Monday, January 11, 2010

Adieu, doux ami

I am not a big dessert eater.
I love a piece of cake, or pie like the next person,
but I don't keep it around the house.
I don't eat dessert on a daily basis.

But this Christmas my St. Louis kids
 gave me a little box of chocolates.
They're not big candy eaters either,
 but were just celebrating the joy of giving goodies.

Who would know what lurked inside
this plain brown box.

4 chocolate truffles,
(with sea salt)
that were as delicious as anything I'd ever tasted.

I have a lot of willpower in some things.
Candy is one of them.
Once I opened this little jewel I made the decision
that I couldn't overdo it.

Two bites a day.

That's all.


But now they are gone,
And like a friend who has moved.
I miss them.

Good thing there isn't one of these close by.

What kind of candy is YOUR favorite?
And do you indulge,
or ration it?

Goodbye, "sweet" friend.



  1. I am trying to stay away from candy right now and other things I should not have.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. I tasted every single bit WITH you! I don't even want to write the name of my favorite candy! I applaud your self-control!

  3. Hi Debra
    What a sweet post :)
    I can usually resist candy...and I so like chocolate but I have rules, it has to be dark and full of nuts any thing else doesn't interest me. Oh and do I have decipline to eat one or two bites...NO that would be my sister. As kids she would have a bar and take little bites and save it not I. All in the mouth all at once and then I can forget it :)
    Have a wonderful week

  4. Debra...your self control is a wonder. Chocolate and I are best friends and I HAVE to have a piece daily, lol. I try to keep it to the antioxident-rich dark chocolates but in a pinch, most any chocolate will do :)

    Warm Wishes!

  5. I could run over to N.M. and ship you some more ....

    I can imagine every bite ... I, too can be happy with a bite or two.

  6. Cellas chocolate covered cherries:) YUM! I got a lot of those for Christmas. I keep them in the refrigerator and have only eaten about 5. Willpower, yep! Don't want to eat too many! Yours looked delish! Have a sweet day!

  7. What kind of candy is my favorite? Most. Any. All.

    Neiman Marcus, eh? Hm, there is one 1/2 hour away. . . . Cass

  8. Hi Debra... oooh those look (looked) yummy! I would have had them ALL gone in about a minute flat... My favorite little saying is "I could give up chocolate, but I'm not a quitter"... tee hee hee... xoxo Julie Marie

  9. two little bites of chocolate...with a little red wine. My big endulgance...

  10. Yummmm....
    I don't know as I have a favorite candy. Although anything chocolate is always a winner.
    I don't eat it much anymore but am grateful that you allowed us to share yours with you!

  11. I used to be passionate about chocolate, but my cravings switched to chicken, seafood and potatoes. Thank you God! Really, I was headed towards the biggest waistline this side of the Hudson river. Losing one pound a day this past week, which is very exciting. I can't wait to be skinny! Should happen in another month or two.

  12. Debra,
    I'm like you I don't keep sweets around..if they're there I will eat them. Hubby actually has a French Chocolatier that makes the most awesome French truffles for some of the events that we do. The "leftover" used to come home..but then I gained 10 pounds! I have now lost that ever so hard lbs and no leftovers are allowed home any more! I miss them sometimes, but not the weight gain! Have a great day Debra.

  13. I bet you could order some. HAHA I love a butterfinger candy bar. Not often. Just one or two a year. Any more, and you don't appreciate the yummy good taste!

  14. My favorite candy is Fritos. I'm a salt fanatic. And I have a Neiman's close by. Holler if you need a fix. he he ~Mindy

  15. Oh, my friend...I can't wait til later this week when I can have ANY chocolate! I especially love Marshall Fields Frango Mints (now only available - thankfully - from Macy's now that Marshall Fields is closed). Sooooo good! The kids send me a box at Christmas time every year...and this year's box is already gone ;-( In my defense, I wasn't the only one dipping into the box!

    PS. Thank you for your sweet email. You were right. All things were related. All will be resolved in the next couple of days. All your prayers are appreciated. xoxo D

  16. My mom can make a candy bar last a whole week by just taking a sliver a day. :) Those chocolates sound divine. I love dark chocolate -- milk chocolate does nothing for me anymore. One piece a day with some green tea is my dessert -- usually quiet time at the end of the day when the boys have gone to bed. Wishing you a warm and wonderful day! :) Tammy

  17. I'm a real cheap date, I love M&Ms, Hershey's kisses, Reese's PB get my drift? No fany, frou-frou chocolate for this gal, nope.

    I had to chuckle at Mindy's comment. Truth be told, my favorite candy is Flaming Hot Cheeto's!


  18. Annaclaires Those are very favorite of all time! The good thing is they are now hard to find. That is also the bad thing too! Wish I had your will power. I am a BIG
    sweet-tooth-a-holic! Really enjoy your posts!
    smiles, alice

  19. I love dark chocolate. The darker the better... up to 80%. My hubby and I will share a bar about once a week.

  20. EEEWWWW what a sweet post Debra. Boy a lot of ya'll seem to have amazing willpower. That's something that is another weak point for me. Chocolate has always been my love. I am especially fond of Godiva chocolates. When Ty was a little boy you could go to this one dept store and by it by the piece. Every time we went to the mall we would buy 2 pieces of it. It was our little luxury.

    Now I only get Godiva's on very special occasions but my other love is lindts chocolate. For a while I could do 1 piece a day ~ every day and that was fine. But now, it's completely out of control. Instead of one truffle it's more like one half a of candybar. My pants have noticed....

    Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. I sent you an email a couple of days ago. Did you get it or was it like I said...Sensory overload. xxooo

  21. Oh yea' I just love the new blog header and background. So you ~ so pretty.

  22. Hi Debra...hope you had a wonderful Christmas & new year's! I'm gonna lead you into the path of temptation by telling you that caramels w/ sea salt are amazing also. ;o)

    Your silver boxes in your previous post are gorgeous!!!!

  23. Neimans has online shopping :))))) They will ship anything right to your door..hehe....for me it is pastry....add almond paste to it and it is gone in a day......I just don't believe in self is just self inflicted torture...:) xojana

  24. cute is that? Chocolate with sea salt eh? Sounds interesting. And would make sense I guess...a little salt to cut the sweet maybe. For me...I'm easy to please...give me a Snickers or an Almond Joy and I'm a pretty happy camper. :D

    yapping cat


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