Wednesday, July 22, 2009

White Wednesday, Out and About

Now that I am on the "lookout" for white items and displays, I am seeing more detail and noting the nuances of white...the different shades, textures and materials. Here are a few photos from my excursions this last week in Ozark, at three different stores.

I have loved old clothing since I was a little girl. My Dad restored antique cars, and we always had authentic clothing to match the year of the cars. It was a wonderful activity for our whole family. We really did it up big. I need to go through my Mom's boxes of momentos and find some of those great photos.

This little lady appears to be somewhat askew, but I think it's just the mannequin.

Someone we all know purchased this incredible set,
so you will probably be seeing it again, at one of the shows.
If I had seen it first, it would be at my house under my oak tree in the backyard.

These are bookmarks, aren't they gorgeous?

Be sure to visit Kathleen at Faded Charm
and check out the growing list of participants in her White Wednesday.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

P.S. Thankyou for all the caring comments about my daughter
and her health, from yesterday's post.
We all had dinner, and enjoyed our time together so much.


  1. I love that garden set. Maybe I'll see it at one of the Tx shows :)

  2. Out of kilter or not, they are gorgeous! TTFN ~Marydon

  3. The garden furniture is beautiful and those bookmarks are lovely as well. I adore shops like this.


  4. Nothing better that a good walk and peek through antique stores...lots of pretties to be enjoyed!

  5. I may be a little loopy, but I still would have grabbed that garden set in a heartbeat!

  6. I'm just loving the white....for years now I've just be drawn to it. Love it all!


  7. Hi Debra
    Great pictures and that iron set is to die for! Sorry you missed it.
    Your daughter is lovely and I am so glad she is healthy and feeling well. It is so hard when the little ones are sick, you must have gone through a lot.
    I hope your day is a wonderful one

  8. Hi Debra,
    Thanks for taking the time for that person email, I do so apprectiate it! Now...I LOVE that iron set, wipe the drool from my lips, please! Wonderful display of pictures for White Wednesday! Isn't this such a great concept!!
    My Best,

  9. Oh what yummy pictures! They really get me excited about my trip to the Rose Bowl flea market in a couple of weeks! Thanks for coming by and saying hi!! See you Friday!

    My Desert Cottage

  10. Lovely! Looks like a good day in Ozark--but I think it might always be a good day shopping in Ozark. Did you buy anything?

  11. I just loved all your beautiful whites. I so want that gorgeous garden seating. Thank you for the lovely visit to my place today.

  12. Oh my...I love that iron furniture,to die for!!!! Fantastic post,Chrissy

  13. debra - thanks for your comments on my "freud" post:) very interesting...and quite accurate! also - these white wednesday photos make my mouth water...just beautiful!!!


  14. I am seeing alot of white there I would love to have!!! Great pics, thamks for stopping in to visit! Tootles, Janna

  15. Oh my, the dress! It is gorgeous. Love all the pictures.


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