Showing posts with label front porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label front porch. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Front Porch Before, Before, and After

Welcome to the new and improved front porch!

I'm going to start this post with an "after" pic from this last weekend and not the "before" or the "before, before", because I don't want to scare you all off.  That's what the "before, before" look of this house did to me. I really didn't want to go inside, because I was so turned off by the dated ranch look of it. But thank goodness my husband forced me to. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Porch Decor while in Transition

Hi Friends and welcome to the Spring Into Summer Porch and Outdoor Spaces Hop 
hosted by my talented, good friend Amber of  Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Are you needing some ideas to help spiff up your outdoor spaces? Put together something different? I know I am! We are in the middle of a facelift for our front porch and landscaping and sometimes it seems easier to just opt out of decorating an incomplete project. But I'm here to give it a try so I don't feel like it's a lost cause living with an outdated front porch.

If you're coming from Marty's at A Stroll Thru Life, I'm so glad you're here! I know the title to this post might seem a little strange, but it's an honest look at sharing the ups and downs during house renovations. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New House Journal: Timber Frame Front Porch

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We worked most of the weekend painting the laundry/bath and Hearth Room/Kitchen. One project we took on called for some study and investigation. Today,  I'm sharing a little Pinterest inspiration that I gathered, to help me find a solution for a front porch "mini makeover" on our new house. To say I was not a fan of the front porch is an understatement. The house is a long drawn out 60's brick "ranch" that has a lovely setting, but just left me lacking that home-y English Cottage feel that I love.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spring Paint Refresh for the Goat Cart

After Valentine's Day is here and gone, we can legitimately begin to think about Spring. Around here in the southern Mid-West, February is still considered Winter. Cold temps, freezing rain and snow are the norm. Once and awhile we'll have a surprise day or two of 65. There may be a few little Daffodils pushing up through the snow, and we know the worst of Winter is usually over. We can now start dreaming about gardens, flowers, and all things "green", without judgement. (insert happy face and a wink)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Finally... the Fall Front Porch

I was beginning to wonder if I was EVER going to get things together enough out here on the front porch to actually get a few pics taken, and call it a "post". I had my mums out and planted by the first week of September, found some fun pumpkins at the farmer's market down the road, and even had my door basket decked out for Fall with some new brown plaid ribbon. And then the unthinkable happened...

Monday, August 7, 2017

10 Tips for Transitioning to Fall

Looking through blogland this last week, it's been filled with posts about transitioning our decor from Late Summer into Early Fall. Our individual methods may be similar, but each person has their own unique style and ideas to make this a fun and easy change-over. The fact that bringing out the Autumn decor is one of my favorite things to look forward to, makes this a special time to savor and enjoy for me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

(It's a Chilly) Christmas on the Front Porch

Welcome to our Home for Christmas!

I think we're all having below normal temps this last week.
Actually, it's been pretty chilly around here for the last several weeks;
chilly enough to keep me from wanting to spend time outside
 fiddling with Christmas decorations and my camera.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Vintage Metal Bench on the Fall Porch

I finally have some pics of the front porch and the "new/old" bench dressed for Fall.
It's taken me long enough, if I'd waited much longer we could go straight to Christmas!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Flora and Fern and a "Married Metals" Bench

I mentioned awhile back that Springfield has had several fun new shopping venues open up, and the latest one I want to share with you is Flora and Fern, which is right next door to the new Harrison House Market. It's full of wonderful vintage displays, topiaries, orchids, large and small potted plants and trees, and unique accessories including jewelry.

(enlarge to read the Swedish definition on the chalkboard)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Entry, In and Out...

Hi Everyone, are you in overdrive this week, trying to get ready for Christmas? I'm making progress, but I need to start wrapping gifts. One thing I realized I needed to do was to share pics of my Entry and front porch. I've had to get them over a span of several days, and because of the blah weather they've not consistently turned out. So, again today, I gave it a try. I'm just an "accidental photographer", meaning it's an accident when I can get good photos...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Front Porch for Fall

I finally have the front porch put together.
It's a small little porch, and I've been warned  asked
not to cram too much out here.
That's a hard one...

It's Fall,
 and that means mums,
 and my black wagon.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baskets for Spring Door Decor

I've slowly been putting "Winter" away, and bringing "Spring" into the house this last week. After Christmas I keep some of my winter faux greenery out as a backdrop and base for winter flower arrangements, and in baskets. Since snow covered trees and evergreens have been about the only landscape in sight, I've enjoyed my transition time from Christmas to Spring. But now that the sun is shining and the thermometer is going to be in the 50's and 60's we have a good chance that the worst of winter is behind us.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Entry

Hi Everyone! I know most of us are having a busy weekend, between last minute shopping, runs to the grocery, and baking up a storm...but I wanted to share a few pics from my Entry, inside and out.

Looks pretty familiar right?
I'm using a lot of the same elements here, as I did at the old house.

Oustside, we just kept it simple this year, as I haven't been able to decide how to decorate the narrow front porch. It's not big enough for much of a bench, but I have a few things in mind for this Spring. I'm just using my Christmas topiaries that are lit up at night and I kept my basket on the door; just added in some evergreens and used some of the plaid ribbon, that I've used inside.

A family vintage sled decorated, at least gives a little bit of Christmas.

With this ribbon, 
I'll be able to keep this basket arrangement for a little while.

Have a great weekend, everyone.
I'm still waiting for Santa to deliver a few presents,
and then I need to get busy wrapping.
Even the fur girls send out a 

Merry Christmas!

joining in on these Christmas parties:

A Stroll Thru Life
Stone Gable
Coastal Charm
Cozy Little House


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall Front Porch at the New House

The landscaping is in (except for the new maple we're waiting for) and I had time to run by the pumpkin market for a few mums and pumpkins. It's not a huge display, but just enough to make it feel like "home". It's pretty sparse compared to year's past, but all my concrete urns are still hiding out in storage. I also still have to figure out what will fit on the small front porch. I will probably just paint one of my wooden benches the charcoal gray like the door and new shutters. I need some little something out here, but I don't want to clutter up the small space. We still have to repaint the outside lanterns, they have a pretty tired finish that needs spiffing up.

If you missed the before shots of the sad shutters and front door, you can see how the new Benjamin Moore paint, Iron Mountain, really enhances the brick and railing, and pulls it all together.


As our contractor so aptly put it. 
"The shutters and door are beyond "distressed, this is "neglect". 

New paint and newly built much better.

I had a few Fallish silk florals that I stashed in my basket, then grabbed some wide bright orange ribbon. It helps dress up the porch a little, give some Fall color, and it also keeps someone from being able to see inside, when you're standing at the door. Sorry, I don't like people peeking inside....eck. (I just used one of the large "Command" hooks for this basket)

Hubbs carted over my concrete bench for the rocked area... What do you call this space between the walkway and the garage? This is a popular landscape feature around here. Anyway, I'm hoping to plant some lillies and a few perennials out there when I get time. The boxwood shrubs are baby size, but will grow fast. Now you can see the rock accent areas under the windows, instead of ugly dead shrubbery. yay!

Just imagine that there are lanterns, my concrete squirrels, and a few watering cans... but since we haven't moved in yet, I didn't want to have too much out here.

I found this big concrete container at Lowe's, I hope to use it for seasonal flowers, maybe adding some perennial ivy, next Spring. I'd like to add more to the porch and stairs, but probably will have to wait for Christmas. 

We're just so happy to have all this cleaned up and replanted.
 It was such a mess with dead plants and shrubs. 

OK, that's the extent of my Outdoor Fall Decor, 
not much, but better than nothing...

joining in on these parties:

Treasure Hunt at From My Front Porch to Yours
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Feathered Nest at French Country Cottage
The Scoop at Confessions of a Plate Addict
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Skinny on Spring Wreaths

Each new season you'll find me fiddling with silk flowers and putting together wreaths, and this weekend I've been working on one for the front porch. But finding one that will fit is always a problem. Most of the time I just give up and go with a bunch of silk branches or flowers for the large wicker cone that's on the side of the front porch.

But last year we had an upset with some little finches that wanted to make a nest in the cone with my faux flowers. I thought I had managed to escape having to leave out green poinsettias until May...but no. They were all over that wonderful spot. So when I was able to hijack their plans, or so I thought, a nest of little eggs were dashed on the front porch concrete by accident. Well, birdie lover that I am, I felt horrible and realized that I would have to do better this next nesting season. 

That meant NO WICKER CONE!!!!
(said in the tone of Mommie Dearest's "NO WIRE HANGERS!!")

Here's a pic from last Fall so you can see the problem;
Lovely nesting spot in the white cone to the left.

 Please excuse the pumpkins,
but you can see what I mean.
...the perfect, out of the way, nesting spot.

You can also see my dilemma with my finding a wreath for the door. It's one of those glass storm doors, that only give you a few inches to work with. So if I put a wreath on the door, it has to be super skinny!

So, here's a better shot of my make-do creation, 
hanging on a recent purchase from Pier 1.
That naughty Nita, made me go out and buy this...

Isn't this blackboard just so cute and scrolly?
I have plans for it on the sideboard in the hall after Easter.

 OK, so back to my wreath dilemma...
I found a skimpy one in my stash, with white berries,
(Michael's for about 8 bucks)
which works for Christmas or Spring,
but it was too blah,
and needed something else...
like a twig or two of forsythia and a nest.
Just grabbed a few extra goodies from the flower bin and wired them on.

I think this may have saved the day.

Joining in on these great parties:

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

On the Porch

I'm going to admit that I've been dragging my feet about posting any photos of the outside of the house, because I just haven't been able to get good ones. The front is heavily shaded and if it's overcast out, then just forget it. blah, boring, washed out. So we had some sunshine the other day, and I managed to get a few shots, but I'm warning you they are sort of lackluster. I did my best to dress them up a little for you. This little half park bench that I keep out here is my favorite pic.

I did bring out one of my Fall Pendleton wool throws to bring in a little color, and then added  some of that "worth it's weight in gold" bittersweet vine to the mix. I'm going to have to include bittersweet in every blog post I do this Fall, just to get my money's worth out of it!

I always have a hard time decorating the porch, so this year I invested in some vintage concrete urns that are painted white, for the mums. They are heavy little boogers, so hubby had to deal with them. But they do class it up a little, which always seems to be the issue.

Thank you PicMonkey for all your help!

I guess I just need about $200 worth 
of extra pumpkins sitting around out here.
 Maybe that would help.
That, or a personal visit from Martha Stewart.
Wonder how much she charges for house calls?

We're in for a freeze tonight so this will all have to be covered. I can usually keep my Boston ferns until the first of November, but it might not happen this year. I hate throwing them away until it's just too cold for them.

I'm really loving this plump one here in front.
white, with some green and orange veining.

And I think this one is called a Peanut Pumpkin,
see, what did I tell you about the photos?
OK, gotta round up those old sheets and blankets
so I can tuck these babies in for the night!

(click here for last year's porch pics)
Deck photos coming right up...

joining in for 

Seasonal Sundays at the Tablescaper
Make it Pretty Monday at the Dedicated House
Cowgirl Up at Cedarhill Ranch
Welcome Home Wednesday at Vintage On A Dime
