Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Give Away with Nancy

If you've read Nancy's Daily Dish for long, you know she's not just about Transferware. Nancy decorates in a French Country and English Country mix that I really adore. The kitchen truly is the heart of Nancy's home.

She's a wonderful cook, 
and oftentimes her family are her endearing assistants.

She has everything "transferware" that I love, 
and knows how to style it!

Two of my favorite posts have been Garden related themes in tablescapes

She knows how to use wonderful vintage elements
to create a one of a kind tablescape.

And Nancy know's how to transform a home into a beautiful and comfortable retreat. She's not afraid of using pattern and color to create her own individual style. Below is her wonderful sitting area of the Master Bedroom.

Nancy's Etsy Shop is filled to overflowing 
with every type of transferware imaginable!
Go take a peek, then come back to tell me what you'd love to have.

If you aren't yet a follower of Nancy and I please join us.
Now go have fun planning how you would use your $50.00 Gift Certificate,
then come back over here and leave that comment!
Super easy to enter!
If you'd like extra entries you can blog about this Give Away
(just leave an extra comment for each.)

Nancy is also sharing a discount code with my readers
COMMONGROUND for an automatic 15% off.

and if you haven't joined in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
just scroll down to the next post!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Celebrate Rhoda's 5 Year Anniversary with a Give Away

One of Blogland's favorite gals, Rhoda from Southern Hospitality,
is celebrating her 5 Year Anniversary this week.
She has graciously included my Etsy Shop,
 and one of your choice of my pendants as a Give Away.

These photos were taken last year,
but since they are a Valentine theme,
I thought I'd share them again.

I have the adorable Valentine charms again this year.

The Petite Boutique is loaded with goodies...

So run by Rhoda's and congratulate her,

and join the Give Away here!

I'll be having a 10 % off sale until Valentine's Day
just use the coupon code CGETSY10 at checkout.


Monday, December 12, 2011

"Ho Ho Ho", we have a winner!

Thanks everyone who participated in the Christmas Blogger Block Party! There was a record turnout in entries for Vintage Inspiration Friday. I'm still going thru the links of all the great posts. You all just amaze me at all the wonderful  "stuff", displays, and inspiration out here in blogland! And extra fun because it's vintage Christmas!!

This little gal is the Give Away for entering
and she's going to  Cheryl from Zany Mayd!

Here's a photo from her blog post about this wonderful vintage look Santa she has created. He's available at her Etsy Shop now. Cheryl is such a talented artist, be sure and check out all that she has in this fun Christmas package.

Thanks for sharing the inspiration, Cheryl, and thanks for being such a long time friend and supporter of Common Ground and Vintage Inspiration Friday!

Hope you can join in this week,
we're still sharing the fun this Christmas Season!

lot's of Christmas hugs,

Friday, November 11, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 63: All Things French Give Away

Are you wondering what has inspired me this last week? Well, you all are my inspiration over and over. Because of that I'd love to thank each one of you personally for being here with me this last two years. Just know that I read each of your comments, laugh with you, cry with you, and hold you dear. I'd love to have a big party where we could all get together and hug, laugh, sit and talk, (and oh yeah, eat...)but since I can't, I just want to say a heartfelt thank you, and share a few things "French" for this celebration!

(I'd love you to grab the button on the sidebar!)

So, here are a few things going into the Give Away package;
a gorgeous handmade French pillow from Jolie Marche.

Some wonderful  gift products and a French Lavender bundle 
from L'Occitane. 

And one of my signature pendants with 
a little "frenchiness".

All for one of you sweet followers out there. 
And since this is to celebrate my followers and supporters,
To enter, I'm asking that you either "follow" by google or email.

Two chances to win,
let me know you're a follower,
(On this post only)
and on a seperate comment let me know if you've
blogged in a post and/or have my button on my sidebar.
cause there's a special little gift for one of you who do...

A super cute bag from Carol at the Polka Dot Closet

Thanks so much, everyone!

Now onto last week's links...

And speaking of...
Carol from the Polka Dot Closet,
here are her adorable no-sew market bags.

Brenda at Cozy Little House has a new Little Blue House.
Drop by and be inspired by her "moving" story!

Camelot Art Creations amazed me with her wonderful
desk adorned with French script.

Kathleen who we all know and love from  Faded Charm Cottage, 
has been inspiring us for two years with White Wednesday.
Come take a peek at her wonderful Christmas window
 at Monticello Antiques.

Julie from Saltbox Treasures shares her wonderful vintage ornaments 
with graphics, you'll want to see all of them.

My "sis" in the blogging world Anne, from Fiona and Twig
has just been published in this edition of Artful Blogging Magazine.
If you haven't read her touching article then you'll want to be sure and
enter her Give Away here

Hope you'll join in for the party!
Please have a link within your blog post.

lot's of love,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Romantic French Style Winner

Before I announce the winner
 I want to sincerely thank each one of you who entered.
And a special thank you for the ones who went the extra mile
by blogging about it and placing my button on your sidebar.
I appreciate you all so much.

There aren't enough hours in the day
 to thank each one of you individually,
for participating in and making a success of
Vintage Inspiration Friday.
So I hope you know how grateful I am for your friendship and support!

My two go-to books for Romantic Style
and a pendant necklace from me...

Goes to Laurie from Heaven's Walk!
(Love Laurie and her wonderful style)

And you know, Fall is my favorite time of the year,
so be watching for some Fall themed
Vintage Inspiration Fridays
where we'll be linking up mantles, porches, tablescapes
and more fun than you can shake a big fat pumpkin at!

group hugs,

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still time to enter the Give Away!

The Romantic French Style Give Away
closes tonight at midnight
So you still have time to enter,

Just click HERE!

I have a big project for this weekend,
so keep your fingers crossed!
Hope to share it later!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fall Changes in the Dining Room

A couple of weeks ago
I shared my inspiration French ticking
and the fabric I found to make a table runner.

Well, I finished the tablerunner and made two accent pillows,
and I'm really lovin' the change!

I arranged my French iron basket on the table
with some wonderful sunflowers
and now I'm on my way for Fall.
Oh yeah, my absolute favorite time of the year!

and just a peek of one of my favorite old prints,
The Gleaners
 on the wall in the background.

Here's one of my decorating assistants.
She's such a huge help,
can you tell...?
she's dusting.

There's still time to enter the
Romantic French Style Give Away
just click HERE

I'm joining in today with

and these other great parties,
(links on the buttons on the sidebar)

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend,
and that you survived Irene,
all you out on the East Coast,
our prayers are with you.
