Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Big Thank You!

to everyone for making the debut of
Design Challenge
such a success!

Heather is thrilled with all of the comments
 and wonderful ideas you have shared.
If you haven't had a chance to come by and
share your design thoughts,
just scroll down to the next post.

(below is one of Heather's inspiration pics from Pinterest)

Hope you all had fun,
 I know I loved reading all the amazing ideas.
Be sure and come back next Tuesday morning as we help Fran
with a screened porch makeover!

Hope you're having a great weekend!



  1. I read many of the comments, but I really had nothing to add. I got so wrapped up in reading everyone else's! Great idea for a party.

  2. It was lots of fun, Debra, and it was great to see so many suggestions ~ some everyone seemed to agree with and others that were giving a different perspective. I hope Heather gets something from everyone for her room!

  3. Thank you, thank you! This has been such a fun experience and I have so many fabulous ideas, that I am sitting down to take notes of them all! I even have already started moving some furniture around. lol Can't wait to get started on my dining room re-do so stay tuned! I'll be posting updates in a few weeks on our blog. If you have a design challenge I highly recommend submitting it for advise, it helps so much to see your space with other people's eyes! Love ya Debra, you are the design challenge hostess with the mostess! Hugs!

  4. This is so fun!!! Can't wait to see how it all turns out :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. This is was fun and interesting. I so enjoyed all the comments and the ideas that everyone came up with. I can't wait to see the next challenge and to see what Heather does with her dining room. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hi Debra, It was fun reading all the comments and some ideas I never thought of. I am looking forward to next weeks challenge.

  7. I ca not wait to see what you do with all of the suggestions. Have a happy Sunday.

  8. Debra,
    This was a huge sucess! I really enjoyed it and kept coming back to read more of the comments. Great idea! What a lot of great suggestions were made. Looking forward to more of this.:)

  9. Beautiful picture:) Love that wall color! Sounds like a great challenge! Have a blessed Sunday, HUGS!

  10. Love her inspiration! Truly beautiful,


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