Showing posts with label Thank You. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thank You. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thank You...

 Romantic Homes Magazine...

for the wonderful acknowledgement and honor
 of being included in your
 January 2013 publication.

 I always love finding new blogs and seeing old friends
 in the "Site Seeing" feature.

And a special thank you to Contributing Editor of Romantic Homes,
 Beth Livesay!

See you all tomorrow for


Friday, November 11, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 63: All Things French Give Away

Are you wondering what has inspired me this last week? Well, you all are my inspiration over and over. Because of that I'd love to thank each one of you personally for being here with me this last two years. Just know that I read each of your comments, laugh with you, cry with you, and hold you dear. I'd love to have a big party where we could all get together and hug, laugh, sit and talk, (and oh yeah, eat...)but since I can't, I just want to say a heartfelt thank you, and share a few things "French" for this celebration!

(I'd love you to grab the button on the sidebar!)

So, here are a few things going into the Give Away package;
a gorgeous handmade French pillow from Jolie Marche.

Some wonderful  gift products and a French Lavender bundle 
from L'Occitane. 

And one of my signature pendants with 
a little "frenchiness".

All for one of you sweet followers out there. 
And since this is to celebrate my followers and supporters,
To enter, I'm asking that you either "follow" by google or email.

Two chances to win,
let me know you're a follower,
(On this post only)
and on a seperate comment let me know if you've
blogged in a post and/or have my button on my sidebar.
cause there's a special little gift for one of you who do...

A super cute bag from Carol at the Polka Dot Closet

Thanks so much, everyone!

Now onto last week's links...

And speaking of...
Carol from the Polka Dot Closet,
here are her adorable no-sew market bags.

Brenda at Cozy Little House has a new Little Blue House.
Drop by and be inspired by her "moving" story!

Camelot Art Creations amazed me with her wonderful
desk adorned with French script.

Kathleen who we all know and love from  Faded Charm Cottage, 
has been inspiring us for two years with White Wednesday.
Come take a peek at her wonderful Christmas window
 at Monticello Antiques.

Julie from Saltbox Treasures shares her wonderful vintage ornaments 
with graphics, you'll want to see all of them.

My "sis" in the blogging world Anne, from Fiona and Twig
has just been published in this edition of Artful Blogging Magazine.
If you haven't read her touching article then you'll want to be sure and
enter her Give Away here

Hope you'll join in for the party!
Please have a link within your blog post.

lot's of love,

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Big Thank You!

to everyone for making the debut of
Design Challenge
such a success!

Heather is thrilled with all of the comments
 and wonderful ideas you have shared.
If you haven't had a chance to come by and
share your design thoughts,
just scroll down to the next post.

(below is one of Heather's inspiration pics from Pinterest)

Hope you all had fun,
 I know I loved reading all the amazing ideas.
Be sure and come back next Tuesday morning as we help Fran
with a screened porch makeover!

Hope you're having a great weekend!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Little Bungalow Bling

Talent is a commodity that's not in short supply here in blogland,
but every once in a while you meet someone who has that something special.
Shelly is one of those talented and creative people that are innovative and a step ahead.

I've known Shell for over a year,
and recently she had a give away on her blog

Look who was the lucky winner!!

Shell works in several mediums
and this time she was making the most adorable fabric necklaces.

This is an extra goodie that she gifted me with.

Below, Irma is modeling my sweet necklace.
Shell makes everything to order; special just for you.

These are just a few of her other creative pieces that she sells.

wedding cake toppers,
party hats,
every piece one-of-a-kind,
and gorgeous!!

Please go visit Shelly at her blog,
then be sure to follow her,
and bookmark her as a "favorite".

So the next time you have a special occasion coming;
you can visit Shelly and order a special gift
that the recipient will treasure forever.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Snuggle up

These crisp Fall days
 hold such a fascination for me.

The colors of the leaves and sky;
 the critters, (squirrel,s chipmunks, and birds)
 all scurrying around
filling their pantries for the cold winter days ahead.
My old chippy Adirondack chair
calls out for a good book and a hot mug of cider.

I love to mix the patterns of plaid, stripes, and florals.

Pendleton and Scottish blankets are my favorite cuddle on these cool days.

Halloween is over,
but Fall will still be here awhile.

My mums and ferns survived a killing frost last week,
but soon it will be too cold to try to cover them.

I just wanted to say "Thanks" again,
for the great turnout for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday!

We made a trip to St. Louis to visit our kids,
so we were constantly on the go.
Come back Friday, I have some wonderful photos
of the local fun.

I'm joining Kathleen for White Wednesday

and Cindy for Show and Tell Friday

Hope you're having a wonderful week!
(I'm pooped!)


Monday, September 6, 2010

Great Inspiration!

Honestly, I was amazed.
You all know how to make someone feel loved.
I was so happy to see so many of you turn out,
and comment on the first
Vintage Inspiration Friday

(image:  Country Living British Edition)

I met so many new people and visited some wonderful blogs,
Thank you for taking the time to link up to the party,
and for making my first time to host this, such a wonderful experience.

I hope you'll join in on a regular basis.
You all had some great inspiration out there!
Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

Have a great Monday!
Hope to see you all again next Thursday evening for Party Time.
Be Inspired!
