Saturday, May 28, 2016

Coffee Table ReStyle

Hi Friends, a few weeks ago I needed to finally put away all my "Spring" rabbits, bunnies, and whatever... I'd been putting it off cause I hadn't felt so great, but when everyone started talking "Summer" it was obvious that my sweet little Bunny Man Basket needed to be tucked away for next year.

I wanted a neutral "Seasonless" look in the Living Room; one that was easy to keep with a minimum of effort. I don't like to extend a season way past it's "best if used by" date... says the person who still has a bunch of silk daffodils on top of the kitchen china cupboard. What can I say, I have to get a step stool to get them down...

I'd unpacked this hexagonal bronze cloche last Fall and had it in a bookshelf downstairs, but not really decorated. I thought it might work upstairs for the coffee table, so I grabbed a few of my vintage clay flowerpots and filled them with tea lights. I love the patina on these little guys, especially the painted blue/green one toward the front.

Michele had reminded me that I needed to get some ivy starts potted, so when I visited the nursery last week, I picked up a couple of pots of Glacier Ivy for accents. I agree, even a little live greenery goes a long way to filling in an otherwise ho-hum vignette.

These wooden candlesticks have been everywhere and they're so versatile, they go with most everything. Some decor books for height and a deer shed antler round it all out.

The candlesticks used to be antique white,
 but I gave them a quick once over with ASCP in a gray mix last Fall.

I've kept this Frenchy Garden Tray on the coffee table since I bought it several years ago. I keep a piece of burlap underneath, so it won't scratch the painted finish on the table. If you look closely you can see the bottom is made from some sort of rolled wire. Here's the original post and you can see it easier, HERE. It works for any season, and it's great for corralling all my "stuff".

I still have my leopard accent pillows and furry throw out,
 and that's another thing I need to do.
Problem is, I really like them here, furry or no.

joining in here:

Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Thoughts of Home at Poofing the Pillows


  1. This is great news Debra. I'm so glad you already have some sign of relief from angina. So what's the excuse for those others of us who just put the rabbits away? My gauge was when I quit seeing them in my yard, scampering, then maybe it was time. Hahaha, I waited long enough that the babies are now running around, so hey, it was still spring. :)
    Rest and recover in your own time. Hopefully the iron supplements won't have other domino effects other than the positive.

  2. I do hope that you find much more improvement as you start to feel better.....Praying that your blood flow gets better each day!

  3. Debra,
    There is no "bum" in Common Ground, dear friend!
    I am thrilled to find a post from you!
    Praise the Lord your procedure went well. . .
    and now you're heading on the correct road to recovery!
    I feel something good is going to happen to you!
    I'm liking your coffee table vignette!
    Thanks for keeping us "in the loop"!
    Get out~of~doors and enjoy "Summer"!

  4. This is such great news! Thank you Lord! Summer is just beginning; so rest and then you will be able to do the things you love to do! Really happy for you and glad you found this Dr....hugs & love

  5. Debra - Sounds like all good news. So glad this is over for you and am just praying and knowing you are going to be feeling so much better after you recover from the surgery. Have missed you but so glad this part is over.

    Please take good care of yourself.


  6. No need to apologize Debra, I'm just glad that you feel good enough to change things up around your pretty home and show us what you've done. I'm so sorry that you are going through such a tough time with your health, but I'm also glad that you got a good report. Blessings to you Sweetie.


  7. Debra, hope you are back to feeling better soon. Your coffee table looks lovely! I am glad the procedure was successful.
    Many hugs,

  8. I'm taking a break from blogging, but I scroll through occasionally and saw you had an update, Debra. I'm so glad you've already felt an improvement after your procedure and I hope you continue to improve over the summer. These days, I'm all about decor that can easily transition from one season to the next, and your tabletop display is perfection!

    Thanks so much for the update and take care.

    xo, Vickie

  9. Ah, Deb, God bless ya lady - sheesh Louise that's so much you've been going through, honey!

    LOVE your coffee table vignette- have always totally loved your taste and style.

    Thrilled you mentioned the ivy, haha. I sure appreciate the shout-out. I have been neglecting my blogging from life being busy too. I truly have a trillion things to share.

    Love ya, lady. Be good to yourself and PLEASE REST - we need you around for a long long time.

    Prayers and hugs.

  10. No need to apologize whatsoever! Your health and well being are the most important thing. Everything else is secondary. I completely understand how difficult life can be when you don't feel well most of the time. I have been dealing with a flare-up lately with my auto-immune disease and have not felt well most of this week. I finally went to GNC to get some supplements (which I usually refuse to take)! I am so sorry that you have had to deal with such a scary condition as you have. My husband had a procedure similar to yours years ago to help him with his pvc's. Unfortunately, it was not successful so he has to take meds and they don't help that much. That procedure is so scary. Were you awake during it? My mom had that done to put a stint in her as well. I hope that you're starting to feel better. Feeling low energy is NO fun! I love your new coffee table vignette. I have that same gardening tray too. It's a good one!

  11. Oh Debra. I'm so relieved. I pray that as you heal and you get your iron supply up that you will feel better. I was anemic and I felt terrible. On a weird note, I craved Triscuits. As soon as I got my blood leveled out, the craving was gone. I've haven't eaten them since. Thank you so much for the update. Hugs to you.

  12. Oh my goodness, Debra---I didn't know you had this procedure coming on...I definitely would have had you in my prayers. I'm so relieved things have come out well.

    Your coffee table looks wonderful. I, too, was so slow in taking aways all of my bunnies. Right now I have a little mid-season decor going on. lol! I love the little cloche, the flower pots are perfect. I've been adding those tiny little fairy lights to the bottom of my cloche arrangements. They are precious lit up at night.

    Take care, my friend. Love and prayers for continued good health!


  13. I'm so glad you have had the procedure and sincerely hope it helps tremendously. I hope you have renewed strength and are able to do the things you enjoy. You'll still be in my prayers. Take extra good care of yourself.

  14. So glad all went well.......ya gotta keep resting and building up your strength. You're not a bum!! I'm honored that you keep us updated because we care about you and pray for you......

    On the bunnies.....mine are out mostly year round because that's what I collect and it pleases me to see them!! On the other hand, my Xmas wreath is still up in the living room because it is too heavy for me to get down, am waiting for my nephew to help......whenever!!!! I also love the little fairy lights and have them in unexpected spots for some cheer!!

    Take care.....

  15. Oh, Debra, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. I hope you will feel better than ever! Prayers!
    P.S. Love the new coffee table vignette!

  16. Start using cast iron skillets to cook all your food. You get a little iron in your food each time you cook. Plus everything tastes better cooked in cast iron. Get a good seasoning on it and it is great non stick too!

  17. Debra,
    I was very anemic once and was too anemic to have an operation I need. My mom came to my house everyday and make me a green juice in the juicer, celery, tons of spinach, tomatoes. My iron count improved within two weeks and the surgeon said he had never seen anyone recover from severe anemia so quickly. Something like that may get you on back to feeling like yourself. Best wishes, Ginene

    1. Hi Ginene, I've been doing a top rated green drink for over a year, albeit not a "fresh" juice. I'm on the iron supplement now and that seems to be working, as my red blood count is coming up, but still "LOW". This has been going on for over 13 years, so now I have to find out if there's an underlying condition. Thanks so much for leaving a comment! xo

  18. Thank you for sharing your good news! Wishing you a speedy recovery. There are lots of food which could provide the iron your body needs, as Miss Ginene can attest. It's always good to hear a first-hand account like that. Take care of yourself. I agree with the "like" button for blogs. xoxo

  19. Debra ~
    I'm glad the CTO went well, and that you are already feeling the benefits. Be patient with yourself as your anemia clears up ~ gt a transfusion if you need it!!
    Hugs ~

  20. You have spread enough goodwill around blogland to last a lifetime! Bless you dear Debra. Get well!

  21. You were on my mind so I headed glad to see a post up which really surprised me. You are one tough cookie! If you can already tell a difference that is a real good thing so once you feeling good I hope it continues to provide you more quality of life...Anemia will make you very tired... I know the traditional thinking is heart disease is cholesterol related but more and more research is showing the effects sugar has on it. Just talking out loud! So glad you home but I'd of been scary to be released so soon but staying in the hospital can be dangerous too.

    1. Hi Cathy, yes, I haven't eaten sugar to speak of in years...all my heart related junk is hereditary calcified arteries. yuk. I don't eat alot of red meat either, because of the cholesterol... go figure! I'm always ready to get out of the hospital as soon as I can, I can't rest there, ha ha! xoxo

  22. Debra, so glad to know your procedure is over and you are on the mend......these things just take time and there is no substitute for it, sadly. Praying you will feel so much better than you can imagine now and get back to your favorite things. God can do so much more than we can imagine or think. Blessings for health, Linda

  23. You can heal and reverse heart-disease on a whole-food, plant-based diet. Please watch Forks Over Knives, How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Esseltyn, and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.

    1. Hi, I bought that book "How to Reverse Heart Disease" quite awhile back when I was first diagnosed. My problem isn't what I eat, but an hereditary problem. I've been on a super low fat, heart healthy regimen for years. It's a great book.

  24. Debra so glad to hear your procedure went well and you will be getting to a better place with your blood flow. It will take some time to feel good again but it will happen. Prayers for you and healing hugs.

    1. Thanks so much, Kris! I'm lovin' seeing your new nest come together! I'm so happy that you're finally getting settled in! xoxo

  25. Well wishes and good vibes being sent. I can just imagine how much effort you had to do for the post-- save your strength for healing! And your coffee table looks great---simplifying in the summer is the only way to go. Sandi

  26. So glad that the procedure went well! I hope and pray that your health improves quickly and you'll soon be feeling much better! Your coffee table looks fabulous! The little pots are precious! ~Rhonda

  27. Debra,
    Good news! I had been wondering how you were doing and am glad to hear the procedure went well. If you can already tell a difference with your angina, just think how you will feel in two weeks.

    Shhhh... don't tell anyone, but I still have a bunny on the shelf behind my kitchen sink. He stays there almost year round. I like him. He's my friend.


  28. You are still in my thoughts and prayers Debra....first things first, take care of yourself!!!! So happy that your procedure went well and concentrate on getting better each day!

  29. I'm so happy to hear the procedure went well and you are having less angina, Debra. It does sound exhausting! I hope you will get some energy back soon! I love your vignettes...and my bunnies and chicks just went away, too lol.

  30. Oh gosh Debra! I feel like such a loser, because I didn't know you had to have this procedure. No walk in the park for sure!! I'm so glad you are feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers!! It has been crazy busy around here getting ready to host our grandsons wedding in our garden in June. Trying to finish building my garden shed in little over a month. It's going nicely, but not sure it will happen. I have hardly been visiting as well. Just replying to comments (which I am behind on) and visiting links from SYC. I love trays and you've created a beautiful vignette. The pots are perfection!

  31. Dear Debra I am so pleased to read you are having less angina pain now, and following the good advice from your doctor ... sometimes, that is not an easy task, but we know you will continue to heal following their good advice. Love your coffee table & your creative styling!!

  32. Oh dearest Debra, I am so happy your surgery is over with and is helping you alot... I do believe you are on the right track now, IF you remember to rest, which I know is hard for someone as active as you to do... I honestly do not know how you keep up with all the things you do!... and always with a smile and a positive attitude!... your Spring into Summer vignettes are beautiful!... hard to believe it is going to be June tomorrow... our weather here all of May was just awful, 80 mph east canyon winds and rain rain rain... my gardens were a shambles but are coming back a bit... you remember my climbing red rose from my secret spot?... well, it had over 300 blooms coming on it, I had over 200 last year, as I can count them, they come in clusters of 10... well, the winds stripped them all off... then in the last couple of days, I have actually had about 5 that appeared and are blooming!... love you so much dear lady... relax, enjoy Summer coming on... and remember I am always saying prayers for you!... xoxo... Me

  33. That is a lovely vignette, Debra. That is major surgery and I'm happy to hear that it went safely. Wishing you continued improvements and take the time to rest.

  34. Debra,
    I am so thankful that there are these procedures available and even though this was a painful and very unpleasant procedure it sounds like you are seeing some results already.
    This is a lovely vignette and I too am a fan of Ivy.
    The four of us Ladies from TOHOT are sending many wishes for continued healing and strength.

  35. Well I don't know you personally however I have read your blog for some time and worried about you throughout all your procedures and doctors visits.
    You have a beautiful house and you always have wonderful items to decorate with

  36. Hope you feel well, I guess diet is the key. My mom had the same procedure. Your house is gorgeous and it will wait for your decorating till you feel up to it. Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  37. Thanks for sharing great news!
    Keep sharing!!!

  38. Hi Debra. I know I read this post but I don't see my comment anywhere. Sorry about that...

    I'm glad you are feeling a little better. I know you've been through the wringer but hang in there. We are pulling for you.

    I'm so glad you shared your beautiful table restyle with us at Thoughts of Home.

    Sending hugs,


  39. I'm sorry to hear you have not felt well for so long. I hope the procedure helps you feel better so you can feel a little like "you" again. I will be praying for you :o)

  40. Hi the flower pots under the have given me an idea for a vintage market show I doing next weekend. My sister had the same thing done you did this past Tuesday. She expected to feel great right off the bat but she is so tired. But she did great with the procedure. Have a super great weekend.

  41. Debra, I'm so glad your procedure went well. You will be feeling better in no time. Just do as the doc says and get your rest. Those types of procedures are no fun and you deserve the time to heal. Your coffee table vignette is so pretty. A very calming creation for now for you..Have a wonderful weekend..Judy

  42. I'm on a blog break, Debra, but you were on my heart this afternoon and I'm so glad I popped it! I'm so glad all went well for you and you're continuing to be in my prayers that you get stronger with each day. Just take care of yourself!
    Shelia ;)

  43. I love that cloche Debra it is a neat shape! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  44. Hi Debra! I hope you are feeling better! Nice to see you pop up at the party- and love the coffee table styling- thanks for joining FNF

  45. Just popped over from French Country Cottage. It all looks really great.

  46. You can tell from the date that I am just catching up on old posts that I have missed Laptop died & looking at pictures on a small pad is not the same. But by catching up I find I need to hope that your health is coming along great after the heart procedure since I am going from old to new posts. Enjoying your vignettes & tips for pulling them together. I have a small collection of Fox prints that I have in a small hallway bath. The last one a friend found as we looked around an antiques shop. She showed it to me & said 'you could probably find another frame.' I'm not sure she got it when I said I like the shabby old frames. I think of the ladies past who liked having one of the small, probably inexpensive framed prints as a bright spot in their homes and lives.

  47. Best wishes for your health. Rest, healthy food and positive thoughts help you feel better. You are a brave woman!!

    Gorgeous your decoration! I have learned your your advice: one thing high, one thing lower and round or large an one tring small, may be flower or little plant!!! Yessss...


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