Showing posts with label White Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Wednesday. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2011

Laundry Room Reveal: Cleaning up a dirty little secret!

Hello world, it's time to "come clean" with one of my "dirty little secrets". I have a few others; at least this one is making it's debut. I have a great space in my laundry room; right off the kitchen and the entrance to the garage, but it's been a semi-mess since we've lived here. I hated the color (a blah dirty yellow) and since last November when I painted the kitchen walls and cabinets, well, it seemed worse than ever!

"Where is the before picture?",  you may be asking. I purposefully DIDN'T take one, because honestly, I didn't think I could get it "blogworthy". Think dirty yellow wall color, cat litter strewn floors, bulletin board (not cute), and mismatched attempt at wall a mental picture?

 This is a photo from last fall before I painted the kitchen, and it's the closest you would have seen of the mess. Below is another shot after the paint, but the doors on the right are hiding all the yuck.

I knew I wanted it brightened up since it has an east facing window which brings in a lot of the morning sun. And also since the wood floors extend into the laundry, it needed to be a continuation of the kitchen. Let's face it, the doors are always open since it's "kitty central" in there besides the laundry.

Ta Da!!

I'd thought about painting the doors and cabinets
 the same color as my kitchen cabinets,  but I've decided not to.
 I actually like the contrast out here with the wall color.
 The woodwork is white, so it all works for me.

LOVE my new washer and dryer.
 It has the same technology that the big front loaders have,
but at almost half the price.

I even added some vintage wall thingies to make it more fun to be out here.

All the decor in here was "shopped" from my garage stash,
of flea market and thrift finds.
Stuff that had been hanging around
just waiting for a spot.

I've had the piece of tin for several years,
No where to put it until now.
It DID get a good scrubbing and a coat of antique white paint,

And this was the fun part,
 coming up with a vintage feel for my "view" from the kitchen.

A small Eastlake shelf,
Nantucket basket with hydrangeas,
odds and ends sugars, creamers, and gravy boat,
and a favorite English Cottage print.

Then a couple of 40's bird prints
brought in the feel I was going for...
cozy cottage.

Last week I showed you my trunk find with bird decals
that I'm using for a kitty chow container.

And here are a couple of little cross stitch pieces I did in the early 90's.
They are reminders of God's faithful promises.

It's not a big room as you can see,
and not easy to get a good shot of the whole thing.
(I spared you the trash basket and kitty littler box)

I also found a great little brown floral Waverly valance
 and faux wood vinyl shades at Lowes.
They help finish it all off.

As you can see we "love" our new space.
So much easier to keep clean,
and now it's actually a place I can enjoy being in.

Miss Jenkins agrees!

I'm linking up with these great parties:

Hope to see you Thursday afternoon for

Have a great week!
love you all,

Monday, March 21, 2011

My ADD Weekend

Seems like there's a lot going on around here.
Painted and cleaned the laundry/kitty room.
Appliances that were finally delivered and installed last Friday,
Great new washer and dryer that sound like alien spacecraft are landing.
(the cats are spooked and peek around the corner)
and a new dishwasher that only made it through one cycle before it broke.

So I can't finish my painting in the laundry until the new dishwasher appears.
But hey, I'm sharing my Birthday pillow from my sweet sis.

She recently bought a Silhouette machine
and has been creating to her heart's content.
I was able to choose my design, so I went with my initials.
LOVE the burlap, and so do the kitties.

She also made the darling little fabric flower that's attached.

And then as part of the laundry room re-do,
 I wanted someplace to hide the multiple bags of cat food,
and other sundry cat supplies.

So we found this great box/trunk thingy with rope handles.
But the selling point was that it has bird decals on it.

It was super duper brown and homely,
so I gave it a little whitewash,
keeping the bird decals showing.
(not perfect, but better than it was)

(oh yes, you know I love me some birdies!)

I had wanted to do another bird window,
so this one is backed by vintage sheet music.

I did another one on vintage magazine paper,
but I forgot to snap a photo before I took it to Relics.

Lets see...I'm painting my Eastlake dresser in the entry hall white.
Putting up new curtains,
 and needing to make a run for some white faux wood shades
 for the laundy room.

Not to mention doing dishes...lots of dishes.

I'm linking up with these great parties:

catch ya on Thursday for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday!
love ya,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Out and About for Some Spring Inspiration

I always look forward to the Holiday Open Houses in our area.
We have some great shops who go all out for their Spring Open House week.
Leola's in Ozark is always tops on my list for never fail inspiration and fun.

Here are just a few of the photos I took that are all about Spring and "white".
I'll be sharing more soon for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday.

So many fun and Springy ideas for your house and garden.
I'm linking up all this fun with

for some great ideas for your porch

for some great ideas for your table tops and vignettes.

for some white goodness and inspiration.

Mary at Very Merry Vintage Style
Share the Love

cause all this fun sure has the WOW factor.

Hope you're off to a great week,
it's cold and rainy today with a chance of snow,
but close to 80 by the end of the week!

love you all!

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