Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Tokens

I've posted about this wonderful gold locket that was my paternal grandmother's before, but when I was looking back through some February magazine issues I really enjoyed this article in Martha Stewart Living about Love Tokens, and wanted to share it once again.

Lockets of all shapes and sizes were very popular gifts to loved ones in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Often they contained photos, an inscription, and a lock of hair from the beloved. Given when soldiers went to war, engagements, or the birth of a child, lockets and charms were highly valued tokens of personal affection, and worn daily.

(click on the image below to enlarge then click again to read)

I love coming across antique pieces of jewelry, charms, and lockets, and I have several personal pieces that I wear frequently.

This large gold locket was an engagement gift to my grandmother with my grandfather's photo and a lock of his thick gorgeous hair. Her initials are inscribed on the cover, Irma Gertrude Russell.

They were married around 1910, and my daddy was the last of 6 children born to them. I had an uncle born in 1912 (the first) and then she had 4 stillborn babies before my dad was born in 1929. They hadn't expected my daddy to live and so he had very few pieces of clothing as she didn't want to get her hopes up, but there he was; tiny, but healthy; a little miracle.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Got your number...

I just found these great brass numbered tags, and I'm using two for necklaces for my pal Nancy's daughters. We thought that using these as "Birth Dates" would be fun and significant as a keepsake. I have daughters born in '74 and '80 so I'll be using those two. If you'd like to have these incorporated into one of my pendant necklaces just email me or convo me on Etsy, we can design something one-of-a-kind for you. If you don't see your birth year, let me know anyway, I might be able to get my hands on your special year.

( I DO also have a 99, somehow it didn't make it into the photo)

This one is just an example of how we could make a pendant necklace.
Check out my Etsy Shop for more ideas, I just restocked with new ones.

or this

and speaking of Nancy,
don't forget to enter her Give Away for a $50 Gift Certificate

Ends Saturday at Midnight!

Vintage Inspiration Friday
is still going strong, if you haven't linked up
just scroll down to the next post.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Vintage in the Petite Boutique

Recently I found some wonderful old rosary crucifixes and religious medals, so with a few added charms and tags, I wanted to share the "new" vintage one-of-a-kind pendant necklaces that are in my Etsy Shopthe Petite Boutique.

I've also added a new chain to these pieces; 
a small link, but with a nice weight.
Love the antiqued brass.

One of the great things about these pendant clasps
 is that you can add on or remove the individual pieces. 
That way if you have some personal charms or pendants
they can be worn with the rest.

I also can put together a special pendant 
with your choice of elements,
just email me for info.

I'll be making more of these,
 just wanted to get these first few listed.

Seeing this pretty girl wearing my very first necklace listed on Etsy,
was what inspired me to make some pieces with a new look.

Thanks,  Anne...

(isn't she cute?)

 I'm linking up with my friends Patti and Paula

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vintage Inspiration Friday #72 Antique Heart Charms

I have to tell you the truth, this has been a busy week.
 With announcing my opening Common Ground 
My little pea brain has been in a whirlwind...

So when I saw this feature in the February issue of
Martha Stewart Living
I knew I had to share it with you.

I totally fell in love with these images of vintage jewelry hearts (in a heart)

"Charmed, I'm sure..."

When I was young we all had a charm bracelet that told our stories.
Oh how I'd love to find a stash of these now!
Bring back memories?
So let's see what was happening last week...

Holly at Down to Earth Style has redone her mantle for winter
with a nature inspired theme. Love the window screen and sign.

Barbara Jean from Treasures from the Heart has found the sweetest spot
for a little nest...her coin purse!

If you want to have your socks knocked off then
be sure and check out the house reno at Classic Casual Home

Dana over at Circa Dee found a new toy this Christmas
check out using it to make some great vintage look signs.

 Linda from It All Started with Paint shows off some of her 
mad crafting and painting skills in her wonderful Entry.

AND,You all know how much I love me some sheep,
well, go check out the funny story about painting these adorable guys
over at Pumpkin Pie Painter, really a cute post!

New Year and some new things happening here. I switched to the format of requiring a "link back" to my blog in your VIF party posts. I know it takes a few minutes to do this, but I join lots of parties too, so I have to do it as well. Besides, it's only right that if we link to a party that we give the hostess a nod for joining in. So please be sure there is a link back in your post, otherwise you won't be able to link up. (insert smiley and happy face)

Love you guys bunches, thanks so much for partying over here. I may not get to leave  a comment on every blog, but I do try to drop by. Thanks for making Vintage Inspiration such a success!

And remember, you have until Saturday Night January 14

joining in for these parties:

Friday, December 16, 2011

Just to let you know...

...that I have a few more 
of these picture charm pendant necklaces that I just listed
 in my Etsy Shop.

Old St. Nick


"Believe" Santa


If you order quickly, I can get these in the mail next day
so they could be there in time for Christmas.

thanks everyone!

Be sure to use the WINTER2011 code for 15% off on all items.

And Hey...
Vintage Inspiration Friday
is still going strong,
Just scroll down if you haven't linked up yet.

Have a great weekend,

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What's New in the Shop

These cooler days of Fall have me more productive in the studio,
so I thought I'd share what I've been adding to my Etsy Shop.
Some brass and zinc numbered tags are now hanging out 
with my blinged keys.

I put together a little impromptu styling vignette
 with an old celluloid covered jewelry box,
a frame of dried flowers and a small gold portrait frame.

One of my few hydrangeas of the year
 that has the most amazing lavender color.

and a fragile old book entitled Religious Experience in Twelve Letters
 dated 1826.

Vintage ladies watchfaces added to the key
and a new watch as part of the pendant.

The pendants are hanging from a 28 inch silver plate ball chain,
so there's no tarnishing.

Several of these have already been sold.
If you'd like something that's shown, just email me and
I'll try to put something together just for you.
Please be sure and label it "Jewelry" on the email.

It's never too soon to start thinking Christmas!

(this post is showing up in my most visited feed,
I'm no making jewelry at this time, 
nor is my Etsy store open at this time.
thanks so much, Debra)

joining in with 
