Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2011

Big Sale this Weekend

See all this great stuff?

Well, it's all at Relics Antique Mall
in Springfield, Missouri.

We're having a giant Mimosa Party,
and your invited!

And what's a "Mimosa Party" you might be asking...

Let's just saaaaay there's some champagne in the house...

And most dealers are having a sale.

These next pics are from my spaces.
First row west of the soon-to-be tea room.

it's all 30 % off!

See this darling round white coffee table,
 I nabbed at the Seed Box Open House?
yep, it's 30% off!

There are lot's of great booths.
Come check us out this weekend!

Relics Antique Mall
corner of Kansas Expressway and Battlefield Road,
right next to Grizzley's.

Have a great weekend everyone,
I'm feeling better!
love ya,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Sale at Spring Creek

It's still hot, but I'd dreaming of fall.
I'm already seeing glimpses of leaves changing
and the retail stores have out their fall merchandise.

So I'm having a
Summer Sale at Spring Creek.

Most pieces are 20% off and some have been discounted.

I have a lot of fun things for fall,

So let's make some room!

If you haven't been in this summer
come by for lunch,
enjoy the raspberry tea and chicken salad, in the tea room,

And shop the sale.

I have lots of fun cottage-y items
that are looking for a good home!

And be sure and scroll down to the last post to enter my
 Design Your Own Give Away

Think some cool fall thoughts!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Borrowing a Little Inspiration from a Friend

We had a few showers yesterday afternoon, and they were welcome relief from the dry spell and heat that we've been having. Upper 90's isn't normal for June here. With all the projects I've been doing inside, I've been behind in planting my flower pots and working outside.

I have a smallish deck outside the sunroom, since the sunroom was added on top of the deck probably 20 years ago. The kitchen window above the sink looks out onto the deck, so I enjoy having my "jungle" in view. Last year all my flowers were pink or white. This year I decided to add a little more color.

One of the trends here at the little satellite greenhouses, which are on every corner, is to mix plants for a real burst of color and texture. I have a lot of sun out on the deck, so I added million bells, zinnias, daisies, alyssum, vinca, and some others all together in some pots to really liven it up.

I have several of these old tin picnic baskets, (none of them in great condition) so I thought I'd use one to hold one of my variety plantings.

I want to show a little of the inspiration from a new friend, Sara, from Sweet Magnolias Farm in California, and then share it with you.

Sara and I made a connection after I started the blog for The Seed Box.
She emailed me and told me how she had previously lived in the area and knew Meloney and Brian,
and had purchased several pieces of furniture from them.

I've truly been amazed at how the blogging world, big as it is, can bring us together with connections from the past and then make connections as new friends.

So, if you don't know Sara, please do yourself a favor and visit her beautiful and inspiring blog, Sweet Magnolias Farm. She is part of a group of inspiring women that participate in an occasional sale called Chateau De Fleurs, held just this last weekend.

These are a few photos of her inspiration pieces.
She takes a variety of flowers and packs them in like
a bunch of sweet little babies in a crib!
Her container plantings are really unique and original.
Suitcases and boxes, all with embellishments that add to the fun.

You'll love all her show photos, of not only her own space,
but photos of all her creative gal pals, many of whom have blogs and
are familiar friends.

There's just something about live flowers
in all their glorious colors that lift the mood
and bring great joy to our everyday lives.

So run by and say Hi to Sara, browse through her last several posts and enjoy the photos of the most recent show. Then go meet her friends, see all their show photos and enjoy their blogs. Great way to spend an inspiring afternoon!

Oh, and take a look at this photo note card from Inspriational Home.
My inspiration for the pink watering can!

Just three more days...
if you haven't entered my Anniversary Give Away

The soon to be released book,
The French Inspired Home
by Carolyn Westbrook.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Friday, April 23, 2010

I Went to a Garden Party

The day started off with showers, but by the time we made it to
Brian and Meloney's wonderful home in Chadwick, Missouri,
the clouds were clearing and the sun was peeking out;
a perfect day for a Garden Party.

Recently Brian constructed the most wonderful Garden House
on their country property.
And this weekend they are having an Open House.

Their invitations read,

"We built it, Will you come?"

A brick path led to the garden house that meandered
through a quaint courtyard surrounded by a white picket fence.

Outside seating, statuary, whimsies, and plantings
all made for a magical experience.

Brian and Meloney are friends to so many people across the US, selling their wonderful vintage wares at the Texas Shows for many years now. Up until two years ago they had a brick and mortar store in Ozark, Missouri called

The Seed Box.

Brian is a great craftsman, and Meloney has the style and design experience that causes them to be everyone's favorites. They hold several Open Houses each year, and this was to introduce the new Garden House. They are widely known for their amazing vintage Garden and Architectural elements, that are showcased in their new Garden House.

Myself and Hayley from Nesting Notions.

You never know who you'll see...
 Pam, myself, Kenda, and Hayley,
all with booth spaces in the area.

For some amazing inspiration check out
 The Seed Box website,

And my post on their Christmas Open House last November.

"You have risen from the seeds you have sown."

This was just a teaser.
More next time on what's inside,
And a tour of Brian and Meloney's wonderful home.

What a really wonderful day!