Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friends just warm the heart!

This is what all us chicks up north look like!

(image Coldwater Creek)

I knew when I started blogging that it would be fun and rewarding, but I really didn't realize how so many new connections would be made and friendships formed. How God just "hooks you up" with some of the most wonderful, thoughtful people. Since I've started the Bible Study blog, new and deep friendships have been made and some from the beginning have taken on a new dimension.

Brenda from Lady Bug Dreams is one such sweet friend.

Look at this little cutie,
 who was the first thing I saw when I looked inside!
Flavored hot cocoa mixes, yummy!
And such beautiful packaging and card!

Some people just have a "gift" for giving. Because they listen. They listen to you and know instinctively how to bless you. So many of you have blessed me in that way. Not just by a "tangible" gift , but by giving from your heart.

Brenda knew my love for white churches.
 Even yesterday's post showed a beautiful example.

She happened upon this one and thought of me.
And Oh, I just love it. It is in wonderful condition,
still being in it's original box
with the little illuminating bulb!

My other churches have been packed away,
but this one will stay out in my studio
to remind me of sweet and precious friends.

stay warm you all!


  1. You can add this little midwestern chick to the line-up


  2. Well said! Giving your heart is one of the greatest gifts of all. And listening. Listening when someone is troubled and just needs to let it all pour forth!
    On the OTHER hand, you received some excellent goodies !
    It's cold here too. 13 degrees this morning.

  3. Debra - I'm from the North and as cold as it's been in MD it still feels like the NORTH!!!! BBBBRRRRRR! I love your chicks! Thanks and Hugs, Jennifer

  4. Oh Debra - that is gorgeous!!! And so is your new lil' cutie!!! And hot chocolate? Yum!!!!! I'm going to have to go see what else that Ladybug is up to!!!

    Of COURSE we all love you bunches!!! You're just cool like that - a cool chick! hee-hee

    ;-) Robelyn

  5. This chick here in Oklahoma doesn't look nearly so lovely...

    Today I have on black sweatpants (too big 'cause I've lost 20lbs), an ugly, ratty shirt, no makeup and tousled hair.

    Hubbs is out of town.


  6. Well I'm blushing. Did not expect to get such a public thank you and such a sweet one too. Debra just brought such a renewed want to spend more time in the word and be closer to God through her Bible study I just wanted to give her something in thanks. I know just a written thank you would have been enough but I just kept running into something that just spoke Debra. Getting snow dumped on us again up north. My little black pup just came in covered in white. Love to all!

  7. Love the chick pic!! Drink up that hot chocolate, we all need warmed up!! Loving it that you got such a sweet giftie!

  8. What a sweet and thoughtful gift! I so enjoy my blog friends! Have a blessed day!

  9. Awwww, the chicks and the lamb are just too cute.

  10. How sweet! What a wonderful blessing! Oh, and again, I am just loving your take on all my photos!


  11. What a thoughtful gift from a thoughtful blogger to a thoughtful blogger.

    All is right in the world.


  12. Debra, that little print is too cute. If anyone deserves gifts, its you, because you give so much to each of us. You have such knowledge of the 'word' and I know how much it means to you.

  13. Hi Debra~ Such sweet surprises from your friends! Can't believe how cold it has been! But the snow is so pretty! Happy New Year! ~Mandy

  14. If the hot chocolate doesn't warm the cockles of your heart...all the love should do the trick. You're a blessed woman, my friend, and with good reason!

  15. Oh, how sweet!! And this chick needs a hat like the little group in the 1st photo!! Brrrr!!! :-)


  16. Hi Debra. Is there anything nicer than knowing someone out there see's something random and thinks of you. She not only thought of you but put a whole beautiful get set together for you. Apparently she loves you just as much as I do.

    xxoo's....Tracy :)

  17. What a sweet friend! And how nice it is to be thought of and remembered in such a special way.
    YOU are special, that's the reason behind all the love headed your way! :-)


  18. Cutest little chickies ever! Also, love the little lamb!

  19. How wonderful to know so many new people who bless you. I feel the same way about blog land. I am one of those up north chicks too! I will go check out your bible study.


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