Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Leola's Christmas Open House: Part 1

My sister and I came down before the doors opened Thursday evening. 
to take photos and say Hi to all the gals.
They always know how to throw a great party.

I have to apologize for the photos,
I wear contact lens, one for far away; one for reading,
that makes for lousy camera shots.
I even tried using reading glasses and some were still fuzzy.
But I'm showing them anyway.

Hope you enjoy them thru the blur...

See that scrolly architectural piece below?
That came home with me.

So much talent.
Janie, Kenda, Pam, Brenda, Judy, Kristi, Jan, Kelly, Linda

Linking up with 


More coming...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Who says it's too early for a tree?

OK, maybe for a full blown Christmas Tree, but I get antsy to change up the Holiday decor, so one way to get a jumpstart is to bring in my two smallish trees. I like to start adding the evergreens, and bring in a more "woodsy" theme for Thanksgiving.

This little tree is wrapped in a burlap coffee bag from Germany
and is setting in my black goat cart in my Living Room right off the entry.

The "Help" loves burlap you know

(in the evening)

still tweaking...

How do you make the transition between Fall and Christmas?
Only thing is, you can't go in the basement because 
I have ten open boxes of "stuff"
more of the transition coming...

And don't miss the Give Aways that are going on
 over at Fishtail Cottage.
Tracie has one of my necklaces in the Give Away.


linking with,

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What's New in the Shop

These cooler days of Fall have me more productive in the studio,
so I thought I'd share what I've been adding to my Etsy Shop.
Some brass and zinc numbered tags are now hanging out 
with my blinged keys.

I put together a little impromptu styling vignette
 with an old celluloid covered jewelry box,
a frame of dried flowers and a small gold portrait frame.

One of my few hydrangeas of the year
 that has the most amazing lavender color.

and a fragile old book entitled Religious Experience in Twelve Letters
 dated 1826.

Vintage ladies watchfaces added to the key
and a new watch as part of the pendant.

The pendants are hanging from a 28 inch silver plate ball chain,
so there's no tarnishing.

Several of these have already been sold.
If you'd like something that's shown, just email me and
I'll try to put something together just for you.
Please be sure and label it "Jewelry" on the email.

It's never too soon to start thinking Christmas!

(this post is showing up in my most visited feed,
I'm no making jewelry at this time, 
nor is my Etsy store open at this time.
thanks so much, Debra)

joining in with 


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