Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gathered #4

It's been a while since I shared one of these mishmashed posts, so
  Welcome to another edition of
Random Musings of a Wandering Mind...

Which makes me want to ask you all a question... how do you approach Pinterest? do you just go through your "feed" and pin things you see, or do you mostly think up things to look for? I guess we all probably do a little of both. Often a photo from a blog, a pin from my Pinterest feed, or something someone says gets my interest piqued and I start a multi-level search for some design idea or decorating style.

I know that some of you approach it from a business and branding viewpoint. Some are seriously strict about what they Pin and whether or not it has high numbers. Not me, Pinterest in my view, is a way of expressing myself and an encyclopedia of inspiration for just about anything I might want to find. I don't care if only one other person has Pinned it, if it appeals to me then I may just start a completely new board for it's friends and companions.

Last week I got to thinking about upholstery fabric
 and then I drifted down the rabbit hole of Men's Wear Suiting influences in decor.

I love a dark and moody study or den
 about as much as I do a light, bright and airy 
French-y Sunroom or Salon.

I guess that's both sides of the coin. 

Seriously, I have a thing for big chairs, leather or fabric,
and a Chesterfield piece will start me hyperventilating.

Nell Hill from Sweet Something Design

I DO love me some Houndstooth and Herringbone

The larger print lends itself to a more modern vibe.

truly crazy, but I love it.

Great thing about black/white fabrics...
they go with any color.

 Love it with the rusty-orange bed as an accent.

I love a warm and masculine bedroom 
with menswear influences in bed linens and accessories.

Mixing tweeds and plaids is a comfortable English look that I love.

They also go well with some florals and prints in the same set of colors.

they also go well with dogs...

This is a bit too much contrast in one space for me,
but those chairs are amazing!

Interesting, but I don't think I would have used the fabric "as is".

All previous photos can be found on my Pinterest Boards

Yesterday, my sister and I headed to one of our favorite places here in Springfield,
The Vintage Peddler, on East Trafficway near downtown. 
It's the latest in vintage markets in the area
and Always interesting vendors and new merchandise.

If you love vintage decor with a masculine edge,
then this is a great place to visit.

good stuff for the gals, too.

I fell hard for this wonderful armoire.
I'm totally crazy for that "mushroom-y" greige paint color.
It would be perfect to house a tv in a bedroom or study.
And oh my, get a look at that clock next to it.

( sorry, this piece is sold)

nothing like a glamorous black sideboard

Almost that time of the year peeps.

...and speaking of Valentines for your favorite "guy",
this just might be that one-of-a-kind gift you're looking for!
(or maybe that's just the attitude he gives you when he comes home from work...)

Pretty adorable if you ask me!

OK have a great rest of the weekend!

joining in here:

Sunday at Home at My Soulful Home 
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Foodie Friday and Everything Else at Rattlebridge Farm
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush


  1. I just want t tell you that Iove all of your posts but this one really speaks to me.

  2. Love all the photos, the very last comment made me laugh!!! cute, love the white chippy dresser and frame with the off white and black, and the sideboard is so pretty. I post what interest me on pinterest. Have a Blessed Week.

  3. These are great. I am going to your board now!

  4. Where did you find the picture that has Nell Hill's under it? I went to her Pinterest page and couldn't find it. Thanks!

    1. Hi Pinky, here's the link to Sweet Something Design where I pinned it along time ago. I had to hunt down where I had pinned it and it was actually on a Board called Great Spaces. Michele passed away in early 2014 from cancer. She was so talented and took tons of photos from the Nell Hill store in Atchison, Kansas. She lived close to me in Joplin, MO and that is not too far from the KC store. Once you get started on her blog you'll be hooked.

  5. OH my...some serious eye candy on this post! I just love everything you shared!

  6. I liked quite a bit, laughed really LOUD at more than a few and some, well, some were just plain interesting.

    I like your "I like a dark and moody study." Visions of Sherlock Holmes and Watson come to mind.

    Fun post, Debra.

  7. You just kept feeding my curiosity more every photo. Makes me wish to be rich, have huge house (somebody else to clean it of course)to put so much of those excellent pieces to use. What fun would be to play, see which piece worked better in a room, would so love to be able to do that. Ah well, keeping our little house up and running is about all I can manage at 76. Still fun tho.
    Enjoy rest of weekend Debra

  8. I could take at least one thing out of every one of those photos, Debra. The one with the framed Domestic Mail bag made me look twice, as we have one of those in one of our booths right now (along with a few other of the pictured items!).
    I generally just scan Pinterest, but I always enjoy pins from someone like you who curates in themes.

  9. Great post! Love the men's look in fabrics for chairs, sofas, etc. Thanks for the peek!

  10. LOL on the Boar's head!!! Too fun! Love all the inspiration you can find on Pinterest. It is like a favorite magazine. Love to use the search and the pop ups of finds on the feed too. Just a whole world of beautiful ideas out there.
    Happy Sunday.

  11. Thank you so much for this great post! Nothing like a big dose of eye candy to start off Sunday morning.

  12. Loved this post! I thought it was so interesting and unique. You have such a great style. Thank you for sharing with us.

  13. Whereas I love the Farmhouse style, I am getting so bored with every blog featuring all white. I am SO glad to see something different! I need to see other things to pique my interest and make me see new possibilities for my home. THANK YOU for an interesting post!

    1. thanks Laura, me too. While I love white and farmhouse style, a lot of blogs look just alike to me. I like to have a little variation in decor, and sometimes that means going for deeper darker tones and colors. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  14. Fun post, Debra! All those pieces upholstered in wool fabrics look wonderful, but I'm getting itchy just looking at them. I sure wish I could tolerate wool sweaters and fabrics. I'm in love with the large scale black & white design on the rugs.

    I just pin whatever strikes my fancy. When I'm looking for inspiration for a project I'm working on, I'll dedicate a board to that particular theme so I can easily find it.

    Thanks for digging up all those photos and uploading them to your blog. Whew! Lots of work!

  15. UM, to the question---Pinterest for me is sheer pleasure and research. Second, so much eye candy you have provided, and I love the Pig at the end---subtly suggesting---you honestly can find anything on pinterest, LOL.

    As far as branding---in my retirement years, I'm just not interested in anything but sharing and connecting with creative people. I find all the ads, promos, and 'branding' a bit annoying and have begun to avoid posts---that do such.

    But I do love pinterest and this post was so much fun---but, pssst, I'm allergic to wool, and began to itch just looking at all those sumptuous tweeds. But thanks for sharing as its so much fun to browse. Grins, Sandi

    1. so funny, I've had a couple of people say they were itching just reading my post! haha. My husband too can't wear wool next to his skin, he gets all whelpy and itchy!!

  16. I use Pinterest to find ideas and inspiration on topics I am searching for. Pin what I like with no business goal in mind.
    Enjoyed this post, saw lots of things I would love to have in my home.

  17. It's been a while since I have indulged the dark side I love so much! I love all of these photos. What a fun board! I don't do Pinterest with any amount of consistency. But it's a fun romp once in awhile. I indulge "man stuff" more on my Tumblr page which is mainly just for me. Fun post!

  18. Oh my goodness, talk about a rabbit hole! I want to live in everyone of these rooms.

  19. Oh my!! what a lovely collection of pictures! I love the idea of wrapping a chair in lovely suit fabric....but in my house...the dogs would have hair all over it....even if they never got up on is just in the air...
    The one that has the coat still attached so to such well done.
    anyway...I love Pinterest too....get site to get inspired...

  20. Debra, I'm with you when it comes to pinterest. I pin what I like and don't worry about the numbers. I do most of my pinning while visiting SYC links. I don't even care for the color orange, but that couch in the first photo made me swoon! Now houndstooth, I have always loved it! In fact, I have a b&w bench up in hubbies office. I just told him that I wanted to bring it down to the bedroom for a change. Loved all of this inspiration! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  21. I just happened upon this post...oh my...pinning, pinning, pinning! More and more I am moving toward my love of English country. I love my shabby whites, but the masculine plaids and tweeds have me swooning always. I just like it all. Give me all the pretty and handsome things!

  22. I just found this post, what a delight!


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