Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas Front Porch

Invariably I get down to the last few days before Christmas and I start running out of time to share all my pics of Christmas around my house. So here are a few from the front porch. We went through a really cold snap about the time I was decorating it, so it sort of got lost in the fact that I wasn't going to turn into a popsicle working on more fluffing.

I managed to get out the basics to give a little Christmas Cheer and Welcome. 

I did the door basket first thing after Thanksgiving. Faux mixed greenery and a few sprigs of holly mix together for a simple winter look. I'll probably keep this out here after Christmas awhile. 

Christmas Plaid Tartan ribbon around the basket with a few bells took it up a notch. Here's a pic from the entry for a little light that isn't glaring from the glass front door. I hate that no matter the time of day, I can't get a shot of the door that doesn't reflect the street.

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Speaking of the street, I've mentioned that we live on a sort of traffic-y street. We live across the street from a large Junior High and Elementary School complex, so all the people that line up for student pick up get to view my meager efforts at outdoor Christmas decorating. I have to give them something halfway interesting to see each year. 

I buy all my holiday Christmas pillow covers from Amazon. The squirrels are bad to come sit on the pillows. not kidding... and leaving a mess. Nutshells, and they might as well be rodent toilet paper. yuk. These covers are easy to pop in the delicate cycle and freshen up, thank goodness.

A vintage Black Watch plaid wool scarf decorates the old sled.

The below pic had a little more going on with the garland over the back metal bench, but that's the year the squirrels ate all the red plastic berries on it. After that I realized it was a lost cause trying to put out much festive greenery. I wouldn't have wanted to deal with their gastric issues after that. Well second thought, maybe that's why my pillow covers are dirty. 

Here's my Home Tour from 2020

Below is a Front Porch Christmas

 post from 2019 our first Christmas here at this house.

One of my favorite door baskets.

Thanks for coming by friends. I know this is a super busy week for us all. Our granddaughter celebrated her first birthday last week, so we have a mini party on Christmas Eve too, for the family. Lot's to celebrate and be thankful for. Including all of you!

 Joining in here:
The House on Silverado  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch  
 Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  
 Wonderful Wednesday at Eclectic Red Barn 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  
Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage  
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home and My Thrift Store Addiction
 Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique,
 Farmhouse Friday at County Road 407


  1. I think it's great that parents have such a beautiful view while waiting in line! Love your porch decor, but the squirrel issue would absolutely drive me nuts. We have had so few squirrels since our tree came down, even with the neighbor across the street still having hers. They do dig in my mulch and grass, though.i love your basket, Debra, amd how versatile you keep styling it. I keep thinking I would do well to invest in one of those.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family! It should be a fun one with Olivia!

    1. We knew we'd have squirrel issues when we moved here because this whole area is filled with large mature trees. We had planned on taking some of the trees out during Covid but that never came to be. We've just had to live with it. I do draw the line at being nice when they chew up my chair cushions. No more Mrs. Nice Guy. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Rita!! Enjoy your family!!

  2. Love your sled and that watering can. So pretty. We are having early spring weather instead of Winter weather. I am not complaining but it does feel like we should be having Easter instead of Christmas. Enjoy this week leading up to the big day. Hugs. Kris

    1. Hope your good weather extends to after Christmas. We have cold rain coming which I'm not looking forward to. Have a wonderful week, Kris. big Christmas Hug coming your way!

  3. Lovely post, Debra. The front porch and door are so welcoming. Merry Christmas!


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