Showing posts with label wreaths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wreaths. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Black tole tray, sunshine quilt, and some tweakin' going on...

Just wanted to share a few little Summery changes out here on the sunporch with you all, and show you my latest black tole tray that I've added to my illness  collection. Dee is having a super summer sale over at the French Bleu Vintage Shop, so you will want to go see what she has in. Check out her blog, I think she has a 30% off code going on.

The yellows, golds, peaches and reds just look so summery.
(from French Bleu Vintage Shop)

I had some cute comments on the post I did on the Patriotic Sunporch a week or two ago. It was suggested that it needs it's own book. It DOES have it's own personality for sure, and it's always wanting attention... So to indulge it once again, I found a sweet little quilt that was a substitute for a vintage version that "got away". Yes, I didn't buy something, then got home and thought about it. I went back the next day and of course it was gone. boo hoo. But I found this one, which is really bright and pretty, and filled the bill for my desire for "Yellow".

I've been enjoying the red fruity pillows out here, so I didn't want to start over, but it was time to put away the flags, and the blue accents, and concentrate on Summer, with some Apple pottery, which was the idea behind the reds and yellows. 

This is a vintage quilt from my hubby's family that has pieced sailboats on the front. I'd forgotten it was a sunny yellow on the reverse, so it's part of the color scheme, too.

My paternal grandmother's Hull Apple Cookie Jar, salt and pepper, and stove jar love to be part of the Summer Baker's Rack decor. I remember that this cookie jar always had fresh homemade oatmeal cookies inside. I can see her kitchen like it was yesterday...sweet memories...

(actually it's two peppers because the salt took a tumble a few years ago, and I need to find another one that's not an arm and a leg).

Can you imagine that everyone used to save their bacon grease?

Ironstone pitcher with some faux daisies.

I recently found this little oval plaid lunch pail,
 Love these little versions.

That checked pillow that's in the middle has the flag on the other side,
so I just turned it around to keep the great black/white check.

And speaking of "apple" things,
 here is a new little "skinny wreath" for the front door,
Lady Apples and Black-eyed Susans

And some appliqued feed sack tea towels that Ive been saving for Summer.

joining in for these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Hey Everyone, hope you're having a great weekend! We just got home from another doctor's check-up trip to St. Louis. Great progress on my husband's inner ear surgery, and we always have a wonderful visit with the kids and grandpuppy.

I mentioned last week that I had "recycled" my white wheelbarrow with the veggies and rabbit tureen after they made their appearance as a tablescape. I was still lovin' the garden veggie theme, so I made a place for the wheelbarrow on the sideboard in the kitchen hallway.

But I wanted to bring out the hens and chicks for summer, so I changed out the rabbit tureen for a "chicken" tureen. Both of them white ceramic, that usually live in my kitchen china cabinet along with their sister tureen, a duck.

I found the vintage chalkware momma and baby chicken years ago at the flea,
and they are always part of my "Summer" decor.

Here's the "Veggie Garden-Vintage French Seed Packet Label-Flowerpot Wreath".
Try saying that 3 times fast...

I found these order forms in the little seed catalog that I'm sharing here too.
So naturally, they had to be showing garden seeds!

Each time my husband walks by the sideboard
 he's attacked by crazed carrots grabbing onto him.

so sorry...
fine...I'll tuck them in a little better.
Be careful, you might get pecked.
Like I always tell my hubby,
 "Don't mess with my livestock!" 
...or the decor.

(Just being silly)

close quarters and bad lighting.
but I just love this spot.

You wanna know where all the roosters might be?
I have them all corralled downstairs.

And remember to check back Monday morning for

and link up all your Etsy and Online Boutique items.

joining in for these parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm

Have a great "rest of the weekend"!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Veggie Garden Flower Pot Wreath

Hey you all! What a day yesterday was...
Storms most of the day. Hail, (marble to ping pong size), lightening and anywhere from 5-9 inches of rain in about a 3 hour period. All the blooms on my plants were ripped off, and my hydrangeas that I have marveled over and pampered are in a heap on the ground. I'm just hoping they will survive somewhat intact. Our yard looks like a shredder has been through the trees with leaves covering everything. The pool wasn't flooded with mud, but it is filled with tons of oak leaves, sticks and small branches. Thank the Good Lord, no tornadoes. I'm hoping that today we can get out and clean up the mess.

Another kind of bad news is that a lightening strike took out the modem for my big computer that is my workhorse. So it will be a few days of pinch hitting here on my laptop that I keep in the kitchen. It's not set up with any of my photo storage, links, or my email. I'll be blogging with one arm tied behind my back. Hope you all will understand if things are sparse around here. I'm just glad I can post at all.

I did have these photos in draft for a blog post, so I'm sharing them with you today. In last week's post of the Vintage Wheelbarrow Tablescape  I used some vintage French seed packet labels for tags that could be used for guest seating place cards, and then some cute little flowerpot napkin rings. I've been wanting to do a flower pot wreath since last year when they went wild over on Pinterest. I know several of you gals have done them recently, so hope you don't mind if I'm a copy cat.

I just used gardener's twine to attach the flower pots and then filled them with moss. The base is an old grape vine wreath I'd had out in the garage for a few years. I thought about putting faux daisies and other flowers in the pots, but in the end with the veggie tags it was much too "busy".

Sorry these photos are a little blurry. I was using my big lens and didn't realize they were fuzzy until after I'd already hung the wreath up, and then by that time I had put away the step ladder and cleaned up my mess.

Here are the vintage French seed packet labels attached to the tags, 
from the tablescape post.

and then one of my whitewashed flower pots that was holding silverware.

Here's the wreath hanging above the sideboard;
I'll show you the rest of the "recycled veggie wheelbarrow" 
that's now on the sideboard, soon...

I've looked through Pinterest, and love all the different flower pot wreaths, but this was the only one I'd seen done in whitewashed pots. And you know me, I love me some whitewashed, chippy anything.

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday, 
and that you're weather is better than mine.

joining in on these parties:

Blitzed on Pinterest at Debbie-doos
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch
Knick of Time Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Homework at The Everyday Home
TTT at Stone Gable

Oh, and Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful guys out there!
we love you.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's a "bird" thing...

...and it happens every Spring.

It was time for a sideboard "refresh" after Easter and I've been antsy to get my Pier 1 scroll-y chalkboard in place. The bunnies are all put back to bed, and this time I know where to find them. All tucked into their see-thru giant plastic tub in the basement storage room. sweet dreams...

After Easter I always go to my nature/bird/nesting theme.

I thought I wanted just a plain (gee, that's not a word that I use often) and simple sideboard vignette, but I should have known that once I had things in place that I'd be looking for something else to slap up here for more visual interest.

So I found a couple of my unframed vintage bird prints and a few of my paper play things from last year. I loved paper dolls when I was little, now it's "paper birds". I'm addicted I tell ya...

These little sweeties are cut from an old torn up bird book and mod podged onto an old dictionary page. Then framed in an antique photo album page. Click here to see the original post I did on them.
Don't you just love an ill placed 80's doorbell (below, upper right) 
for some shiny hallway fun? yuck.

An old French Ironstone tureen and English platter are my staples,
that I brought in from the Dining Room buffet.
time to mix things up.

Then I brought in these little ivy topiaries from the Living Room sofa table,
 for something a little different.

I just found a new preserved boxwood wreath too, so that may go here in place of this mossy/twiggy one. Now that the birdies are hanging around it looks a little "busy". (I whined last Christmas Season about a boxwood wreath for weeks. none to be found under a $100.)

So here's the Hallway Sideboard... for awhile anyway.
You never know what you'll find in here.
Thanks for coming by to visit!

joining these weekly parties:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Blissful Whites from Timewashed

I'm joining in with all of you, sending our love and prayers for Boston, and for those whose lives are forever changed by the tragic event at the Marathon.