Sunday, October 29, 2017

Little Black Cat

Happy Last Weekend of October, Friends! I've been meaning to do this for awhile and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to our newest member of the family. We've had her for a few months, but she had to have surgery (for a tumor on her leg) and then she was a little embarrassed about her looks because of it. So I'm just now getting around to introductions.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dressing up a Metal Basket for Thanksgiving

When you are in the biz of having a space at a Vintage or Flea Market it's just inevitable that you will end up with a few pieces that are a big head scratcher. Why did I spend real money on this? (even if it's just a few dollars) Will anyone else see any potential for this item? Do I just chuck it, or hang on to it until inspiration grabs me by the collar and forces me to make a little effort?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fanciful and Fun Fall Fotos, er (Photos)

Hi Friends, one of my favorite ways to find a little fun vintage inspiration is to visit all the Fall Open Houses of our amazing shopping spots here in the area. I was going back through some of my photos from the last at least 7 years and found a few of my faves. No words, just pics of a few of the many fun outings I've had during Fall. You know you can double click on the photo to biggify. Hope you enjoy...

Friday, October 20, 2017

Hoo's in the October Entry?

I think you all know how much I love Fall and look forward to it all year. I wait all year for the crisp air, brilliant blue skies, and kaleidoscope of Fall foliage. So many of us have fond memories of "Trick or Treating" when we were kids. Even though we might not "celebrate" Halloween, we still enjoy the fun and nostalgia of vintage ephemera, Jack-O-Lanterns, costumes, and decorations from our young years.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Welcome to my un"Official" Fall Home Tour

Hi Friends, this is a post from our previous home in 2017. We may no longer live there but it's still one of my favorite Fall "Home Tours". 

I think I have all the photos together now to put together my annual Fall Home Tour that I will keep on the sidebar for the rest of the season. Each year, I like to bring all the Fall Decor into one post to remind myself how I decorated that year. So I'll keep the words to a minimum and let you look around. Welcome!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vintage Basket Refresh for Fall

Last week I shared an old basket that I found on my latest vintage market shopping excursion, but I wasn't sure what I would do with the sad state of the finish on it. I thought about just painting it with a gray wash of chalk paint, but I really didn't want to mess with the original patina too much. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Finally... the Fall Front Porch

I was beginning to wonder if I was EVER going to get things together enough out here on the front porch to actually get a few pics taken, and call it a "post". I had my mums out and planted by the first week of September, found some fun pumpkins at the farmer's market down the road, and even had my door basket decked out for Fall with some new brown plaid ribbon. And then the unthinkable happened...

Friday, October 6, 2017

October Fireplace and Mantel

 Hi Everyone, Happy October! This is my favorite month of the year... I can't believe that I didn't come jumping smack dab in your face to announce it! Well, yes, I can... this has been a long week already; more to that later. First I want to share my little owl friends that I've had for several years. They are excited to be back taking center stage on the mantel.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kitchen and Sitting Area Fall Home Tour

I think I've shared the rest of the house last week on two Fall Tours, so today I have some pics of my Kitchen and the little Sitting Area that adjoins it. It's my favorite place to decorate for the seasons, and I seem to spend most of my time here, so come on in!