Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

My Year in Pictures...

It's the time of the year, as all bloggers know, to take a look back at what we've blogged about this last year; basically to do a little recap and review of 2016. I'm a little short on projects, room reveals, and DIY's. I didn't travel the world, go to enlightening blog conferences, or have a feature in one of my favorite decorating magazines. Those are all great things, but basically that hasn't been my year in 2016.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Tokens

I've posted about this wonderful gold locket that was my paternal grandmother's before, but when I was looking back through some February magazine issues I really enjoyed this article in Martha Stewart Living about Love Tokens, and wanted to share it once again.

Lockets of all shapes and sizes were very popular gifts to loved ones in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Often they contained photos, an inscription, and a lock of hair from the beloved. Given when soldiers went to war, engagements, or the birth of a child, lockets and charms were highly valued tokens of personal affection, and worn daily.

(click on the image below to enlarge then click again to read)

I love coming across antique pieces of jewelry, charms, and lockets, and I have several personal pieces that I wear frequently.

This large gold locket was an engagement gift to my grandmother with my grandfather's photo and a lock of his thick gorgeous hair. Her initials are inscribed on the cover, Irma Gertrude Russell.

They were married around 1910, and my daddy was the last of 6 children born to them. I had an uncle born in 1912 (the first) and then she had 4 stillborn babies before my dad was born in 1929. They hadn't expected my daddy to live and so he had very few pieces of clothing as she didn't want to get her hopes up, but there he was; tiny, but healthy; a little miracle.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Last Weekend's Tips and Tidbits

(say that title fast 3 times)

Being with two professional photographers this last weekend was a little intimidating to say the least. I'm just a bumbler and fumbler in the photography department. Any photo that I get that's good is more of a "happy accident" than I can say that I have a plan and know what I'm doing. So Anne and Elizabeth were shooting away Sunday afternoon when we were wandering the streets of Historic Kimmswick, Missouri. Since it was Father's Day, an Antique and Street Car Show was in progress and I had to look like I was at least partly worthy of their company. I decided I'd take photos of them, instead of trying to compete in their class.

"Dueling Photographers", 
you know, instead of "Dueling Banjos"

For some great photos of these vintage cars from last weekend go by E's (now also known as "Bitsy") If you're squeamish about a bunch of loud mouth gals (no, I didn't say "broads", but I guess that works too) and some horrible pics of me, then don't go there...I've told Bitsy that Anne and I are looking for Payback! If you have a few minutes and don't mind blushing, Elizabeth has a hilarious and "insiders" version of the weekend highlights.

 And  Someone we know has been complaining that my other photograph of the three of us had her so washed out that she looked like a "ghostly apparition", I decided that I'd put a different one out here. Same pose, just a little less manipulation to take the focus off my wrinkles and saggy-baggy, slouchy topside. And hey, what can I say, I had self tanner in my suitcase and these pasty little blondies didn't!

Elizabeth took a few minutes to give me a mini lesson with my camera, and I learned more in 10 minutes than I'd been able to figure out on my own in the last two years. I have to admit, Anne has tried to help me, but she shoots with a Nikon, and I have a Canon. So when I realized that E had a Canon too (mine is not even in the same league as hers), I was excited to see what I could grasp in a short time.

Then when we were back here in Springfield, we ran to Barnes and Noble and I found this book, which Anne swears by, and said helped her figure it all out. Maybe there's hope for me yet. I'm going to put my nose to the grindstone to try to understand at least some of this mumbo jumbo!

Another little tip I wanted to pass on to you is something I think we've all had handed to us by "Blogger", but didn't know how to change. Remember how we used to be able to click on a photo in the blog posts and it would enlarge, and then with another click it would get even bigger? Big enough that we could study even the smallest item in a store display? wow, did I ever miss that and complain about the slide show that replaced it. Which didn't enlarge much of anything...
OK, so Anne told me how to get back to the "Bigify" mode. Go to your Dashboard, then to Settings. Then find the Heading of Posts and Comments. Click on that and go to "Showcase images with Lightbox".
Click on the box and say no, or unclick the box. That will take you back to the original way of viewing individual photographs on the blogs. Oh how I've missed not being able to see all the goodies in a distance or room shot. Thanks Anne!

Anne and James (the best houseguests ever!)

Let me just say something about blogging and friendships...don't ever let anyone tell you they aren't real or important. Meeting Anne after almost three years of phone calls has been nothing short of miraculous. And then to meet up again with Elizabeth after 4 years, and find a friendship, ...well...let's just say that God has plans that sometimes we just don't know exist.

p.s. who of you out there have had Bubble Tea? (an Annie favorite)
and have you choked on them on your maiden voyage?
(Thai concoction of flavored tea with milk and round balls of tapioca)

p.p.s. And if you haven't joined in for Vintage Inspiration Friday,
 it's still going strong, just scroll down to the next post.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Patriotic Sunroom and the 6th Photo

Everyone ready for the 4th of July?

A while back Alaina from Arbor House Lane
graciously chose me to participate in the

6th Picture Tag

My 6th picture,
June 2009

Well, when I went back to see that 6th photo,
I realized it was all about the inspiration of Carolyn Westbrook's
sun room in her book Carolyn Westbrook Home.
I used her book as inspiration for my own sun room decor
 for the July 4th Holiday.

June 2009

And here is the same space in my sunroom
July 2010

So as an update on that photo,
here are some photos of my sunroom this year.
Not a lot different, maybe more clutter...
er, I mean stuff.

So I told Alaina I'd love to show off my photos,
but needed to wait until the right time...
yes, because my blog anniversary Give Away
is Carolyn's newest book

The French Inspired Home

This year, I tried to include some of the elements
Carolyn had used in her book layout.
Chalk cats, old clocks,
birdhouses, transferware...

and lots of flags.

I've mentioned this before,
but my little 80's three season sunroom
 is my favorite spot in my house.
I love to decorate it for the seasons and holidays.

I see it first thing in the morning,
 as I come to the kitchen for coffee.

Arbor House Lane
And now I want to share a few photos of Alaina's.
She has the most fabulous house.

full of inspiration...
(great slipcovers that made me get busy on mine)

and a little shed that "thinks it's a cottage".

If you haven't yet met Alaina over at
run by and say Hello.
You'll find some fabulous whites
and a lot of creativity!

And ta da!!!
Soon I'll announce the two winners of my
French Inspired Give Away!!
