Friday, January 15, 2010


There is something about the start of a new year that invariably sparks change and new growth in me. Sometimes I don't recognize it right away. It may take a few weeks until it settles in me.
Since I have been blogging this last 6 months, I've learned alot about myself. A blog is the best form of a "diary" for me, because it allows me to not only chronicle my life with photos of what and where I am, but it gives me the opportunity to share my heart with others.

It's like a magnifying mirror held up in front of me so that I can reflect on my life and thoughts. And in the sharing of it all, you will see the "real me".That's what happens with a magnifying mirror. We see the good and the "not so good". When I look in the mirror I see not only physical change, but emotional and spiritual change. This last 6 months has been a journey to connect back with the person I used to be. Or maybe just the person I need to be.

Peace in heart and mind has slowly come back to me. Concentrating on my health has caused me to concentrate more on God and what He wants for my life. I've been through a lot of ups and downs in my life, sometimes feeling "stagnant". I'm realizing that "growth" for me doesn't necessarily equal "excitement".

When I started this blog I had a desire to be interesting and "entertaining". But I have realized that at this time in my life, I'm short on entertainment value. In the past I was a "project" person. Furniture, art, creating... but now I'm concentrating on "being".

My desire is to share and communicate. Not trying to live up to my past expectations of myself, is a freeing idea. I am "me".  So, while I am not out junking as much or decorating a flea market space with the fervor I once had, hopefully when I post, it will be about what I'm thinking, doing, feeling...about me as a person.

Hope that's not boring. Maybe not sheer entertainment, but not boring either.I have realized in this time spent blogging that while I can drool over a chippy white cabinet, or linger over vintage linens and ephemera, that what constitutes a blog that I will come back to over and over, is one where I see the individual person there. I see the real person behind the blog. Not really behind it, but "infused" in it.

Sometimes I have felt like "apologizing" that my blog is about "me".
 But I'm getting over it.

If you'd be interested in sharing my journey with God;
 If you would love to connect with others
who are sharing their own thoughts and feelings,
drop by the Bible Study Blog on my sidebar,

I'm posting there everyday.

I'm not going anywhere, and I will still force you to look at my sunroom and white sideboard with all my vintage goodies and minutia. Guess today I just needed to "talk".



  1. spot on, my dear ... I just learned a valuable lesson

  2. Hello Debra, I love this post... my favorite blogs are the ones where I truly feel like I am getting to know the person... not just see fancy photos and expensive finds... not that those aren't nice to see now and then, but I too am trying to post about day~to~day things that make me happy... my blog is written by me for me and with the hope that others find it somewhat enjoyable too! Love your sunroom! xoxo Julie Marie

  3. Oh - your sun room rocks but you my dear Debra are funny and entertaining and perfectly PERFECT at being YOU! It's YOU I adore!!! And the cat... I like your cat.

    ;-) Keep on talkin'...
    much love
    robelyn (or robby lynn JUST for you!!!)

  4. Great, hearfelt 'real' post. That is the best thing about blogging. We can all just be ourselves and we are accepted. I have met some of the nicest people through blogging and everyone is different and yet so absolutely wonderful - including you. Thank you for being you. I for one wouldn't want it any other way:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintag vixens

  5. This makes lots of sense. I'm one of those crazy ones who love reading peoples thoughts so keep on writing them down and I'll keep on reading them. Jan

  6. Debra, This is so true. I feel the same. I do love to see decorated spaces and tutorials but the people I really connect with are the ones who are themselves. It makes us know we are not alone. I love projects but I also am at a place right now that I just don't have the energy or desire to keep up with it all. Keep posting your thoughts and know you are not alone. Hugs, Pam

  7. Great post Debra. It's OK to just want to talk. I love talking. And I love getting to know the real you. I enjoy getting to know people through their blogs. It lets me know that none of us are perfect. I love the bloggers who can admit to their imperfections. Makes them more human & makes me feel normal. So for me, I won't mind if you just want to talk sometimes. But I still do love seeing your stuff.

  8. You have a wonderful way with words and a special way of sharing from your heart. I so enjoy visiting your little corner of the world, even if you say nothing at all. Your photos speak of a beautiful and well-lived life of love, peace and happiness. Blessings to you for a most wonderful day. Tammy

  9. Hey Debra. You've become such an important part of my life. From looking forward to the bible studies to Common Ground to talking to you on the phone. I can't believe where blog land has taken me. I only start about six months ago in July of '09. Before that I had no idea what blogging was and really couldn't understand the concept. Boy do I wake up fast once I got involved. It's been such a blessing. I know am enjoying commeraderie with so many lovely ladies, and even more important a way to study the word with others.

    Oh I'm like everyone else loving the crafts, the beautiful homes and all the pretties but it's so nice to get past all that and get to know the real people. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to me. Thanks for encouraging my growth. I look forward to growing with you as a prayer partner and a friend!!! God bless you.
    Warm Winter Hugs, Tracy :)

  10. Debra amor, I loved this be honest when I found your blog, I thought it was lovely, seeing all the beauiful pictures definately caught my eye...but reading your posts and learning about you is what kept me coming back...My Ita (grandma) used to say to me when I was younger and felt like such an ugly duckling..." Amor,Beauty is wonderful, it will make your heart skip a beat and can make you feel breathless...but after a awhile... even beauty gets tired and fades...It is then that you realize you want something with more sustance to hold your heart for the duration of this lifetime." I never understood that when I was younger..I just a few years ago started too..I guess I am a late learner...but it has been a great lesson. Thank you for sharing YOUR BEAUTY..Besos, Rose

  11. Hey honey . I for one feel 'found' again now that I have my own voice in Blogistan once more. I am a big gardener and I can't help but see the growth of a flower from seed to seedling to full-on bloom and on and on. We are those flowers. We must continue to nurture and prune to keep the flowers coming. So the bees, butterflies , hummingbirds and others stop and take on the beauty . The process is such miracle.
    You keep on tending your garden. It is beautiful as are you. xo

  12. Hi Debra, I guess this is the day to express ones feelings. I did the same and I am just getting started. I am so happy it is a New Year. So much to look forward to. I really enjoyed your post...julie

  13. I am so happy to listen to you talk. And I am also glad you will continue to show us pretty pictures of your life. When I started blogging I only planned on showing some finished crafts and joining some crafting challenges. Now I just post a hodgepodge of things I feel like sharing and some of my creating. I think I enjoy the friends I have made more than anything.

  14. Nothing wrong with needing to talk:) AND nothing boring or UN-interesting about your post-ever! I love each and every word and we all have days that we talk about something fun and entertaining. Other days we need to reflect on health or family. Love to you and your family! Hugs from Georgia!

  15. Hmmmm...... certainly gain some insight here. Thanks Debra! Blessings.

  16. Debra, thanks for the way you talk and share.
    Refreshingly delightful! Sandy

  17. Hi Debra,

    Not sure how often you go to the Dollar Tree store, but right now, they have some really really cute lamp figurines that you might just love! I bought some of the birds.

    Just thought I would pass that along!


  18. Debra, I can't imagine you not being YOU! Just keep doing what you are works!

  19. I LOVE this post. Reading people's thoughts makes the pretty pictures even prettier. :-) Please keep thinking and please keep talking.


  20. What a wonderful post! I have found your blog (and you) to be interesting and honest from the first time that I visited. I am sure that 2010 will bring much blogging bliss for all of us! Thank you for being YOU!

  21. Bingo and Ditto... I am in the mood to all you want.

  22. I love this post! you are so right about finding you. God is most important and is always first in our family. I would love to join your bible study blog. God speed and keep true to you. Its wonderful and refreshing.lulu

  23. Debra dear,
    Growth is never boring! Everyone should strive to grow each and every day. It is so easy to get over consumed with mundane things in life that we all tend to forget to re-center ourselves and check the growth map...This was a lovely and meaningful post.! Have such a great day

  24. You talked...I listened. I (one among many, obviously) can totally identify with the growth that blogging produces in us. We're not always entertaining, but as we grow, the need to entertain is overcome by the call to authenticity and excellence. When you hear "the call" you just have to go there!

  25. Oh Debra, you've said everything that I've wanted to say but didn't have the words to! I just love that you poured out your heart and were so honest and real. That's what I love about you, you are just genuine and honest! Hope you had a great Saturday!

  26. Debra
    I sooo needed to read this today!! God bless you and your sweet heart for sharing!!!

    Love & hugs your friend

  27. I enjoyed hearing what's on your mind Debra. I think that personal connection is exactly what makes these types of blogs so popular. If we weren't looking to connect we'd all still be browsing magazines, searching e-bay or counting stars at over at hgtv. I think decorating our homes is very personal so it makes sense our blogs will be too.

  28. Just re - read my post, and I meant to say LAMB figurines, not lamp. Sorry!

  29. My gosh Debra...I've missed you! I left on a fun ship and came back to catch up on my reading here...I really love my visits with you. I totally feel the same as I love a blog that's REAL. If you only knew how much you have inspired me, comforted me, surprised me, made me laugh, & {sometimes} made me cry...and I've enjoyed every minute of it!!!! {That's why I just keep coming back} :)))
    This just feels like...HOME
    {and I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way about you!}

    Thank YOU~
    everything vintage


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