Saturday, December 3, 2016

What's Your Favorite Christmas "Style"?

Today I'm sharing a post from back in 2016 that is one of my all-time most read posts. I thought I might "refurbish" the content, but instead just added to it a bit to include "Cottage" which has emerged this last few years. If it feels a little dated, decor trends have shifted and redefined themselves this last couple of years. I thought it would be fun just to take a quick look at some of the different "Styles of Christmas".


Fixer Upper

I believe in letting your home dictate (maybe "nudge") your style. As I've wandered through Pinterest, I thought I'd share some inspiration from a few of the trends we have in decor, now. Farmhouse is such a big trend right now; this style depends heavily on functional furniture, accessories, and usually neutrals with limited amount of color.

Little Farmstead

Most of the Coastal decorating is found in homes close to the Coast, but a few people decorate with this vibe that just love all things "Beach" and appreciate the lighter colors of sand and sea. Seaside colors of pale blues and watery greens predominate in Coastal Decor. 


Sand and Sisal

Another trend in decorating which started with "Shabby Chic" and overlaps into Farmhouse and an aesthetic from the Scandinavian bloggers. Whites, neutrals and vintage pieces again form the base for this style.

French Nordic / Shabby Chic
 / White Farmhouse

Gwen Moss

Vintage Cottage

I guess I would have to say I fall into this next category somewhat. I love an English Cottage feel to my home, and even though I love vintage, French Country, white, and farmhouse elements, (with a little "Shabby" thrown in) I like and appreciate some color and diversity in my decor. I think each room should have some dark and light, different woods (some painted), paint palette, and fabrics. If you're basically traditional you can mix other trends more easily to have a result that's unique and all your own. The use of red and green is a hallmark of the Traditional Christmas Style


For Christmas this is my go-to style.
I love the traditional colors and style that Tartan Plaid lends itself to. 
I like English Cottage, Vintage, and a little Woodsy/ Rustic for a mix.

Plaid Traditional

And another take on Plaid
that's always fun for Christmas.

Woodsy Cabin Plaid

Another one of my favorite styles...

French Country

Of course, any style can pull from a different color palette, but I think Pastels really lend themselves to the lighter  feel of a feminine take on French Country, and Shabby.

Vintage Pastel

So what's your favorite style
 or style mix for the Holidays?

I know I've left out so many styles,
but these are my favorites in decorating for Christmas.
I've tried to give credit if a watermark was shown, if not
they all can be found in my Pinterest Boards for Christmas.


  1. I love all of these styles and have probably done all of them, except coastal, for one Christmas or another. Last year we were very neutral farmhouse...this year more red and traditional. I believe in letting a house guide you, too! Beautiful inspiration photos!

    1. Me too, I just can't get the beach look here, I'm smack dab in the middle of the USA! Have a wonderful week, Linda!

  2. So many fantastic images, Debra!!!
    I love so many styles. Thank you for sharing some of my photos in your trad-plaid section. The one with Hallie, our golden, sitting in our living room brings tears to my eyes. We just lost her last Friday. Only seven. Heart-breaking to lose a furry love that has added so much to your life! Such a nice unexpected surprise to see her here this evening. Thank you for stopping by to invite me over. Love this gorgeous post full of enticing holiday eye candy.
    Happy holidays to you and yours, Debra.

    1. Losing your beloved little fur girl breaks my heart. I know that sadness all too well. Our little kitty girls are getting up there, and I'm starting to see signs of their advancing years. I pray you'll have a Christmas, even though it might be bittersweet, that will give you precious memories to draw on. Be Blessed, xoxoxo D.

  3. So many styles ! Farmhouse country is my look ! Also love vintage but old fashion , no pastells! Thanks for the pics!

  4. I love everything!!! Truthfully, for me its all about color and tradition. Special pieces that evoke fond memories, times passed, old fashioned, and hand me downs......

  5. These are all so gorgeous, Debra. I try to lean towards a theme or color scheme each Christmas. I love so many styles but I do't overdo farmhouse, coastal, whatever...I think your home should relate to where you are and not where you want to be. You have so many great ideas here, thanks for a great post.

    Jane x

  6. I so love all of the styles!...I do tend to lean toward the French Country and Traditional as I do not live in a farmhouse (though that would be wonderful) ... loved seeing all of the great inspiration of each style and the fabulous Holiday decor of fellow bloggers....Each style so very beautiful!

  7. Wonderful post! I like almost everything...except maybe not pastel. It's pretty...but I love deep colors for Christmas.

  8. Oh my gosh Debra what a great post. I am loving all these selections you found. I am partial to the whites lol! Just beautiful pictures to swoon through. Happy Holidays.

  9. I really enjoyed this post! I think I fall in Traditional/Woodsy with maybe a bit of Farmhouse. Whereas I do love the Farmhouse look I am frustrated with the way it is taking over every blog and decorating show out there! Not everyone wants to have white walls. I am glad this post showed a bunch of different styles that you can mix and match! Merry Christmas!

  10. I love all styles. I'm decorating my grandkids tree in coastal,to remind them of there florida vacation over thanksgiving. I love pastels too.

  11. I love them all. It's too hard to decide. I have done two different themes in our home this year. The family room is rustic Christmas and the living/dining room is traditional Christmas.

  12. Great inspiration. I have loved many of these same images.

  13. That was so wonderful seeing all those styles, pictures and ideas...THANK YOU!!!

    ps....LOVE YOUR STYLE............:)

  14. HA HA, I loved every single picture, so I guess, I just love CHRISTMAS STYLE----so pretty, going to flag this post just for ideas....thanks so much for curating such a fab collection. Ps, I think quite a few of these are on my Pin pages. Grins and Merry Christmas, whatever style you are, Sandi

  15. This is a stunning collection, Debra. I'll refer back to your post for years. Thanks so much for all the work that went into this amazing post and thanks for the wonderful inspiration!


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