Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day Blessings

Usually I have my plant containers potted by now, but all the rain and yuckiness of the last few weeks has really slowed me down. After hitting all the garage sales in my immediate neighborhoods, I did manage to get to the corner nursery to find a few flowers to get started with.

Do you have "corner nurseries" where you are?
Around here, larger nurseries set up "satellite" sites around town
 to make it easier and more tempting
to spend money on whatever the current blooms might be.

I don't buy them all at once,
 I have to spread it out to decide what and how I want to use them.
Not to mention that flower prices seem to have skyrocketed...eeeck!!

So they are usually my "Mother's Day Present" to myself.

Here are a few blooms waiting to go into containers for the back deck,
in one of my galvanized metal carriers.

Then to wish you a happy Mother's Day,
a framed Mother's Blessing print from 1939.

(You know I love my English Cottages!)

After storms last night and this morning we're expected to have a lovely weekend.
The guys are opening the pool today,
so it's a work day for me too, cleaning and arranging outside furniture.

Have a wonderful family weekend,

I'm linking to these metal parties this weekend:

And if you haven't entered my May Give Away

love to you all,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Next project please...

As a certain bbff said to me last night,

"Wallpaper?'ll have to convince me."

I know, I know, wallpaper seems to have fallen out of fashion of late,
but I've always loved me a little wallpaper to set a mood.

The Dining Room is the only place in this house,
that you'll find it.
And that's below the chair railing.

And I seem to be on some kind of wild,
redecorating roll here...

to lighten up my world.

I still love the green and the toile,
but anyone else out there like me...
You just need a change every once in a while?

I'm holding the sample book up next to the chair rail
to get an idea of it next to the white woodwork.

and I just thought I'd throw in my Mother's Day
 gift from my St. Louis kids,
a Paris pillow from the new collection at Restoration Hardware.

OK. I'm off to order the wallpaper and matching paint.
Keep a good thought for me.
I tend to get in over my head at times.

I'm doing a two-fer this White Wednesday
hope you don't mind me being piggy.
Thanks Kathleen

So, this may take me a while,
as I have to strip the old paper off,
and then wait for the paper to arrive.

I'll try to come up for air.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The paint bug bit me... a really bad time!

We got home last night from a really great Mother's Day weekend in St. Louis with our kids. Of course we did a lot of flea marketing and found some incredible antique malls, but did I take pictures?... No, I was too busy going crazy and I forgot my camera in the car. So much inspiration to soak up. Now I have loads of laundry and need to put things away, but what am I doing? Grabbing my paint brush and making more of a mess!

My honey surprised me earlier in the week with this amazing new piece of furniture for the entry way, from Inspirational Home. I mentioned earlier that I am on a mission to "lighten up" my house. Nothing drastic...well, at least not yet, but just some paint and a new mirror and rethinking a few things like chair slips. More on this later.

The mirror is vintage, found this weekend. I loved the gold, but it didn't fit with the gray distressed table, which looks better with cream or pewter. So I whitewashed it. Fits the shape of the furniture and the look I'm going for.

And then you know how the "domino effect" kicks in. Well, the paint was already out, might as well take care of a few other projects...candle holders found a few weeks ago go all white.

Another header piece for a doorway to beef up my wimpy woodwork.

Another old mirror...

a flea market table find from this weekend...

finished projects!

Love the way this mirror turned out.

Thanks so much to all of you that welcomed Brian and Meloney
of The Seed Box on our new blog.
And for dropping by with me to get acquainted.

If you haven't been by to see them,
just scroll down to the next post.

OK, now I need to get back to the unpacking and mountain of laundry!
Just wanted to check in and say Hi to everyone.

I'm linking up with

Domestically Speaking  Power of Paint Party

Cindy from My Romantic Home


Have a great week everyone,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vintage Botanicals and a Garden Table

This little metal outdoor table
at one time was in my booth space at the antique mall,

funny thing...

it never sold.

And you know what happens when things sit too long,


they come to live at my house.

So now it sets right under
my kitchen window on the deck.

You can see it from the sunroom,
 so I really enjoy decorating it with my vintage
garden thingys.

A black birdcage covering some hearty ivy and my "Collegian" botanical notebook that I found several weeks ago at Spring Creek, are sharing the table with some silver of the galvanized zinc kind. I have several old watering cans, but this was a Birthday present a few years ago from my older daughter from Restoration Hardware, one of my favorite stores.

 Marion Bradway (lady or gentleman?)
must have had a Botanical assignment
to catalog wildflowers back in their college days.
My best guess is from the 1940's.

I thought about dismantling the pages and framing them out.
And I still may do that, but for now,
they are all together.

My kitties were very interested in the old pressed flowers,
but every time they went near them they started sneezing!
Funny how after so many years there is still pollen of some sort.

I love the typewritten pages and the aged tape.

You can see my white garden gate behind the table.
 I have two of them.
Can someone say ...selfish...?
And my old hose hanger.
Just gotta love that color of blue!

I'm linking up with these wonderful parties.
If you have time go visit and say Hello.

Have a Wonderful Weekend everyone!
This Mommie has some fun time planned,
with her big kids.

And if you have a few mintues and you'd like to know me better,
and you can read what I've learned by being a mother.
love you all,