Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall from my windows...

It's been a really rainy and chilly fall here in Missouri, lower than normal temps, but still no hard freeze. The trees have been beautiful this year. The maples on our street have been brilliant shades of gold to orange to red. These are just a few photos from my front door. The maple here at the front door is always the last to change colors.

This is my view from the kitchen sink.

We closed the pool in September,
because it turned cold so early.
Last year I swam until October.

These really tall trees are oaks.
They are beautiful and old,
but when the leaves come down,
 they are huge and completely cover the ground.

This tree with the red leaves is our neighbors dogwood.

I love watching it throughout the seasons.

I have enjoyed seeing everyone's yards, gardens, trees,
 flowers and outside vignettes.
You have enriched and broadened my view of life.

With winter's snow just around the corner,
I wanted to take a last look of fall out my windows.

It's not the most beautiful or breathtaking,
 the landscape is old, the trees have seen damage
 due to our severe ice storms these last few years,
 but when I'm home and warm and safe,
while the wind blows and the rain comes down, 
I thank God that He's given us this house and 
this little piece of land.

 I'm so very grateful for my life...
every day of it.

Blessings to you all,
as we head into this season of Thanksgiving.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Vintage Black Friday, A Tribute to my Grandmother

From the time I was just a little girl, October 31 was more than just Halloween, My paternal grandmother was born on this day in the late 1880's. Not sure the exact year, she was in her 40's in 1929 when my Daddy was born. She was always alot of fun and had interesting things for me to do and play with when I visited. We would bake cupcakes together and make homemade popcorn balls. Halloween was always a special occasion when she was alive.

I wanted to share with you a couple of keepsakes that I have from my grandmother, Irma. The photograph below was taken when she was 17. The gold locket from my grandfather Jack, was his engagement present to her. He was so handsome, and beside the photograph is a lock of his hair.

So very romantic.

She was a jokester and very witty, and her father had been a photographer who owned a studio. My mom has photos of my grandmother and her friends, at the river when they were in high school, and then some of her and girlfriends dressed up like men. I'm not sure what the occasion was, but they were having fun posing and being silly in the photos.

The black photograph album is one that I picked up a few weeks ago at a flea market, no sentimental value, but I liked it as a backdrop for this post.

The locket has her initals engraved in it:
 IGR. Irma Gertrude Russell.

My grandfather was a printer and owned a printshop. They were big party goers in their younger years. He loved surprises and hosted a surprise  Halloween Birthday Party for her November 1st., 1926. Below is the invitation he sent out to all their friends.

Can you read it? Click to enlarge it.
 He wrote the little poem for the invitation.
The black cat and pumpkin graphic are original.

And since Halloween is Saturday,
I thought I'd share a few images
 of vintage black fun for your enjoyment.

image from Country Living

image from Country Home

And in closing I'll pay tribute to my old kitty, "Blackie".
Alyson rescued her at a "Haunted House" downtown,
 Halloween Night, of her 7th grade year.
Blackie was 17 yrs. old when she passed.
Still miss her.

(she's on the kitchen counter, where else?)

Be sure to find other Vintage Black Friday Finds
Thank you Jill!

Have a Fun Vintage Friday,
and a great weekend!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

A "Hog-a-licious" Give-away!

You just have to see this up close and personal!

If you want to be stupified (love that word, sounds like Lil" Abner) and amazed, go see Robelyn over at Red Neck Chic. This is one super-talented and may I say "crazy" gal. I won't spoil the surprise, and words cannot do it justice. Just check it out and tell her that Debra sent ya!!!!!

"Hoggy" Hugs

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More White Wednesday, White Suitcases

Thanks everyone, that left a comment on my blog for this last White Wednesday post. I had a lot of interest in the suitcases that I had painted white, sitting on top of my cupboard. Who knew?... I guess that I have had at least one original thought! But really, I had seen another one "whitewashed". I took my time with these because I wanted the leather trim and brass fittings and clasps to remain original, not painted over. And I really preferred complete coverage of the paint. I wanted them to look like they were made "white".

I just used plain satin interior wall paint in an off white. I do think I used some stain as a glaze on one of them to give it a more antiqued finish. I did them three separate occasions. I was asked if I had used primer. No I didn't, but I probably should have. It took me several coats. I used a brush and a roller on the larger areas, but I used a small art brush to do the edging work which was somewhat tedious. I just loved how they turned out, and each one being different, really shows up the character and the leather trim.

Lee at Inspired Comblogulations said she saw some just like these at the Ralph Lauren Store in Dallas.That's cool to know, I'd love to see how they displayed them. Now that I've heard how much you have liked them, I'm going to do a few more. I have a bunch of really tired ones hanging around. I know they'd like to be prettier!

OK, get out your paintbrushes and have fun.
 I'd love to see what you all come up with!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

White Wednesday, A Fall Cupboard and Fireplace

"White Wednesday" is here again and I thought I'd show you one of my favorite little spots to decorate. (OK, what don't I love to decorate?)

I love this little white cupboard. Actually it was a small dresser and a cabinet that I "married" a couple of years ago. It had been for sale in my store space, but I was never that intent on letting it go. One day it just came home with me. It's in our lower level family room and it always gets a seasonal and Holiday update.

I have a small collection of McCoy, Alamo, and Hull white
planters inside. The small top shelf is
 "just right" to show off a few.

I painted these dilapidated suitcases a while back.
(They took several coats of paint)
 The white paint gave them all some cohesion
and then they fit in with the "white" theme.

You know me,
 I have to add in some fall color to the "white"!

And I have to have a few lambs

OK, I admit these little guys are a little creepy...kinda like "alien squirrels", but there is a small town around here that's claim to fame is albino squirrels, so I'll just pay homage to them, and leave it at that.

And of course, what's a cupboard
 if you can't have a cat sitting in it?

And before fall decorating is over I wanted to share
a few photos of my "white" brick fireplace
in the Living Room dressed for fall. 

Remember, this is an 80's house and the mantle is massive.
I would love to rip it all out and have a new stucco
or "faux marble" one put in, but somehow
 the budget for that has escaped us.

Be sure and visit Kathleen at Faded Charm
and see what else is coming up "white"!

Hope you're having a great week!

Anne's Having an Elegant Give-Away!

Be sure and check out "The Elegant Give-away"
Anne is having over at Fiona and Twig!

She has a couple of awesome gifts that are just waiting!
See ya there!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Junkin' Monday after a Great Weekend

This last week I was able to find a few things
 out and about, and since I haven't been buying
 much lately, I wanted to share the good "junk"
that found it's way home with me.

This old tray with a fruit motif is pretty "shabby",
but I really have a fondness for these.
 I'm adding it to my collection.

Clay finial, not old, but I love the look of it.

A paper mache rabbit, sporting a festive fall ribbon,
and a wonderful old book from 1872 called
"Cheering Words",
which is a collection of poetry.

And this is a really precious gift that my sister-in-law Letty, from San Antonio made for me. She is a wonderful needlework artist, and she stitched this for me "special", because she knows how much I adore pumpkins! She even "coffee dyed" the linen herself.

This was a great weekend! The kids were here and we had a wonderful visit. We enjoyed ourselves at a couple of our favorite restaurants and then Saturday the girls and I did some major shopping at our mall. Shoes were the main interest. I only bought one pair of boots. The girls on the other hand had multiple finds. The three of us hadn't been shopping together in ages and we really had so much fun! It felt like "the good old days" when they were both living at home.

Erin and Keith, Chris and Alyson

Alyson in action!

Erin has to be available for business even on the weekend. She is a sales manager for the largest home builder in the U.S., and is based in St. Louis.

Here she is"Checkin' In".

I'm excited to have some fun things to share on
Junkin' Monday.

So be sure and click on the McLinky over at
to see the other "Junker's" weekend finds!

Some fun "Junk" and the Kids,
what a great combination!