Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

This is the last Vintage Christmas Monday for 2009.
Our Hostess Joan from Anything Goes Here
has given us a wonderful opportunity to share our
Vintage Christmas treasures.

Be sure to go over and see the rest of the
Vintage Christmas Monday participants.

These are my vintage Nativity sets.
I know many of you have these,
but I still enjoy seeing them all.

I found it at a flea market several years ago.

This one is in the sunroom and was my mother's-in-law.

This was the first year of Fontanini
probably around 1984.

This snow globe nativity isn't old,
but while I'm showing the others,
I thought I would share this one that
my husband bought me several years ago.

Little vintage white reindeer ornaments
in the darn cute!

And this is one of my husband's "ornaments". Before you get all upset, it was taken at his traditional yearly deer camp with his family. There are so many deer in Missouri that if they are not harvested many starve, or because of numbers are killed on highways or cause accidents. We donate the venison to food programs. I do not enjoy the idea, but it is part of the "male bonding time" of the family. It's wearing a vintage jingle bell wreath. New ones are made like this, but this one is old.

This is another one of my many
vintage Christmas candy tins.

Besides boxes of Shiny Brites and old Christmas lights
I've about exhausted my stash of vintage Christmas.
This has been so much fun!
I'll have to be collecting more for next year.

Have a great Christmas Week, Everyone!


  1. love your pics. I have a small nativity set that I cherish. none that nice though! Love the way you displayed them.


  2. Good evening Debra,
    You truly are all decked out for Christmas! I love your vintage Nativity sets. Seems like I find them and always put them in the shop and forget about keeping one for myself...I am going to re-think that one as yours bring back so many wonderful Christmas memories. Thank you for sharing them!

  3. What beautiful vintage decorations you have! so glad you shared with us--loved it!

  4. All of your nativities are so beautiful, but I especially like the one on the mirror. Those reindeer ornaments are so cute, sitting in front of that pretty picnic basket! I think my favorite thing though is that candy tin--what a wonderful scene!
    Happy VCM and Merry Christmas, Debra!

  5. I adore your new header. It warms my heart. I like your nativities. I think the snow globe one best. Blessings!

  6. What gorgeous Nativity sets! The colors are so pretty. I like your little white reindeer too.
    The deer head doesn't bother me, he's quite pretty, but I agree I could never kill one for sport, I'm too soft hearted! I hope all is well and wish you a week of Christmas cheer!

  7. I love your nativity sets. You've got quite a collection. The reindeer are adorable. My uncle, who lived his entire life in the Ozarks could never understand that my dad didn't hunt. He was a real mountain man. The type who would catch fish with his hands, so don't worry about the deer with the wreath. Have a Glorious Christmas.

  8. Cute little reindeer!
    I have a weakness for nativity sets, and yours are so lovely.

    I'm not a hunting fan, but I am a meat eater.
    I've heard this described as being a meat-o-crit (as in hypocrite, get it?)! ;-)

    Talk soon!

  9. Oh Debra, I LOVE the little white reindeer! Sweet nativity scenes. Have a blessed day dear friend!

  10. I love the sweet little lineup of deer ornaments. Thank you so much for participating in Vintage Christmas Mondays this year.

    I have about exhausted my collections also. I may have to hunt up more so I can participate in my own blog party next year.

  11. Debra,
    I love the header photo for this post. Nativities are special--each and every one. I do love the one on the mirror the most because I am a mirror freak. You have been wonderful to share all of your goodies. Happy VCM.

  12. Have loved all you things Debra. Have a Merry Christmas...julie

  13. Hi Debra,

    What a fesive post. Love your unique Christmas items - so beautiful!

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas. God bless you!

  14. Hello Debra... Your nativity sets are beautiful... I have never seen one in a snow globe before... so pretty, I would love to have one... Merry Christmas to you! xoxo Julie Marie

  15. Dearest Debra-

    Some day, on my bucket list, I would like to sit in your sanctuary, and a la Vanna White, have you show me all of your amazing treasures.

    Then we could eat cookies...

    Love to you dear friend,

  16. Beautiful nativities in a beautiful home!

    Merry Christmas,


  17. Your treasures are simply divine! It's nice to know some people still appreciate the vintage antiques.

    Have the best Christmas ever!

  18. Your nativities are awesome. I have been collecting Fontanini for a few years now. It is the first thing I bring out each year.

  19. Fun seeing all your vintage goodies. The deer sure are cute. I'm with you on the deer thing...but it is painful to think of them starving or getting hit.
    I cheated and showed my friends vintage Christmas but at least I got one in. Maybe I'll save my pics of my own things til next

  20. WOW...your nativity sets are gorgeous!! Love the to me and really beautiful!!
    I see that you are a paperwhite it...the scent is intoxicating and fills the room with the holidays!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas !! xOxO Nerina :)

  21. Beautiful nativity sets. Special reminders of the Reason for the Season. Thank you for sharing ~ Angela

  22. Love your new header and the nativity sets are beautiful. Those little white vintage reindeer are so very cute. But I'm with you on the big one. I've been vegetarian since May -- something just changed inside of me and I couldn't eat meat anymore. My husband thinks it is hormonal! HA! He thinks everything is hormonal. :) Wishing you a day of blessings, Tammy

  23. I love all your vintage nativities and the nativity lithograph is beautiful.
    Glad to know when Fontanini began. I know you like the nativity snow globe because your husband gave it to you. I like it very much.Have a blessed Christmas.

  24. So many beautiful Nativity sets. And the snow globe your husband bought is just lovely. I always love to see a nativity. It was such a special time when we put ours out as a child and when my son and I put ours out too.

    I loved seeing yours....Tracy :)


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