Wednesday, December 9, 2009

White Wednesday, Little White Christmas Churches

There is just something so serene and peaceful about a country church. From my childhood drives with my family I can remember the small clapboard structures with the towering steeples. And when the snow dusted their rooftops they became magically beautiful; a place where one could slip inside, sit quietly in a back pew, and marvel at the sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows.
Here are a few of my small Christmas churches that I've been collecting for the last several years. These next few are found in my "Holiday Cupboard", which I showed this last Monday.

These next few are on a tray on my coffee table downstairs.
Mostly metal votive holders.

This one is bisque.

These next few photos are newer larger lighted ones,
 with small interior bulbs.
I love how they look at night all aglow.

And this one in my Dining Room was a gift
 from my daughter Erin a few years ago.
We found it at the Seed Box when they had their store in Ozark.
Even though it's not technically "white", I wanted to share it.

Hope you're having a blissful week.
Many of you are getting snow.
 Maybe we will all have a White Christmas!

Say Hello to Kathleen and all the others at

Happy White Wednesday,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Need a little help from your friends?

Just in case you are in a place where you might
 need a friend or two, or more,
 come visit My Bible Study Blog 

We are going to study how friendship with God
and others can help get us through.
We are still studying "miracles"
 but we are also talking about how as friends
we can help others,
and how they can help us.

Come by and be blessed,

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Basket-full of Bloggy Love

My Christmas basket of "bloggy love" runneth over!
You know how much I love you all...
you have changed my life.
I am making so many good friends,
in this wonderful land of blog.

image from Country Living

But I have been remiss in publicly thanking a few people
 for their kind and generous expressions of friendship,
so today I want to thank some of you sweeties 
that sent some lovely awards my direction.

Theresa of 612 Riverside for the Sugar Doll Award,

for the Friends Award.

for the Kreative Blogger Award.

And Polly from Sassafras Stuff
for the Honest Scrap Award.

Each one of these lovely ladies have blessed me.
Thank you!
If you haven't met them yet,
please go by and say "Hi!"

And below I want to share with you a couple of photos
 that I have of a wonderful soldered charm necklace
 that I purchased from Debbi of Debbi Thinks Deep.
If you don't know Debbi, stop by her blog,
 because she is one sweet and talented lady.

Sweet birdie, I just love them.

love the chair side too,
and old French Dictionary pages for background.

And this little snowman fella was made by Nancy of Nancarts.
She has a great Etsy store where you can find
 one of these cuties for yourself! Thanks Nancy!

And from one of my favorite people in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, Anne of Fiona and Twig sent me this little vintage cutie pie, "just because"! Just because she knows how much I love lambs! Anne needs no introductions. She is witty, smart, talented, and gorgeous, and one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet. Thank you, Annie, my sister and my friend.  "Woolsey" sits right in front of me in a place of honor everyday keeping watch while I'm on the computer! Oh, he's one busy little guy!

Extra Extra, see all about it!!!
My doorbell just rang and Surprise!
A special Christmas ornament from
you know who above!

Sweet little cardinal ornie,
with a Cardinal Christmas Greeting!

What did I tell ya...she's just ..."thuh beST"!

And last but not least one of everyone's favorite gals,
is having a
 HUGE Celebration and Give-Away!

Go by and enter,
She is one of the most giving and kind 
bloggers that I know.

Blessings today!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday

Joan at Anything Goes Here is hosting
such a fun party, 

 Vintage Christmas Monday.

Stop by to visit Joan and then get a Christmas
sleigh full of other fun vintage Christmas ideas.

Last year when I was still at Leola's in Ozark we had a Christmas party where we exchanged gifts from our space at the store. My friend Jeannie had this wonderful piece she had put together that I literally had drooled over. So when I found out she drew my name I begged for this little mailbox full of great vintage goodies.

I have it setting in the Entry Hall right now, but I need to find a place to hang it on the wall, so it will be in a less precarious location. Some of my Thanksgiving "decor" bit the dust... whoops...bad location!

This is one of my smaller trees that was really an "entry" topiary type tree. We bought it about six years ago when these smaller lighted trees first came out. This year I realized I was tired of the green and wanted a white or pewter colored tree. 
I had read a post by the super talented
 Carole at Maynard Greenhouse
where she had hand painted a smaller tree white. Click above to read her great post! Carole's turned out gorgeous, but I opted for the spray paint route, with fairly good results. I used what I had and started with a mocha color to tone down the green, then a silver, next an off white, and then finally I took my trusty can of off white latex and brushed some on.

Most of the ornaments are vintage Shiny Brites. I collect the whites, silvers, golds, and pastels. If they come with decorative flocking then all the better.

I have a few small putz houses that found their way over to this tree. They aren't in as good condition, but I love them just the same.

A sweet little angel tree topper.

 My friend Kenda and I spotted them at the same time at a swap meet two years ago. She picked them up first but was so sweet to share the bounty with me. She gave me two after I screamed and cried and threw myself on the ground (probably just to keep the attention to a minimum) Love ya Kenda!


I'm really loving this Vintage Christmas Monday,
 since most of my Christmas things are old.
Yes, some of us are more "vintage" than others!

Have fun this week!

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Share the Joy" Holiday Party

Bella Dreams is having a Party!

A "Share the Joy" Holiday
Decorating and Craft Blog Party!

The party is an all inclusive fabulous fun trip
 of anything Christmas!
So be sure and head on over after your visit.
Names of participants are on the left side bar.

Last fall I shared my "Holiday Cupboard"
that is in my family room downstairs.
I rescued it from my flea market space a few years ago.
It holds whatever the season brings
 in kitch and cottage-y fun.

Vintage white pottery vases of all kinds are my staple.
Although, for this Christmas, many of them have had to
find temporary homes elsewhere in the house.

Putz houses, paper and chalk churches, old candy tins,
and nativity lambs all live together in perfect harmony!

This is one of my favorites,
 a "Sees" candy promotional sleigh.

And look who's driving...
a flying squirrel, in goggles, no less!

Tiny top shelf for paper houses.

Plaid tray with dog

Nativity set lambs.
 Oh, you know I just love these little babies!

And vintage children's Christmas picture books.

A Stack of painted white suitcases tops it all off.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year.
 I've decorated with new eyes
and a fresh perspective this year,
and it has been such fun!

Love to each of you,
and the best of Christmas wishes!

p.s. I'm a little behind in visiting everyone,
I hope to catch up with all of you this weekend!

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