic, but shows the color pretty well. It really picks up the grays of the brick. I'm super happy with how it turned out. So now I'm itching to get this done so some mums and pumpkins can be added. I've held off because of all the outside work being done, but I've about reached my limit of restraint in the Fall Decor Dept. I've been whiney each time I see a house with pumpkins on the porch. Poor Hubbs he just doesn't "get" my deepseated Fall Decor gene.

OK, that's about it for the update this week. Now that we can "officially" call it Fall, I hope you're having a great week and that you're enjoying all the fun of "Fallifying" your homes. I'll get there...

Be watching for a fun Give Away coming soon...

Joining in on these weekly parties:

Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Framed Bathroom Mirror

Hi Everyone! Well, we're down to the last couple of weekends, and we will be listing our house with the Realtor this evening. To say we are glad all the work is almost over is beyond an understatement. We've had to be working on this house every weekend for the last six months, and we're so pleased at how it's turned out. We've invested lot's of money in updates, and extras to hopefully give us an edge in the market. Home sales in our area have finally turned around, and last month was the highest volume of homes sold in the last quite a few years. Not only sold, but prices are rebounding, so good news for us as sellers!

Hall Bath Makeover February 2012

We still won't recover all the money we paid for it back in 2003, (highest prices in forever) and on top of that we've put over $25,000 into it in updates. But it's still much better than it would have been even a couple of years ago. We lived with some issues that we should have tackled over the years. But you know how it're busy, and all the little things and repairs take a back seat to the more important things in life.

When we moved in I was pretty unhappy with the condition of the mirrors in a couple of the bathrooms. We had removed one humongous wall mirror over the bar, only to have problems with covering up the mega holes, torn wallboard, and gouges. So we just lived with the mirrors. Problem was that over the years, splashed water and humidity had caused the silver to disintegrate on the outer edges of the mirrors. Now, I love that look on antique mirrors, but in an updated bath?...not so much.

So we explored options for removing, covering up, repairing etc, and during one of my "Google-ing" sessions read this blog post from Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality. She had successfully "framed" a few of her bathroom mirrors for a very modest investment, and a little elbow grease.

We found our MDF white molding at Lowes in the 2 and 1/2 inch size, and some corner rosettes that we needed to paint white to match. I had to do a light coat of white trim paint to cover up some problems that taping caused, but we love how they turned out. 

Rhoda used a glue gun, but we had some of this DAP Sealant that worked perfectly. We just put some masking tape up for 24 hours to make sure it held.

We started at the bottom and worked our way to the top of the mirror.

Sorry I can't get a good photo. This was at night and no natural light.

So thank you Rhoda! we followed her instructions and found a wonderful "fix" 
on something that definitely had had us scratching our heads for all these years.

love it!!!

If you want complete instructions,
 please check out Rhoda's great DIY post for the details.

Hopefully, I'll get the "after" shots. and the listing on the house soon to share them with you all. Thanks so very much for all your encouragement and prayers while we've been going through this. Now please just pray for a quick sale. We're heading to St. Louis for my doctor's appointments soon, and we need to focus on whatever is waiting for me there.

joining in at these get-togethers:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


Sunday, November 25, 2012

just getting started...

I seem to have a little Christmas decor ADD going on at the moment. My desire to "deck the halls" versus my need for "less". My goal this Season is to Simplify. I'm going through boxes and tubs and I know that there will be many that will be left untouched. I'm just craving quiet, nature inspired, and peaceful. I know I'll have some fun things going on, but we probably will be traveling this next month for my husband's doctor visits, and I just don't want to have tons of decor to put away after Christmas. I want to keep things "winter" themed so there will be less to put away come the week after Christmas.

This year I found some wonderful silvery glittered garland and a small wreath, so this is my starting point in the Entry.

glittered nests, pinecones, and a few rusty jingle bells.

 I have a starting point.
 Now to see if I can keep my plan. 

 Hope you'll come by for 
The Marketplace

Joining in on these great parties:
Sunday Showcase at Under the Table and Dreaming
Met Monday at Between Naps On the Porch
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Knick of Time


Friday, February 3, 2012

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 75 A Gallery Wall

I think I'm finished with this little "project"!
(and what might this project be?, you ask)
a gallery wall...

and I've realized that putting one together,
is a little harder than it might seem.

I started with this shabby rectangle mirror. I've had it for ages,
and toyed with selling it, but it never seemed to make it to the booth.
I've tried using it here at the house before, but it never did work out.

So, when I realized I had a good 4x4 space to play with,
what do you think I dragged out...
yep, my shabby, chippy, old mirror.

I think I've tried about 20 different elements before I finally decided on this,
 the finished product, and that was about an hour ago.

(that's why I had so many nail holes...trial and error)

I've Googled and checked on Pinterest for "gallery walls",
but most were of photographs or paintings,
not many were a mix of objects AND art.

I found I had to stay with the golds and creams to make it work,
I had a lot of beautiful prints that were within the subject matter,
but they were either the wrong size, color, or shape.

It was harder to find the balance in all that, than I imagined.

My advice for creating a gallery wall would be to gather all your possible elements first, trying to keep color and subject matter complimentary. Find your larger pieces to anchor your arrangement, then you can build around it.(them). On this light wall and with this shabby white frame, I found darker pieces, or ones with too much color just didn't look right; they were too "jarring" and very distracting. I wanted this space to flow.

Plus I tried to stick with "vintage".
That's the feel I am going for; vintage and a little bit French.

hmmm...looks like there's some extra space at the bottom.
I'm sure it won't be empty for long!

More bathroom photos coming up...
and just so you know I'm not a fibber,
the Sunburst Mirror post took a back seat, 
once the paint fumes took over!

Let's see what was happening last week.

Andrea from the Opulent Cottage showed us how Victoria Magazine
inspired her to create a winter themed potting bench.

Mary Alice from Chateau Chic, has a wonderful garden theme
 going with some Springy inspiration in her study. 

Eileen from Cottage Beach House shares a window display
 she did for an antique store, 
where her coffee filter rose Valentine Heart takes center stage.
Eileen will be doing a tutorial post on making this coffee filter heart,
be sure and check back on her blog for it!

Nita of Mod Vintage Life has a beautiful home and some fab ideas.
Check out her use of silver casserole servers that she has turned into
amazing spice racks...calling all magazines!! 

And Andrea from Town and Prairie
has a frozen winterscape of her garden elements.
just beautiful!!

Hope you'll join in for the party today,
so many of you do vintage related posts,
I'd love for you to come link up!

Please be sure that you have a visible link within your post,
and I'd love for you to join Common Ground as a follower.

Also, would you like to share the fun with this image for your sidebar,
and invite everyone to join in for the Valentine Party coming up?

the rest of the bathroom next post!

I'm joining in for these great parties:

Creative Things Thursday at the Vintage Farmhouse
French Inspiration at the French Cupboard
Farmhouse Friday at LaurieAnnas
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Fridays Unfolded at Stuff and Nonsense
Inspiration Friday at the Picket Fence
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Potpourri Friday at 2805
French Inspiration at The French Cupboard
