Friday, December 13, 2013

More Inspiration and the "Pin a Pillow" Give-Away

There were so many great links on last week's 
Be Inspired
that I thought I'd share a few extra. 
If you haven't joined in this week,

from Amanda at Dixie Delights
(one of the prettiest this season!)

from Must Love Junk

from Vickie at Ranger 911

from Doreen at Hymns and Verses
there's a tutorial too!

from Mary Alice at Chateau Chic

Hey guys, tonight is the end of the 



  1. Love all of those posts Debra... I want to bling out my bathroom now!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Thanks for including my mantel among the other beautiful features, Debra! I want a front entrance like Dixie Delights- gorgeous!

  3. I see so many inspiring ideas! Thank you for sharing these! The mantels are fabulous!

  4. Love it all, thanks for sharing some great inspiration!! :) Happy Saturday! xo Holly

  5. I had no internet all day yesterday, so I just saw that you featured my mantel and nativity! Thanks so much, Debra! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  6. The mantel with the pages from the hymn is wonderful! And I love the fact that it's all about our Blessed Savior's birth

  7. Love the pics Debra. Now if you would kindly come and decorate my house. We are having a sparsely decorated Christmas thins year with me just having brain surgery 5 weeks ago and a weeding this past weekend for a step-granddaughter. I haven't quite gotten my strength back like I thought I would. But Christmas will come whether I am decorated or not. At least the tree is up and wreath on the door.


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