Saturday, January 9, 2010

Honey, I'm cold...

I just read Cindy's latest post at the Yapping Cat, and then with me having a cat on me every time I sit down here at the computer, I thought I'd share this with you. Anne at Fiona and Twig sent me to this website as we are both cat lovers and have fur-kids that must have been separated at birth.

It's been pretty cold around here and this is the result.
Click here to laugh your socks off,
but only if you are an animal lover!

And no, that's NOT me!

calling all kitties...


  1. Cute picture! Nothing wrong with staying warm however possible:) Have a blessed day!

  2. you crack me up ... a good read on a cold Saturday morn

  3. I can RELATE!! I have four sweet kitty cats and they have to be right beside me when I sit down on the couch AND on me!! Don't know what I would do without them!

    Stay warm!

    Lou Cinda

  4. That's too funny! Have a great (warm) weekend! ~ Theresa

  5. That picture made me smile. Thank you for sharing.

  6. That did make me LOL. My kitties have been banished from our bed, but seem to find the down comforter on the Guest Room bed oh so comforting ( and warm).u

  7. Funny! We only have one cat. His nose is out of whack since the Bug moved in last year. He will not come out of the the basement. Lucky for him we have a walkout so he has windows and french doors to look out. He mostly resides in hubby's den/t.v. room where we keep his food and water. But he likes to lay around on hubby's train table he has been building downstairs and he get hair all over it. Does not endure him to hubs.

  8. LOL! I love it. And it should come as no surprise that Cheezeburger is one of my favorite sites to hit as well. :D



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