Monday, January 4, 2010

For every thing there is a season

I buy my calendars for the New Year, usually in the fall. I love picking them out, and then waiting for the day I take the old one down and put up the new one. I have said before how much I love the change of seasons. They give me something new to look forward to. I love them all. To me they have not only physical beauty in their differences, but also it is a time mentally and spiritually to think of "change".

Spring is about new life and revival
Summer is about enjoying the growth
Fall is for bringing in the harvest
Winter is for quiet, rest and contemplation

This is my calendar in the kitchen by Marjolein Bastin. I so enjoy her endearing artwork of animals and nature. Each month I look forward to see what she has painted from her own home in The Netherlands.

As I put it up recently I paid special attention
 to the quote for January.

"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
William Blake 

It reminded me of the verses from Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven
A time to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up. 
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing.
A time to search, and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep, and a time to throw away.
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; A time to be silent, and a time to speak. 
A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.

God provides the seasons. Each one is new and different. I need to learn and be mindful that each season is there for a purpose, a time to learn and grow, to experience life and His Presence. I want to be fully in the moment whatever He sends my way. To embrace the days He has for me.
I used to "grade" myself on productivity. Did I get accomplished what I needed to for the day? Did I waste my time? Lately I have had a shift in thinking. Live the day for what it is... meet it fully and learn from it.
To live my life for what it is, each and every day.

These pictures of the snow were taken
Sunday afternoon out my windows...

I love to feed the birds and squirrels, and an occasional possum, rabbit, and raccoon. Look at the tracks. There are all varieties.

These two evergreen trees in the back yard of our neighbor's are home to dozens of varieties of birds. Seeing them active on a day like this is wonderful.

This is a view out my front door. I have mentioned that we live right on the edge of the city and across the street is a wildlife and nature area with a large lake. The preserve is several miles wide and probably over one mile deep. Deer are protected and flourish there. They visit frequently to dine on my hydrangeas.

So this is what we saw Friday as we sat in the kitchen. Looking out the front door here also, I used my zoom lens to get a better picture of our little friends.

At one point we counted nine deer at one time.

So, I'm enjoying the Season. Winter can be a lonely and depressing time for some, but not for me. I always look forward to those days inside. For me it is a time to "regroup", to contemplate life, and to be thankful.

Enjoy whatever "season" you are in.



  1. Sweet post dear Debra! I really enjoyed the snow picture. We are expecting a little snow here in Georgia. But it won't be like yours for sure! Have a blessed day and thanks for the "Season" scripture:) We all need to enjoy the day, wherever we are, whatever the weather!Hugs from Georgia!

  2. Good morning Debra.

    Oh such wise words today. I too have a tendency to grade my days. The nice thing about an icy winter storm is that you absolutely have to let go and just let the day be what it is. I've enjoyed this icy snowy storm we've had here in okc.

    We also feed all the critters in our backyard. We have cardinals, bluejays, and lots of other birds..rabbits, opossums, deer, and the dreaded coyotes. They are all hungry this time of year. We don't actually feed the coyotes but we do see them ocasionally.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful images this morning, Debra. What a lovely neighborhood you have.

  4. A lovely post! How fortunate you are to be able to see such beautiful creatures right out your front door!

  5. You have a beautiful view, I love the deer. I am looking forward the the New Year and your Bible Study. Good morning I have to go and study the word now. Blessings, sandi

  6. Hi Debra, you live in a very beautiful place, and having a lake is a great gift!!! I would cry if the deers eat my hydrangeas, as I cry for all the rabbits around my garden eating everything!!! I love what you think about seasons and it helps me a lot to cope with winter time.
    Hope your garden goes well through all that snow.
    Muchos cariños,
    Maria Cecilia

  7. Morning Debra,
    Great I seem to be in that mode of checking off the things on my list, I forget to look at where I live and what I do have. We live on acres in the counrty with beautiful ponds right in my backyeard. It's important to not get caught up in the todos so much and time to enjoy some of God's beauty!!
    Have a great day!

  8. Thoughtful post today, and love the photos! Thanks for the "tidbits"!!! Have a great day!

  9. OK -- you're making me feel bad with my "True Value" calendar. Stay warm! Jan

  10. You're so lucky to be able to look out your kitchen window and see deer! I would love that, and I don't think it would ever get old to me either. I'm already dreaming of Spring, which is crazy, living here in Illinois!

  11. the warm fuzzy feelings here on this bitterly cold Wisconsin day.

    I like getting new calendars, just so long as we skip right to June...that's where the happy thoughts are.

  12. What a lovely post. I too love taking down the old calender and putting up a new one. Then I need to get all the birthdays on the proper days written in. Blessings!

  13. What a lovely post. The pictures of the snow and trees are very nostalgic to me. I grew up in a 4-season climate and as much as I love the California is wonderful to go play in the snow. Winter can be sooo very beautiful, as you have shared with us. Thanks Debra...I truly enjoyed it.

  14. Hi Debra,
    My thoughts exactly... reflect...slow down... but again...I am always on turtle speed. Keeping on at my pace always gets me to my destination. I am usually not he first one there.

    Lovely snow and deer... we bought our first taxidermy piece Saturday... yes Bambi's Father...we named this regal fellow...Prince Forrest as I am sure he was. He has a sort of presence in the room... I think Jermaine is to blame somehow?

    Thank you for putting your sweet self on my Le Shiloh Chateau Blog... you are a good friend.


  15. Where to start? Hmmmm.... that squirrel - toooooo cute!!! The snow? I see several SEVERAL perfect spots for Snow Angels!!! And the deer? They are my favorite to watch... I have a lot of them that like to loiter in my fields and every morning they start my day... so graceful and peaceful.

    Much Love, robelyn

  16. I love your calendar. Mine this year has artwork by Ellen Stouffer. This month has a picture of a box with seed packets and a bird, nest ect. The message is The Seed is God's Message. Luke 8:11. I would love to enjoy the seasons as you do. But my favorite is spring and summer the growing months here in Michigan. I am going to add some more snow pictures on my site this evening. I enjoy watching the grand children enjoying it. I actually went out to play myself. Our deer stay out in the woods and do not venture into the yard often. But we relish the times that they have.

  17. It was so good to hear that verse after a particularly trying weekend. Thanks, just when I needed it most!

  18. Thanks for this...a good not worry about tomorrow, today has enough of its own. And enough things to enjoy, too!

  19. You and my roomate are like two peas in a pod! At one point she was feeding three feral cats. When we moved in together I had to make her promise not to feed the animals but she so misses the family of raccoons at her old place. I'm so jealous of your snow. All we get is gray mush.

  20. Hi Debra,

    What a beautiful post! I needed to hear this today. Thanks for your sweet comment today on my blog post.


  21. How beautiful an area that you are fortunate to live in. We have a lovely park area and pond behind our home but unfortunately it is too small an area for deer. I would love to watch them like you are able to. They are so quietly elegant.

  22. Debra, I do love that passage of scripture!
    My goodness girl, you have such beautiful shots of the wildlife in this post. It always gives me chills to see a beautiful creature like a deer in the wild.
    My least fave place to see one is in my headlights!

  23. I love what you quoted about sowing when it's time and enjoy the winter. Who wouldn't with the view you have. Those photographs are wonderful. I cannot believe you had 9 deer in your yard.
    Thank you for your continued support and the kind words about my new shop all in white!
    Kare XXX

  24. Wow, all these pictures are gorgeous.

    Cute blog you have :-)

  25. Oh Debra,
    Wonderful words. Thanks for the pictures and the inspiring words. Thoroughly enjoyed!
    smiles, alice

  26. Hi Sweetie. Those pictures are all so beautiful and peaceful looking. I like the cold, it makes me think how nice and cozy it would be to stay in. I look at those snowy pictures and think how could the plants and trees survive all that cold. It must be so exciting to see things re-emerge come spring.
    Thanks for showing us your world and the beauty you enjoy.

    Warm - I mean really warm hugs. (you need it)LOL. Tracy :)

  27. merci pour ton passage chez moi,je suis ravie de faire la connaissance de ton blog.



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