Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Pink" and White Wednesday at Spring Creek

The Valentine bug has bit me,
down at my little space at Spring Creek.
Pink and white are the colors of the day.

My little "Piano Babies"...

and a lunch basket with sweet things.

An altered train case...

tray with roses, and and oriental tea canisters.

A bookcase full of treasures...

Pink floral tole tray, young Mozart, and a dolly pin cushion

Silver basket, powder tins, and old photographs.

Shabby cherub lamps and
 a pink Parisienne dresser tray.

Sweet prints...

And dainty dishes...

pink crocheted pin cushion...

and a little lamb lost.

Altered framed collage...

And chalk swans in a jewelry box.

Mon Petite Boutique

is ready for love.

Kathleen at Faded Charm is our
wonderful Hostess.

Have a sweet
 White Wednesday!



  1. Everything is beautiful.

    I have Mom's piano babies. I just broke the little boy tonight!! I am soooooo sad! I am going to try to glue him back. Boo Hoo!

  2. Gorgeous! I love everything! Have a warm and wonderful day. :) Tammy

  3. Hello
    Am I in the right place??? Didn't recognize it!
    Love the new Banner...
    All your prettys too

  4. How beautiful. I especially love the "Lost Lamb".

  5. I want it all! I would love to walk in there and I can tell you, I would walk out with an armload:) Have a blessed day:)

  6. Cute pink things!

    But most of all, I LOVE your new header!


  7. Cute pink things!

    But, most of all, I LOVE your new header!


  8. Love everything I see....especially adore the cherub lamps....I have a thing for lamps. Have a sweet day...xojana

  9. Can I come shop there? I've already seen about 10 things I want. I love, love the lost lamb painting. Oh how I love that!


  10. Your booth is just delightful....very pretty...blessings

  11. I really adore your space! It's everything I wamt mine to be, but as you know, I've been neglecting mine in favor of Etsy. Yours has such a flow to it, it's just perfect.

    So, BFF, would you be willing or able to sell and ship something to me? Call me, we can haggle! Seriously! :-)


  12. You would totally have to kick me out of there because I would be in your space looking at things for...hours...days even. LOLOL I LOVE your piano babies!!! They are so cute!!!

    much love and xoxoxoxoxoxo
    ;-) robelyn

  13. Hey Debra!
    Wow! Spring has Sprung your way!!! Everything looks amazing! I still have the Vintage Christmas up, in the Shop, and will, until the end of the month! But then, Look Out! It'll be 'Spring', all over the place! I love the changing of the seasons, and am so thankful, I live in the Mid West, and can take them all in... { the 30 below wind chill gets a little old, fast...}
    Take care,
    Barb C.

  14. What divine treasures! So much fun to 'shop' online...

  15. LOVE the piano babies!! LOVE THEM!!!

    Everything is so pretty!

    Lou Cinda

  16. Hi, Debra,
    Oh my goodness, how I would love to go shopping in your sweet little marketplace!! Everything is just my style, too. Happy White Wednesday to you and thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage for a visit! Sending many happy thoughts your way! Vicki

  17. Your little shop is very sweetly decorated for Valentine's Day. I see many things I would love for my own house there. Great job, and don't you have a new header? Love the green bird...

  18. The piano babies are the most serene but the whole booth is wonderful. I could spend an hour going over your things you have there to sell.
    You are very talented in the decor field.

  19. I love that in one of the pictures there is a can of Dr. Pepper...he he he. In a blog posting of Kindred Roses they had a starbucks coffee cup. If you saw my space when I was redoing it there would be a can of diet coke in my booth. So funny! Love your blog!

  20. Your booth is decorated so beautifully Debra. So many treasures in there too. You have such a wonderful way of putting everything together. I think I'm in love with that rug on the floor. I'm so glad that we get a chance to look around in your lovely space now and again.

  21. I wanted to tell you that I love your new banner...I always love your banners.

  22. Love it! My favorite is the sewing basket full of goodies...my favorite way to display! enjoyed my visit getting caught up...blessings,

  23. I told the girls I was lunching with today that our next lunch date has got to be at Spring Creek and they cheered, yes!!! Your booth looks great!

  24. Oh my gosh, everything is fabulous, can I just point at the things I want!!!!! I love so many....... especially the piano dolls!!!
    Margaret B

  25. You've mixed the two colors perfectly. Lovely vignettes. Thanks for sharing.


  26. Hi Debra,
    I LOVE your space!!!!!! I would be the one standing in it with my arms filled. You have so many pretty things. Do you sell on line?
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  27. After many months of darker colors I am so ready for the lighter ones...pink at this time of the year is rather refreshing and you mixed it perfectly...I am BTW in love love with those cherub lights! So sorry I missed posting yesterday..but you know... Debra, you are amazing at all you do... two blogs, taking care of your shop space and your home...a well organized person I would say!! Have a super great day, Debra

  28. Everything is so gorgeous. Too many to comment on... I love it all.

  29. Simply gorgeous! And I am loving the chalk Swan...I'm into swans for some reason lately, I'm not sure why. I was really drawn to them at the last flea Dad and I went to. Your booth looks gorgeous!

    yapping cat

  30. Debra-
    It looks awesome-

    I want to hear-
    How do you collect/find your treasures? Do you go to estate sales?

    I NEED to know-

  31. Your space looks lovely dressed for the Valentine season--so many romantic flourishes. I am still packing away my Christmas decor and had better switch gears quickly to keep up with you! Your beautiful images have gotten me motivated.


  32. How much for the Dr. Pepper can in the next to last pic? Ha, did you put that there for me???

    Well, I'm certainly glad we got to see all your pretties before they cleaned you out. Congrats! That just means you've gotta go buy more, fun!



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