Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Easter in the Holiday Cupboard

You all will be thrilled to know that this year I have recovered the lost stash of Easter Goodies. Last year I was bemoaning the fact that I had a bunch of my vintage Easter things that were lost somewhere in the Twilight Zone. You know, that place that various and sundry items go to that is unbeknownst to your conscious mind. Yep, that happens to me every once in awhile, and when it does it triggers all kinds of thoughts about the state of mental health concerning moi.

(not too old cauliflower teapot) 

I prefer to regard it as just a busy person
 with a lot of "stuff" and not enough organizational skills.

(mini wheelbarrow with turnips)

Anyhoo, a couple of my old chalkware bunnies have found their way out of that parallel universe and back into the Holiday Cupboard.

I love old seed catalogs and Garden books
and just received a new purchase that I'll show you soon.

See the green garden box here on the bottom shelf?
Next week I'm going to share an idea I have for making them...

It won't be rocket science, but it will be be fun...
and on the cheap.

I'm joining these parties this week:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Rooted in Thyme
French Country Cottage
The Charm of Home
From My Front Porch to Yours
Coastal Charm



  1. So glad your Easter stuff floated back into your hands! Ha. Your Easter décor looks really pretty. Love your chalk bunnies.


  2. If I told you how I lose items between two house you would feel so put together. I love the chalk bunnies and garden books. The entire cabinet is chock full of spring inspiration. Pinning...

  3. Debra,
    You know how I love your cabinet and just when I think you cannot possibily out do the cuteness of the last decorated holiday cabinet you out do yourself again. I love this one. It is super sweet. Please come by my blog I am doing my first ever give away for my upcoming 1 year anniversary in blog world and I want you to have a chance. You have been such a great inspiration and help to me.

  4. Debra, I just love your spring/garden glad you found your "lost" treasures!

    Becky @ Vintage 541

  5. Beautiful Debra, I especially love the white suitcases on top! Makes a crowning glory!

  6. Very pretty, Debra! Love all your bunny pieces. I am missing a few Easter things this year. They must have gone the way of the black hole where yours were. : ) I have been over that attic three times already and I'm just about ready to give up. {You know I'll find them after Easter!}.

  7. The loveseat under the cover looks like my sofa. I love your cabinet display.

  8. Debra, you space looks just perfect decorated for Easter. I love all your touches, you have a Knack for decorating.

  9. Love, love, love your seasonal cabinet, Debra! So charming and fun as is the cupboard itself.
    Mary Alice

  10. The cabinet is a perfect place for your Easter and spring goodies. I love the Garden Stories book.

  11. This is all so pretty! But I love most that little garden book and then the garden box in the same color. Yes, it would be a good idea to share how to make those. I could see myself needing a couple of them to group things together in. As always all your vignettes are sooooo pretty.

  12. Great news that you found these precious vintage Easter bunnies. I still searching for my Herend bunnies that I packed away last year when I rearranged my living room bookshelves. I know I put them someplace safe......just don't know were that place is. '-)
    Your shelves look adorable.

  13. I love the blue Garden Stories book. How pretty. Your filled cupboard looks wonderful, springy, and beautifully Eastery.

  14. All those pinks and greens and vintage books create a cheerful spring welcome indeed! Did you by any chance find my missing pink and white birdhouse that's been MIA since last year?

  15. What a lovely and cheerful arrangement in your Holiday Cupboard. Such a fun place to put some of you Easter goodies. Pretty!

  16. your garden room is so charming, debbie:) love the old book, and all of the garden goodies in the cabinet. the green box...i want one:)

  17. So glad you found your things! I HATE it when I lose track of something special! The cupboard looks just great!

  18. Love your display! So vintage, cheery and happy! A wonderful spot for a cup of tea and a good book!

  19. Beautiful:) Happy that you found the LOST Easter goodies! Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  20. What a treat to find your temporarily misplaced ;) Easter goodies. They look great in your pretty room. I was about to get rid of a smaller version of your cupboard, a dresser with upper doors really, but now I think it might have a new purpose-thanks!

  21. the Easter display in the cabinet is very sweet... and I love the white suitcases on top... did you paint them, or actually find white ones? Little Bit from

  22. So happy your bunnies found their way home. Always love your seasonal cupboard decor!! :)

  23. Debra,
    You have done a wonderful job on your cabinet (as always). You have such a great collection of Spring/Easter goodies.


  24. So happy you found your lost
    treasures... The cupboard, the room, everything looks so bright & springy ~ I love your kitty in the photo looking into the wood tool box tray on the floor....
    Thanks for sharing, now I probably have a few lost boxes I should get up & go find~ Have a Blessed week,

  25. The "cheery" alarm is going off rather loudly over here! Love these colors! And I adore all that gardeney stuff. So pretty! Happy first day of spring! xx

  26. I;m in love with your Better Homes & Gardens Garden Book!!! Just the best coloring in that cover. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the garden boxes. After seeing the seed stand on the cover of Country Living this month, I have been addicted to all things "seedy".

  27. Hi Debra... Happy First Day of Spring to you!... love your holiday cupboard all ready for Easter... that vintage Garden Stories book looks fabulous!... hope you are enjoying some beautiful weather... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  28. I always love your holiday cupboard now matter the season Debra! Your Spring decor has me feeling wayyyy ashamed of myself. I haven't done a thing for Easter this year. Only some peeps. Maybe next year :)

  29. Debra,
    Found treasures, indeed!!!
    You have many unique accessories, dear friend! I adore how you've created vignettes in your Holiday Cupboard! Of course, I love bunnies...but I also love cats!!! Noticed yours is looking for a napping spot in your photo! Too cute!
    Still lovin' that red couch!!!
    Nice reflected Seasonal change in your header, as well!

  30. Sooo pretty! You did a fantastic job ;)
    Jamie ~

  31. Oh, this is beautiful! I love the garden box. It just dawned on me that I haven't even got any of my Easter decorations out! I knew this holiday was going to sneak up on me!
    Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  32. You never cease making me say, "ooh" and "ahh"! Love every single thing about his design!

  33. Your cupboard vignette is just so sweet and very charming, Debra! I adore all of your sweet bunnies!

  34. Beautiful! That little wheel barrow is so very charming! Everything feels so well put together!
    I just built me a wooden toolbox pretty similar to the one your kitty cat is inspecting :) next time I'm going to place it on the floor too!
    Have a great week!

  35. It all looks lovely, but I'm admiring the white suitcases stacked on top! Such a clever idea! I would have them filled with crafting supplies!

  36. I love the white suit cases stacked on top of your cabinet! Such lovely soft colors.

    The Joyful Thrifter

  37. Debra, I love your Easter cupboard! You have so many lovely vignettes displayed. I'm in love with the seed box and bunnies, so cute! Thanks so much for always sharing at Simple & Sweet Fridays, you inspire everyone! Happy Easter to you and your family too!



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