Monday, November 7, 2011

Who says it's too early for a tree?

OK, maybe for a full blown Christmas Tree, but I get antsy to change up the Holiday decor, so one way to get a jumpstart is to bring in my two smallish trees. I like to start adding the evergreens, and bring in a more "woodsy" theme for Thanksgiving.

This little tree is wrapped in a burlap coffee bag from Germany
and is setting in my black goat cart in my Living Room right off the entry.

The "Help" loves burlap you know

(in the evening)

still tweaking...

How do you make the transition between Fall and Christmas?
Only thing is, you can't go in the basement because 
I have ten open boxes of "stuff"
more of the transition coming...

And don't miss the Give Aways that are going on
 over at Fishtail Cottage.
Tracie has one of my necklaces in the Give Away.


linking with,


  1. Hi Debra, oooh your tree is so pretty!... I love the colors you used, and now I see how you get everything done that you do... you have two helpers!!! Kitty kisses sweet babies... I know what you mean about getting into the basement... my crafts room is so full of boxes of vintage Christmas right now (I am preparing for your parties!!!)... I can hardly eek my way in there... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Yes, the tree is going up! Yours is pretty. Love it in that wagon!

  3. Love the woodsy natural tree. I'm sure the "Help" love helping out with all those boxes!

  4. I did exactly that a few years ago.Us bloggers have so much in common.Your decor for Thanksgiving is delightfully charming.

  5. You are giving me such a complex! I didn't even get my fall stuff out. I have to give a shower on Dec. 4 so have to do something. We went to the Vermont Country Store when we were on our trip -- I see their advertising on your blog. It was crazy busy!

  6. Adorable! I love little trees and yours is decked out so beautifully. That wagon is gorgeous too!!

  7. Your tree is perfect for Thanksgiving. So love your wagon.

  8. Debra, your little tree is adorable sitting in the cart and flanked by those sweet little chairs! I have one of my little trees up too. Have a delightful day.


  9. Girl...I need all the visual inspiration I can keep it coming!

  10. Debra I love that little tree and it looks great in the cart with the burlap wrapped around it! Love it!!

  11. Not too early at all Debra. It looks de lovely and I am heading up the ladder to get my box of decor!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  12. I had my blog attacked and I lost everything, I just found you today, I have had to try and find all my favorite blogs to relist them,, I'm so glad I found you.The wagon is just lovely and its not too early, your tree to me is more holiday themed,, perfect for this season of thanksgiving and christmas,, just beautiful

  13. It looks adorable! Your tree is perfect for the season right now with the cheerful sunflowers and cute little pumpkins.


  14. Hi Debra, Your tree is so cute and I love the little wagon. I have been antsy to start Christmas decorating especially after going to Holiday Open Houses last weekend.

  15. I love it Debra! It looks just perfect in that darling wagon and is such a great transition from fall to Christmas. I am holding myself back from decorating for Christmas even though it feels almost physically painful to do so! :-) I may only be able to hold out for one more week, especially when I see things like your beautiful tree!

  16. Debra, love your sweet little tree.

    I am READY to start with Christmas. Been so inspired by all the beautiful magazines out this year.

    Barb ♥

  17. Very festive for Thanksgiving! Love the warmth of the lights in the evening.

  18. I have spent three days cleaning and re arranging my store so I could bring out the Christmas stuff. I hate to do it before Thanksgiving, but if you don't you loose out in the world we live in now. Have a great day. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  19. Your tree all wrapped up with the burlap and sitting in the wagon is beautiful and inspirational.

  20. That looks so pretty there, Debra! Now will you leave it in that spot for Christmas and just decorate it up? White lights always make everything look so fairy tale-like. Your help looks like you ran them ragged! : ) I'm afraid to open my Christmas boxes up. Right now they are at my daughter's house and I think we will go through them together and we'll see what she can use. I have a feeling I'm going to be thinning it out - again.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What a good idea! Your tree looks so pretty and perfect for fall. I love the burlap bag around it and the little bits of sunflowers and pumpkins in the cute!

    I deleted my last post because there was a typo in it...woops!

  23. Well now that's one less tree that you have to set up when you start your Christmas decorating! I like the burlap wrapped around it. You could leave that up through Christmas.

  24. Your tree is SO pretty, Debra!! I would have put it up early, too!! The soft colors are beautiful and I love it in that wagon!


  25. Hi
    This is just adorable, love the burlap with the greenery. Great idea.
    Hope all is well!
    Talk to you soon

  26. I used to have a small tree that I took out at the beginning of october, decorated with orange lights and halloween goodies (like black cats and stuffed candy corn ornaments) and then, I'd change it to pumpkins for thanksgiving and finally would decorate it for Christmas in December. I miss that little tree. I think it just got too shabby and I let it go. Your tree is lovely.

  27. I love the tree in the goat wagon. Xmas comes in like a tornado around here. I spend one afternoon packing up the fall stuff and bringing out the Xmas favorites. I wish there was a smoother transition!

  28. What a beautiful fall tree :)
    Love it!!!

  29. Deborah I love this setting!! It is zoo pretty and the wagon is just darling!

  30. Pretty tree and I love how you have displayed it...and why do cats love the coffee bags? When I brought some home, my fat, lazy, calm cat went bezerk, rolling and playing like a kitten!!

  31. That wagon is just precious! And the tree is so pretty and perfect for the remaining fall days! :)

  32. Debra, It is not too early to bring out the TREES. In fact, I am planning on bringing out all of the kids trees so I will not feel so rushed during the Holidays. I know some people do not even want to think about Christmas, but me, well, I am the person whistling in the aisles, enjoying every minute of it.

  33. how wonderful this tree is!! it really fits for thanksgiving going into christmas!!
    love it!
    rebecca (i'm just a newbie)

  34. I never would have thought of this Debra, but I think it brings a special touch to Thanksgiving, and well I love Thanksgiving! t.xoxooxo

  35. Hi Debra,
    I never think it is to soon to decorate for Christmas. I am getting so excited to decorate here, not sure what I will do yet but you are setting a fire under me to get busy on it :)

    Love the florals added for a fall look, and in many homes it is a tradition to go out in the woods cut the tree and bring it home to decorate at Thanks Giving, yours is already done and will add so much beauty to your thanks giving.

    Thank you for the inspiration.

  36. The tree doesn't look out of place at looks like the perfect transition to Christmas. I've really got the feeling that it's almost upon us, don't you?

  37. Never thought about doing a Fal tree...very cute!!!


  38. Looks great!! I have had a Fall tree in my Living Room since Sept. but it will be coming down soon because the Full blown Christmas trees will be going up next week....


  39. I love those little trees! Definitely a great way to add to the season.

  40. That tree is OK to have up right now:) It is soooooo gorgeous! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  41. What a beautiful Fall/Christmas tree and the wagon just makes it even better! Love it!!!

  42. Two weeks ago my adult daughter wanted to set up both Christmas trees! It wasn't even Halloween. lol She lives with me. I told her the weekend after Thanksgiving. She takes after her grandfather. He always set up the tree very early. I think it's sweet, but I like Thanksgiving so much and it often gets over looked that I like to wait until after.

  43. I love your transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas! I couldn't help myself and I put up our Christmas tree and all of my other Christmas decorations this past weekend (hehehe). My husband drew the line and wont allow me to decorate outside yet he says "its to early". I will slowly pull out one piece at a time until my whole yard is decorated (maybe he wont notice) :)

  44. Your tree is fantastic. I love it. Now I never think of adding a tree before Thanksgiving, but yours is perfect. I love the fall colors and your wagon is fabulous. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  45. Your Autumn tree looks so fabulous! Two years ago I started putting up 2 of my large Christmas trees and decorating them for Thanksgiving then redecorating them the day of after.


  46. This is gorgeous the little wagon....I'm still gonna have me a year round tree decorated for the different seasons of the year...I think it'll be such fun :)

  47. I used to keep a tree up all year and it embarrassed the boys when they were teenagers. Guess who can't wait to put up their Christmas trees now? :) I am putting up a tree this week for Thanksgiving. I found some vintage chalk ware pheasants at a yard sale late summer and they are my starting point for the tree. Your tree is so charming and I love the wagon. Hope you are having a wonderful week Debra. xo

  48. I really like your fall tree! I think that would be a nice transitiong to Christmas.

  49. I don't know when I have been SO anxious to jump start the decorating than this year.

    Hmmmmm ... you have definitely given me ideas. And inspiration.

    Thanks ~ Mary @ Sea Quilts

  50. So awesome! Love the burlap garland!! Thanks for linking up to the Burlap Month party at WhisperWood Cottage!

  51. Hi Debra, what a delightful idea in having a Fall treet. You did a lovely job. Thanks for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris


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