Monday, July 13, 2009

What I Rescued this Weekend, Monday

It's not that I don't like garage sales, it's just that I don't have much luck with them. I can be gone all morning and come home with a few pitiful finds. So I've just never been that "into" them. Jan can go and then come home with a truckload of quilts, ironstone and fabulous stuff, Me? not so much. But, this last weekend I did good. My sister had one, and of course I got to shop early. Yeah. She had some great stuff.
This cute little chair is embossed, but is pretty lightweight. It won't stand up to the "teenage boy" test. AND if you need a potty, I have a real winner. It's Alfred Meakin stamped with England and is in excellent condition. I'm thinking a cute little ivy peaking out would just be so quaint.

This was my car when I got home. FULL.

My sister makes great flower arrangements and this was a summer bundle
she did a few years ago. It hangs on the door with or without a basket.

The little wooden tray with a 40's fruit decal and the green picnic basket are evidence of my love of "cottage" goods. I love all the whites and creams and shabby, but I just can't resist a pop of that cottage vibe.

I rescued the little baker's rack from my own garage.
It looked too "new", so I gave it a "rust" finish, now it works.

I love wire "anything", so I can just see this filled with gourds, pumpkins and bittersweet for fall. BTW, Fall is my favorite time of year, so don't be surprised when September 1 rolls around and all my fall goodies come out. Can't help it, the cooler weather always invigorates me, and I seem to come alive.

This little dresser was in my nephew's room until last week, when he traded his bunk beds in for "grown up" furniture.
It's a little rough on top, but I haven't decided yet what to do with it. White, black or just be lazy and let someone else do the work.
(drawer pull is in one of the drawers)

This little French fashion print is just so sweet. The frame has a little damage,
but a once over with some gold "Rub n' buff" and it works.

Here are some old linens that are not perfect, but oh-so- sweet.
Tea towels, pillowcases and table runners.

detail on the tea towels

There were several "cocktail" aprons from the 50's, that were so hilarious...all tulle, net, and organdy. No help with dirty hands or spills...
just for the chic hostess factor!

This little vintage Battenburg lace number is one I kept for myself,
or I should say for "Irma".

She's wearing it now, as she holds the vintage jewelry that I make.
This is some of my stash.

Be sure and check out more "What I rescued this Weekend, Monday" at Sassafras Stuff.

Well, I'm off to the garage to work on pricing.
Where's my Big Gulp cup, and please turn on the fan!

Have a great Monday,
P.S. If this post turns out weird, it's because sometimes I think that Blogger has a mind of it's own and it will do whatever it darn well wants. No matter how many times you go back and try to fix it. Double spaces and deletes photos. So I'm warning you, it was one of those days. Sheesh.


  1. Hi Debra! So glad to see another "rescue" post! I'll do mine later today. I love the bakers rack....I have a thing for the fleur de lis! You had a great weekend of yardin'!

  2. This is so funny!!! Most of what I found this weekend was from my sister, Mary. It's been kind of a dry spell. I think it's too hot. What treasures you found. Wish I'd found them first -- just kidding!!!! I'll work Weds. so will bring your magazine. Have a great week. Jan

  3. Great scores- congrats!! Especially love the French print -well done I am crazy about yard sales!!

  4. You go with your bad self. Look at those finds. You did very well i'd say. Love the linens!

  5. Did you leave anything for her sale? Girl, you loaded up! I love all the white linens, but I must confess I have a secret vice for the net aprons and tablecloths from the 50's and 60". Those cocktail aprons just know me out. I have one with martini shakers on it in pink!!!

  6. I'm sitting here thinking you did quite well...pretty good haul, I'd say!

    You are right about has a mind of it's own. My hubbs constantly has to go into the HTML and fix my space/text/fonts. Messed up is an understatement!

    You have a sweet blog! I love it!


  7. Two words for you.....YOUR GOOD!!! Love it all,Chrissy

  8. The chair is my very most favorite. Lots of good stuff! I'm really liking your jewelry. Fun! ~Mindy


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