Wednesday, July 1, 2009

White Wednesday

Timeless strength and beauty. She sits on an antique black Italianate desk. The light shines in and highlights her features. I found her for a song on the floor of a flea market. Others may not have seen her grace or recognized her regality, but I did. I had been looking for her.

Today may you see strength and beauty, grace and value in those around you.

Thankyou, Kathleen at Faded Charm


  1. You found that at a Flea market ... some flea market.

  2. Peaking at your blog for the first time today and I love it. I am only blogging a few months myself and guess what I have a new camera with all the bells and whistles and have not a clue as to what to do with it becasue I also do not want to read the manual that reminds me of a high school or college science book. UGH! I think we both wore similar wedding dresses in 72. Umpire waistline and long sleeve and those Juliet head pieces. What was I thinking when I wore long sleeves in August to my outdoor wedding? I will peak in again and throw the manual out the window and just relax and have with all the blogging. Happy 4th of July and I hope no chipmunks jump in your pool:)

  3. Seriously?!? That was an awesome find! Love your blog! Kim

  4. I love the delicate lines, especially the hollow of her neck...I'm a sucker for busts anyway...just beautiful!

  5. It just goes to show that if you have an artistic eye you can find beauty in everything!

    Andrew Culture
    My Zine Distro (CornDog Publishing)
    My button badge/ custom band merch thing

  6. Beautiful subject and beautiful post. Very artistic. I am so happy you stopped by to introduce yourself so I could discover your wonderful blog. Thanks so much for including me in your side bar. You have a great eye and I will return often.



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