Sunday, May 8, 2016

Vintage Blooming Prints and the Consult

I don't have a lot of "blooms" around here yet. I've been putting off planting containers outside until I felt more like taking care of them. Some days I don't get much accomplished except laundry and putting something easy together for dinner. I'm really missing the color of my spring containers full of Geraniums, Million Bells and Lantana. So for now, I'm enjoying these old prints on the console in the Entry. Hopefully, I can get some plants out in a few weeks. It looks sort of bleak and forlorn around here.

And...I wanted to let you know how the consult went with the Cardiologist who will do the new CTO Heart Surgical Procedure. He evaluated my tests and feels like he can make a little headway. We only discussed one of the major arteries. It's the biggest and the one that will make the most difference in how I feel. He said the procedure could take up to 4-5 hours to complete, depending on how he's able to maneuver and how many arteries he has to work with. He has a plan, but it's one of those "be flexible" situations, that's sort of "you work with what you have".

This will be toward the end of the month, so I'm trying to stay optimistic and positive with the outcome. Even if he can open up this one artery, it will help with the angina and give me more energy. He says this isn't a procedure to prevent heart attacks, or extend your life, but based completely on improving quality of life. "That's fine with me", I told him, as mine has been severely lacking this last 6 months, even the last several years, since I had the blood clots back in 2013.

Going through my stashes of prints, I found a couple of my Robert Atkinson Fox vintage prints. They bring a smile to my face when I look at them. Nothing like a Garden in Bloom.

The PB Urn is still here with a faux Paperwhite;
 it reminds me a little of the intricate blooms of an orchid.

I'm hoping I can get back to my life soon; I don't do well as a "shut-in". I love to read, but even that has it's limits. I haven't had the energy to get out much, and driving isn't easy since I've had a lot of dizziness along with the rest of the fun. I'm not going to continue complaining, but just feel like I need to give voice to the many people who suffer with this and no one thinks anything can be done. Most people cannot understand the concept of daily heart pain and because of that don't understand what we go through. I can't tell you how many people say "but you don't look sick..." Heck no, do you think I want to go around LOOKING like I feel? no.

I asked the Cardiologist why I hadn't heard of this procedure before, and why no one seems to know about it. The answer...? He said that the reason more cardiologists don't do this is because there's no money in it. The procedure of course takes specialized training, equipment, and lot's of time. So because of that it's not worth it financially to them. Cardiologists can make a lot more money just doing emergency interventions than they can doing this lengthy involved procedure. He said he basically only gets 90 dollars more to do this from Medicare or Medicaid, than with the much less complicated and more frequently needed angiogram. I'm not on Medicare so thankfully my insurance will pay him a little more. 

There are so many people who live with daily chest pain and limited energy because of heart problems. They can't exercise, climb stairs, go shopping, do yard work, housework ... nothing more strenuous than walking around the house, and even some days that's a "good day". No babysitting grandbabies, working in the garden, hosting a Holiday get-together, or evening walks with a loved one ...things many of us take for granted. And often these same people are not "old or elderly", but otherwise healthy individuals who are still in their prime. 

OK, I'll get back with you after the procedure. You all know how much I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts, and as I said before, type CTO Chronic Total Occlusion Heart Surgery into your search engine for lot's of information. And if you know someone who is physically diminished by angina and Heart Disease, then give them the word.

Sharing at


  1. I'm so happy for you that the cardiologist is willing to do the procedure that will improve your life and hopefully diminish your pain, Debra. It's sad that in healthcare it all comes down to money, but it looks like you've got yourself a caring physician. I'll be thinking of you at the end of the month and waiting to hear good things. Your lovely vintage prints and arrangement at your front door bring a summery look to your new home. Take care and Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!
    xo, Vickie

  2. Hi Debra, Oh my heavens ,,will it's been a long time since I have been on any blogs or blogged .. over a year. I am so sorry to hear you're struggle with angina has worsened in the last 6 months ..but praise the Lord for a Doctor willing to help you despite what he makes ..may God Bless him for being what a Doctor should be willing and compassionate. We will uplift you in prayer as well as your Doctor and Nurses for a speedy recovery and total healing. And once we get moved to MO .. I'll come plant some flowers for you so you have some beautiful blooms to enjoy. We hope it's soon but have a little crisis of our own right once that passes we are on our way. Sending you hugs and Blessings
    Sara ~ Sweet Magnolias Farm

  3. Debra, I wish you well. I hope the procedure provides you with better quality of life. I can only imagine how stressful it is to live with pain and limited energy. Espcially for someone like you who loves to be active and creative. Take care. I will keep you close in thought.

  4. I was so glad to see you had posted. Had wondered how the consult went and I'm excited that you have some option that will prove to be beneficial to your precious heart. Have had you on my mind. Here's hoping and praying it will be a huge success! Praying for you and your doctor and anyone associated with the procedure,

    Keep us posted,


  5. It's a true relief when we find a physician that knows, understands and has a plan for our medical problems. I have no idea the sort of pain you've been in and of course the limitations. I'm praying you come back better then ever, Debra.


  6. Debra,
    I can not even begin to imagine, dear friend, what you go through on a daily basis.
    My daily prayers continue on your behalf.
    The prints on the console are breathtakingly beautiful!
    Until the day you can return to the things you love,
    try to enjoy the freshness of Spring through your windows!

  7. I was so glad to see a post from you on how you are doing. My prayers and thoughts are with you and I'm so glad you found this dr. and procedure to try. Best of luck and good wishes with it.

  8. How wonderful to have found a cardiologist who is willing to invest in the person, NOT the $$. You've got a slew of people who will continue prayer for you and your team, Deborah. Until then, I think those Robert Atkinson Fox prints are gorgeous to have as stand ins! It's hard to find those vintage prints with such good coloring - those are especially nice! Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Take care. I'll be thinking about you and sending a prayer.

  10. Thanks for giving us an update on the procedure and explaining why we have not heard of it before. Prayers for you and your doctor. Your front entry vignette is charming--love the Fox prints and the urn! Very springy!

  11. I wish you the best during and after your procedure. No, I can't imagine what it must be like. My ankle keeps me from a lot of activities, but it isn't life threatening. Happy Mother's Day, my friend!

  12. I am so thankful you've found the perfect guy to treat your symptoms ~ I'll be keeping you in my thoughts ~

    I've taken care of many patients in your shoes ~ Yay for this new-ish procedure!

  13. Baking is how you start kids at cooking in the kitchen. It's fun whether it's baking bread or cookies. With baking, you have to be exact when it comes to ingredients.

  14. I will be praying for you Debra! ����

  15. Debra,

    As a former cardiac nurse, Ive seen many patients experience what you are going through. I'm so thrilled that this new procedure is out there and will pray for a sucessful outcome. Hugs

  16. Debra,
    I will be praying for a successful surgery and outcome with this new procedure and guidence for your surgeon; also for strength and healing afterward...
    Debbi Saunders

  17. I am glad you found someone who would consider helping you through this...I will keep you in my thoughts!

  18. Praying things go smoothly for you. My Mother had bypass surgery many years ago and she breezed right through it and that is what I pray for you as well. Blessings, Dianntha

  19. You are so fortunate to have found such a knowledgable and compassionate doctor. My husband has Copd and people see him and can't tell from the outside that he can't exert himself because he loses his breath so I understand your frustration. Best of luck for your procedure.

  20. You are in my prayers. I saw my father suffer with angina back in the 1970s and know how much pain he was in and how it restricted his life. I pray for excellent results for you with this new procedure. God bless your doctor, also.

  21. You will be in my prayers. My first husband suffered from heart disease, and I know some of the limitations you speak of. He had 5 bypasses at age 34, and later went through a Chiron study where they injected growth hormone into his heart to see if he would grow new vessels. He did grow small vessels and had much more energy for several years. And, "he didn't look sick, either"! We just never know the suffering some people go through. I'm wishing you the best with your procedure, and hope you have renewed strength and energy. Positive thoughts only!!

  22. Hi Debra,
    Love you to pieces Deb, and am so glad you this procedure is available to you! I have been praying for you and will continue to know that!! You amaze me with your strength!! And of course I just love your heart! And you have lots of people praying for you! Thank you for sharing your journey...I know it has encouraged a lot of friends out there, including me!

    Big Hugs to you, sweet friends!!

  23. Oh and I forgot to say that I love your prints! Everything always looks so lovely! Those paperwhites look real!

  24. Please, you are never complaining! You are sharing your troubles with friends. I hope this gives you relief and you will have a better quality of life to do the things you enjoy. Let us know the date so we can send love and prayers your way. I LOVE your prints!

  25. Debra, I wish you all the best and will keep you in my thoughts. My husband has a heart condition with NO fix yet. One side of the heart wall has thickened and does not flex as it should. No chest pain. But recovery from slight exertion takes time! Be good girl. I hope for the best for you. Sheila

  26. I'm so sorry. I hope that this procedure takes care of the pain. Prayers for you and for the dr.

  27. I am praying that this surgery will make you feel so much better after you have it done Debra!!! Thanks for keeping us updated and thanks for the post!!

  28. Oh thank the Good Lord for an answer! I am shocked to learn how it isn't offered more often - that just stinks! I'd never heard of it either, and am sooooo happy you may soon be feeling your own self again soon. Continued prayers for you, sweet lady. Hugs.

  29. Life brings many trials and I am sorry you are going through this. I pray you do feel much better after the procedure.

  30. Debra, I hope and pray your health improves after the procedure.
    Your blog continues to be full of beauty and inspiration. You are
    courageous to share your thoughts and feelings. Your strong faith
    will get you through this. Looking forward to your next post...

  31. Praying this procedure produces amazing results for you Debra!!!

  32. I will continue to lift you up to the Great Physician, the great Healer & glad you have a Doctor who cares and wants you to have an awesome life and do the things you love to do! Praying for the Drs, nurses & all involved in the surgery... Love & hugs for a speedy recovery...

  33. Debra, I hope all goes well with your procedure. I imagine having a bit of your energy back will be such a joy for you. I pray it all goes well and that God guides the physician's hands. I will also pray you can remain strong in spirit. Your prints are beautiful!


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