Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer candlelight

the ones that care about what's happening to me in life, and that I don't have to "entertain" and impress. Thank you, to all of you who care about the person behind the blog, and that realize that sometimes,  "Life Happens", and it's not always about pretty pictures, lovely houses, and the latest and greatest. (although, we all still love that too!)

Before I tell you about my week, I want to tell you about these wonderful (I have two) little beeswax candles that I ordered along with a bee skep for my baker's rack. I had been feeling pretty down and these were waiting for me when we arrived home. I'll share the bee skep soon, but thought this little vintage floral saucer said "Summer" right along with a sheet of vine-y greens from my wallpaper sample books. 

(gosh, I love wallpaper, but get tired of one particular pattern too soon)

 The order contained this little tied herb bundle 
and some cinnamon wax melts. 

I have two sets of these cups and saucers,
 but the other's must be packed away...somewhere.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Daisy Botanical in the Entry

Just checking in to say Hello, as this may possibly be my last post for awhile. We leave early next week for my appointment with my new cardiologist. After all this waiting, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about it all. I've spent all week checking to make sure all my records have been transferred from three different sources, and it doesn't help the situation for calm when one of them keeps giving me the run around and putting me off... not surprised, it's their usual.

Getting the house listed and all the little details have about done me in. We've been trying to finish up, but now that Summer is here the garage has turned into an oven. My poor hubby tries to do things after work, but it's still too hot. Honestly, we're too old for this...word to the wise, downsize and get your junk dealt with before you are too sick or tired to mess with it. You AND your kids will be thankful. Do I sound tired and grumpy?

Time for a change in the Entry this week. I had a couple of raw canvases that I'd brought home with me from the other house. I love their natural oatmeal-y linen look with tattered edges and nails. I thought a botanical of daisies looked perfect attached to the front. 

Speaking of daisies, I had planted Becky Shasta Daisies and Black Eyed Susans several years ago and have babied and babied them, but they've been slow to get growing...until now. Now there is a profusion of them, just getting ready to bloom. Hope I can enjoy them just a little.

Google Images

We've had quite a few house lookers, so hope good news will be soon.
We're ready to move on to the next chapter in life.
Feels like we've been stuck in this one for a little too long.

My little heart topiary needs to be trimmed up,
 but I'm enjoying the wild look.

Little birdie is back on his bookstack.

 Yep, definitely needs a trim.

That's some good ol natural patina there on this clay pot.
just can't replicate that.

I'll try to check back in next week and let you all know what's going on. This has been a hard week, as I'm having some fun new heart related symptoms that have kept me in bed most of the week. I know this is just a "season" that God is allowing me to walk through, but it's hard nonetheless. I've missed the last year of my life feeling like doggy doo, (see...I still have a sense of humor) and I'm ready for whatever it takes to get well and get this behind me. 

Thank God for a husband that is my best friend.
He has a lot on his plate right now.

Almost forgot...this week is my 5 year blogging anniversary.

Keep up the good thoughts and prayers, I wish I could get back with each of you individually, and give you a big hug and squeeze. You all mean so much to me, and I'm super grateful for you all being there. I've been trying to keep up with your blogs, even though I haven't left comments...I've still been there. OK, this is sounding pretty pitiful, so I'll you guys, talk soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Framed Bathroom Mirror

Hi Everyone! Well, we're down to the last couple of weekends, and we will be listing our house with the Realtor this evening. To say we are glad all the work is almost over is beyond an understatement. We've had to be working on this house every weekend for the last six months, and we're so pleased at how it's turned out. We've invested lot's of money in updates, and extras to hopefully give us an edge in the market. Home sales in our area have finally turned around, and last month was the highest volume of homes sold in the last quite a few years. Not only sold, but prices are rebounding, so good news for us as sellers!

Hall Bath Makeover February 2012

We still won't recover all the money we paid for it back in 2003, (highest prices in forever) and on top of that we've put over $25,000 into it in updates. But it's still much better than it would have been even a couple of years ago. We lived with some issues that we should have tackled over the years. But you know how it're busy, and all the little things and repairs take a back seat to the more important things in life.

When we moved in I was pretty unhappy with the condition of the mirrors in a couple of the bathrooms. We had removed one humongous wall mirror over the bar, only to have problems with covering up the mega holes, torn wallboard, and gouges. So we just lived with the mirrors. Problem was that over the years, splashed water and humidity had caused the silver to disintegrate on the outer edges of the mirrors. Now, I love that look on antique mirrors, but in an updated bath?...not so much.

So we explored options for removing, covering up, repairing etc, and during one of my "Google-ing" sessions read this blog post from Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality. She had successfully "framed" a few of her bathroom mirrors for a very modest investment, and a little elbow grease.

We found our MDF white molding at Lowes in the 2 and 1/2 inch size, and some corner rosettes that we needed to paint white to match. I had to do a light coat of white trim paint to cover up some problems that taping caused, but we love how they turned out. 

Rhoda used a glue gun, but we had some of this DAP Sealant that worked perfectly. We just put some masking tape up for 24 hours to make sure it held.

We started at the bottom and worked our way to the top of the mirror.

Sorry I can't get a good photo. This was at night and no natural light.

So thank you Rhoda! we followed her instructions and found a wonderful "fix" 
on something that definitely had had us scratching our heads for all these years.

love it!!!

If you want complete instructions,
 please check out Rhoda's great DIY post for the details.

Hopefully, I'll get the "after" shots. and the listing on the house soon to share them with you all. Thanks so very much for all your encouragement and prayers while we've been going through this. Now please just pray for a quick sale. We're heading to St. Louis for my doctor's appointments soon, and we need to focus on whatever is waiting for me there.

joining in at these get-togethers:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sunroom Ideas for the New House

We've been busy packing and cleaning and updating this last six months at our old house, but I've needed to allow myself some "dream" time to think and gather some inspiration for what I'd like in our next home. I loved my little sunporch; it was a place I expressed myself and had fun. It was a place I could play and decorate and change up for whatever holiday and when the mood would strike. Color and pattern and lots of vintage goodies made it my own special play room.

May 2013

(Following images can be found on my Pinterest boards,

I know that I'd love to have a bigger space in this next house, but it needs to be a sunroom. Not just a porch. It was often too cold in the winter months to fully enjoy it, so I really want this new space to be part of the house, and hopefully right off the kitchen like before.

These are inspiration pics of what I'd like to do with the shape of the room and the planked walls. I love the look of an old home, maybe added on to over time, and think that the "cathedral" or arched ceiling with planks and beams would be perfect for that vintage vibe. My first love has always been vintage garden goods, so I thought it would be fun to have the sunroom also have the look of a potting or garden shed. 

LOVE those beams! These pics are just to get an idea of the ceiling and walls. I want a white or neutral backdrop for all the vintage pieces and elements to show.

This sunroom space would serve as a sitting room,
 and a place to relax and watch tv or read.

But I want it to be rustic and garden-y, too.
And of course a chandelier or two would be perfect.

with a set of French Doors.

A cupboard for pots and vintage garden goodies...

I always love Kathleen's wonderful inspiration!

A place to display old garden tools...

  I'm the biggest fan of Mary's wonderful Potting Shed.

I love all the light in this wonderful greenhouse,
but wouldn't want glass roofing...
not with the hail we get in this part of the country.

and I'm hoping there's a way to include a brick or stone floor...
or maybe just a "look alike".

This may be where my big armoire in the kitchen ends up,

if so, I'd love to paint it a weathered gray.

My favorite wicker pieces from the old sunporch would be there, 
and I want to find a white slipcovered loveseat for more seating.

and make room for my potting table...

then put my little window conservatory on top.

OK, just sharing a few ideas that are rattling around in my head.
We haven't made any solid plans as yet, but it's not too soon to start dreaming.

Hope you all are having a great week...
We're making real progress at the home front.
We worked on the two decks last weekend, painting and repairs...
I only have one word for that...

I'll be joining in on these parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
