Saturday, January 16, 2010

Silver Sunday, I'm a basket case...

...for silver, that is!
Yes, here I am after losing my head for these
sweet painted silver wicker baskets.

(just decided I felt like being silly today.
After yesterday's post,
I gave myself permission!)

This one is holding one of my younger daughter's
 wedding bouquets.

And these little gals are in my studio,
just there to brighten my day!

They behave themselves pretty well.

Love the paint patina, here.

And this is a little vignette of two
of my silver-plate baskets,
full of Valentine goodness.

Be sure and join the rest of us Silver Sunday groupies
with Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I think loosing your head is a good thing....I wish I really could sometimes, because I get lost in it sooo much!
    Love those baskets...
    thanks for coming....see you next Sunday!
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  2. What a fun post the doll head in a basket...your silver ones are beautiful girl...Hope you have a great weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. can I jump in that basket with you?

    down in the dumps today!

  4. Lovely baskets. I have always loved these. My mom did floral arranging professionally in the 50's so they always remind me of her. My dad made some metal flower baskets for her to use and painted them silver. Wish I had some of those. xo joan

  5. Lovely Silver! I enjoyed seeing your collection!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. Debra- this made me smile.
    I don't even know where my head IS...

    Your photographs are especially pretty in this post.

    Your friend,

  7. Hi Debra,
    Those are my favorite kind of baskets. I just think they are so great. Any size, any color. And I love how you have them filled. Filled or empty they are just so pretty.
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. Basket case....that's so funny you clever, creative girl you. I love your silver baskets and your valentine goodies. I'll take a few of those chocolate kisses please.

  9. How sweet and clever Debra! The dolls are so cute, even without a body! Love the silver! Have a blessed weekend!

  10. Oooooh love the silver baskets. I could loose my head over those!

  11. LOL gorgeousness! ALL of it!!! But I'll tell ya... your lil' girl on the right looks like she saw my hair today and now she's terribly frightened... heehee

    Debra - loose your head more often... this all fantastic!!!

    ;-) Happy Weekend!!!
    much love, robelyn

  12. Debra, You are the only other person I know who collects these old florist baskets. I have several and since none of them were taken very good care of, they need lots of work, but I love them anyway. Your post is simply glorious! Blessings Meg

  13. That first photo was so unusual I just had to come look. I love the baby dolls, so fun.

  14. What a sweet post! SOmetimes I wish I could disconnect my head (I have a cold)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Hi Debra,
    I love the doll head in the silver basket. Put a smile on my face :)
    I appreciate your other post and it's your blog and you can post whatever you want. I feel mine is like a journal also and I like to share what I'v been up to. It's like sharing my day with my friends.
    Deb :)

  16. So cute and fun. I love the paint on these old baskets. The vintage dolls are a great addition to the look too. Your vignette is beautiful. Your blog is always wonderful!

  17. I love that handled candy dish...very pretty. You have quite a nice collection of silver baskets too!

  18. Love the dollies! You're getting a head start on Valentines Day.....makes me want to put away my Christmas!!!
    Happy Silver Sunday!

  19. Hi Debra,
    What a sweet post....I;m loving it!!! Love your new header as well.
    Happy SS!

  20. Hi Debra...

    Ooooh...I love all of your pretty silver baskets! I'm just thinking of a hundred different ways you could use them...and so nice that you have several!!! Your daughter's bouquet is gorgeous...just perfect for adorning that pretty silver basket! Love your dollies too!!! The first photo cracked me up...the doll's head and your title! How clever! Hehe!

    Now, I'm really loving your silver handled candy dish! That's a lovely vignette!!! I think I have the matching mercury glass candle/goblets that go with yours! Thank you so much for sharing all of your silver pretties with us today...what a sweet treat!!!

    Warmest winter wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  21. I love the faded paint on the baskets. The valentine vignette with the silver is perfect. Love it all!

  22. i love old floral or funeral baskets - love the stands you sometimes find with them also -

    don't know why - but doll heads creep me out - think it has to do with an old movie - you remember the one where joan crawford was being driven crazy and someone held a head in the window to make her think she was seeing things - doll heads always remind me of that scene -
    seriously, i sometimes have nightmares - oh and then that movie with anthony hopkins and ann margaret in the 70s/80s about the talking ventriloquist dummy .. too freaky ..

    oh .. sorry, didn't mean to ramble ..

    love your post though!


  23. What gorgeous patina! I never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing, and don't ever be sorry for expressing yourself. lulu

  24. A fun and pretty post abou silver today! love those handled silver trays. I am keeping my eye out for something similar.

    happy silver Sunday!

  25. Debra,you crack me up! Fun header to your post. I love old floral baskets, too. For some reason they don't do well at the shop, but I keep buying them...Finally, I just said if no one gets it, then thet're coming home with me..Now I enjoy them every day!! Have a great SS

  26. Hey Debra. You're so funny. I just love all the babies in the baskets. So cute. I know I've already told you but I really love your new blog page and the banner colors just so cheery!

    Have a bless Sunday Sweetie. Hugs....Tracy :)

  27. HI Debra
    Well I think a little silliness does us all good. In fact I was a little silly also .. must be something in the air...

    Love these baskets.. and dolls heads and also love that clock in the last couple of pics... it looks like just the thing to wake me in the mornings.. Have a great Sunday.. x Julie

  28. Great post after losing your head! What fun you are having with your silver...Thanks for sharing, Happy Silver Sunday.

  29. I wanted to thank you for the sweet note on my little tater bug, he is so cute. I am loving this granny stuff... thanks again

  30. The candy dishes are very pretty and I love that alarm-clock too, at least when it doesn't ring, lol.

    Have a great Silver Sunday, Debra!

    Hugs and love,

  31. Debra, I just love those dolls and doll head. A little silliness for Silver Sunday, why not?!!

  32. Ohhh I am loving that silver clock! Happy Silver Sunday...

  33. I could sure use one of those darling baskets for my Your darling dishes full of candy look so yummy.. they wouldn't last long around here.. Happy SS.. hugs ~lynne~

  34. Your silver pictures are too pretty for words!
    I want to sneak a chocolate out of the candy one! You have such an eye for arrangement sweet friend! Blessings to you!

  35. Debra,
    Love your baskets and the way you chose to display them. Your posts are always so whimsical and fun!! I am happy that you choose to share your world with us!
    Happy Sunday xOxO Nerina

  36. Love it all! Your dolls are so cute. Your photos are wonderful. Worthy of a magazine! Have a wonderful Sunday.

  37. I love the photos with the doll head. Very artistic. Thanks for sharing.

  38. the silvers and the pinks are gorgeous together!!!!! love the babies too

  39. Whoa, precious baskets! Especially with the flowers. You have impeccable taste, Debra!

  40. Happy Silver Sunday, Debra! You always come up with the 'bestest' collections, today is no exception ... love the 'silver' baskets!

    It makes me VERY happy to hear you are enjoying your necklace ... I haven't been in a creative mood lately, but your kind words are incentive to my ears!! Thank YOU!


  41. Love your siver... Beautiful vignettes, and I wasn't around yesterday, so went back and read your post, (I think you are delightfully entertaining...) but totally know how you feel! Have the best week!

  42. I love the silver baskets and what a playful way to show them. Have a great week...julie

  43. Love your little silver baskets!

  44. that's some yummy Silver... no need to lose your head over though!

  45. You've got some great silver wicker baskets. I have one that i found years ago withthe metal insert still in it. I love it because it is the original chippy paint.

    Enjoy your week.


  46. Wonderful baskets I love them especially the one with the head in it. Very cute Happy SS


  47. What beautiful silver! It's a great idea to paint all the baskets to unify them as well. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and Happy Silver!

  48. Cute post! I don't see many silver baskets, they are very nice pieces here.

  49. Enjoyed seeing all your silver this week. Love your sense of humor! ~ sarah


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