Showing posts with label Bittersweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bittersweet. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Transitioning a Fall Entry to Thanksgiving

Have you ever finished up a vignette or decorated an area for a seasonal look, that appealed to you at the time, only to come back the next day, scratch your head and take it all apart and start over? Well, this happens with me, and that's not a good sign. During the early Fall I shared a post using this vase filled with hydrangeas, fall flowers, and sunflowers, but the very next day when I looked at it, I was over it... Got rid of the sunflowers and fall flowers then added colorful leaves instead.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fall Decor Stash and New Finds

Last Winter and early Spring before the move, I spent days going through all of my seasonal decor tubs and I purged so many things that I didn't use. I tried to get things a little organized and labeled, making mental notes of what was in what container. It's easy to recognize that I love Fall decorating, since  I have more Fall decor than all the other seasons hands down.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Decor Philosophy for Cupboards, and Life

It's been said, more than once, that I can't leave a flat surface alone. Meaning that I have to "decorate" every square inch, and it wasn't often said with an affirmative attitude. I think I may be a little better than I used to be. When you have goodies you love, they just cry out to be used and appreciated!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

On the Mantel with Pears and Pumpkins

So, I had to look back through my list of posts to see exactly when I had last shared what was happening on the mantel. Last Christmas? you're kidding me? Basically, I've left the main elements the same and have just changed up a few things in the center. I have to drag out a step stool and climb around to work on this monster, so it's just been easier to ignore it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

An October Entry

My house tends to look a bit overdone if I'm not careful;
especially this time of year.
OK...most of the time it's a little too cluttered.
Blame it on blogging and enjoying sharing it all with you.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Kitchen China Cupboard for Fall

Before we moved to this house, my kitchen china cupboard, had always been just that... a china cupboard. It held china, and some colored crystal and a few antique floral teapots. It never changed, no matter what the Season or Holiday. I had lots of other places to "play" and decorate, so this one I left alone...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Snippets from the China Cabinet

I hope you're having a wonderful Fall Day.
The treetops are changing to various hues of red, orange, and yellows.
It's warm, but you can feel the Fall changes.

I've been adding Autumn to my Kitchen China Cabinet...

The mismatched plates, cups, saucers, and tureens each become a work of art

...when Bittersweet and Leaves nestle around them.

Both the bovine and the birds...

are celebrating the wild garden within the walls of glass.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fall's First Glimpse

I've been thinking about Fall...
no surprise, huh?

I know some of you enjoy Fall, 
but you want to squeeze every ounce out of Summer.
When our kiddos are young and at home,
summer is a special time of adventure and relaxation.

But, I've always been the type of person that comes alive 
in the crisp air of Autumn.
The blue of the sky is different,
the angle of the light has changed.
The trees get ready to put on a show, 
that thrills my soul to experience.

Autumn rejuvenates me;
it gives me back the energy that the heat of Summer drains away

I'm ready...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Vintage Pottery Bowl with Pumpkins

I wanted to share what will be my last vignette on the coffee table/trunk that's here in the Living Room. We've been here at the lease house since the middle of January, and if all goes to plan, we'll start moving some things over to the new house this weekend. We're waiting on carpet for the upstairs bedrooms that has been delayed. That's thrown us back about 3 weeks, but at the same time gave me more time to finish up the kitchen cabinets. Last weekend I touched up woodwork throughout the house, while Aly  (our younger daughter and right hand helper) was on floor cleaning duty. So, all in all we're done, other than waiting for the carpet.

So I have to tell you about this amazing find from last Spring. It's the bowl to what I assume was a "bowl and pitcher" set. I found it for just a few dollars because it has a pretty big crack running along the center half of it. But I'm promising to be extra careful with it.  I thought I had a photo of the mark, but I didn't and now it's too late to turn it over and shoot it.

It's Doulton Pomegranate Burslem. I did a little research and Burslem is the name of one of the towns in the Staffordshire Pottery region of England. I couldn't date it exactly because I couldn't find an accurate image of the exact markings.

It's similar to this one but says Doulton Pomegranate Burslem on the banner instead of what's pictured. It has the letter A and then 1717, which dates it to the 1880's or 1890's. I fell in love with the Autumnal colors and designs.

I had packed all my velvet pumpkins in my wicker trunk that we're using in the entry, so I just scooped them up with some bittersweet to fill this wonderful bowl for a fresh Fall look for the Living Room.

My paper mache squirrel is still in the Pottery Barn lantern.

...chewing on an acorn from a couple of years ago. I heard horror stories of nasty little creatures in the acorns, but thankfully I didn't have that problem.

 Here's a few photos from a couple of years ago of my little squirrel
with a vintage muffin tin and some tea light candles.

I've been bummed because I couldn't decorate much for Fall, which is my favorite time of the year. I've had to get my inspiration and Fall Fix from you all and Pinterest. So, thanks for being there for me! 

And Hey, if you haven't entered 
the Pillow Give Away 
with Elliott-Heath Designs

Dining Room, Kitchen, and Family Room furniture will be heading to the house; wow, I've missed those pieces! Hopefully from now on my posts will be coming from the new place. YAY!

Joining in on these great parties:

Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Autumn Entry

I thought I'd share what's happening here in the entry hall this Fall. Nothing too different, just some subtle changes with some leaves added to the white basket of hydrangeas, and the terrarium/lantern now has a candle and some Fall foliage instead of my two sheep. Some of these pics were shared at Marty's last Friday, but I hadn't posted them here yet. So, just in case you missed seeing them.

My moss covered initial "O" made by my sis for me for Christmas last year.
(thought I'd better explain, no, it's not a zero)
It's been hanging here all year, I just love it!

One of my real pumpkins landed in the cast iron urn along with a few bittersweet vines. This urn usually sits on the entry console with a faux flower arrangement, but I brought in another arrangement that I've had for awhile, just for a little change up.

Almost impossible to see,
but my little concrete squirrel is sitting on top of an old book stack 
with a few clay pots, happily munching on acorns.

An old print of  "The Angelus" by Millet, 
brings in the earthy tones of Autumn.

And it's just not Fall without a chipmunk or two...or three.
(This little guy is one of my vintage Lefton figurines)

We had rain and another cool front come through...
aahhhhh, it's really feeling like Fall!

I'm joining in on these weekly parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Exchange at Ella Claire
House Party at No Minimalist Here

Tonight is your LAST CHANCE

Today's Sponsor

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rusty Fall Garland

Happy Happy October everyone, 
my favorite month of the year!

A couple of weeks ago on one of my Fall Open House excursions, I found this wonderful little Rusty Bird and Butterfly Garland. You know, one of those things you have to have, but don't know for sure where or how you'll use it?

I think I must have tried at least a dozen ideas, then set it aside hoping the right spot would show itself. So yesterday I decided it was time to do something seasonal on the sofa table in the living room. Well... technically, it's not behind a sofa, but it's still such a great little side table which hugs the wall, and offers yet one more surface to decorate.

This table was painted  "off white" a few years ago 
when I went on my furniture painting rampage,
where I painted over 20 individual furniture pieces white.

Usually this spot doesn't get changed up much, but yesterday I was feeling the Fall Decorating Mojo, which has been squelched due to not being able to do anything outside because of the new roof. (which is now done, but today new gutters are being fitted. So that means hopefully, at some point, I'll get my front porch and deck back!)

Love this original oil painting, of an old farmhouse in Europe.

So here are some close ups of the rusted birdies. The rusty garland is intertwined with a faux bittersweet garland, and I cannot remember what these little mini pumpkin pods are called, but they have some cinnamon oil mixed in.

 mmmmm...what a heavenly aroma.

Rust and Fall just go together...

I honestly cannot remember where I found this marble based candleholder, but it weighs 10 tons, so it always stays here. And this interesting old tray has tapestry fabric on it. Looks like "Fall" to me.

This is a hard spot to photograph since one of the twin sofas is sitting in front of it. A talented florist and designer friend made the topiaries for me for Erin's wedding, 15 years ago. And believe me, they have 15 years worth of dust on them, too. ( I hate to dust and will put it off until I can write my name in it. The floors are another story. My OCD floor cleaning fetish always makes everyone nuts.)

If you're local you'll want to make it to the Ozark Art and Crafts Fair this weekend in Ozark, Missouri, starting Friday morning.  There are always some great things to see, buy, and eat... none of which are good for you. 

I'll be joining in on these great weekly parties!

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Inspiration Gallery at Ella Claire      
TTT at StoneGable   
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's   
Jennifer Rizzo