Saturday, February 23, 2013

What you do if you're iced in...

Well, you hang around your kitchen window
 looking at all the critters and birdies who are looking for a snack...

Critter feeding is pretty messy business.

This is the frosty view outside my kitchen window above the sink.

It seems a certain little somebody was trapped when the icy rain started coming down in buckets. She had to take cover under the wagon. Looks pretty chilly...and uncomfortable.

can you see her?

As soon as it let up the bluebirds were back. I've lived here 10 years and only seen bluebirds a handful of times, but a little Bluebird "couple" have taken a liking to the feeder up here, so now they're regulars.

Now, look who's back...

She didn't like all the ice pellets in her food pan.

It was a battle all afternoon, 
birds vs. squirrel.

I don't have a zoom telephoto lens, so I just had to use my regular lens. These aren't the best photos, but if you look closely you'll see the variety I had on the feeder. Purple finch and Sparrow on the feeder, a goldfinch on top of the faux evergreen and a little wren waiting turns. some fluff going on here.

My little female bluebird on the feeder again.
The bluebird is the Missouri State Bird

 and speaking of "state birds" we couldn't leave out the Cardinals...

And yes, I had a little help from the "Official" Bird Watcher.

We never lost our power, but it did cut out off and on for awhile.
This has been a long week of feeling lousy, 
but I'm better now.
I think I slept about 16 hours a day most of the week.
and that's with having a flu shot.
I guess if you are going to be sick it's best
when it's snowy and icy,
...a good time to be snuggled up at home.
I hope the rest of you are making it through the snowstorm.
Stay warm.
Spring will be here soon...
I think.

p.s. EpicLinen is still having a discount 
on all orders until March 3.
Head over and look around.



  1. Oh your bluebirds are beautiful! We have only had a bluebird ONCE. We were about to knock part of our house down to rebuild our kitchen. We were contemplating taking down a stately tree for the construction. We looked out one morning and saw a bluebird...the only one I have ever seen....and took this a s a sign that the tree was meant to stay. And it did :)
    Stay warm ;)

  2. Love the pics of the birds and kitty! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  3. Debra,
    Glad to hear that you are feeling better:) What pretty pictures you were able to snap...thanks for sharing them with us. It's a rainy day here at the beach:(


  4. Beautiful pictures:) I love them ALL but the red bird... awesome picture! Have a blessed day dear friend, happy you are feeling better! HUGS!

  5. Hope you are feeling some better now dear Debra... love all your little critters!... your Bluebirds are just stunning!... you know me and my love of all God's precious little creatures... your squirrel is just too cute!... I probably would have had to bring him inside to warm up!... not sure how your kitties would have felt about that?... Tessy has a toy squirrel she carries all over the house with her... our winds are really howling and snow blowing everywhere... this has been a hard winter everywhere... please tell me Spring really IS coming???... xoxo Julie Marie PS Love your teapot kitty is sitting next to...

  6. Debra,
    Glad to hear you're feeling better, dear friend!!!
    We are at 14+ inches of SNOW here on the Prairie...and up to 6 inches predicted for Monday!!!
    Your photos came out well for taking through a window!!! Everytime I tried, the birds flew away. Must be my flash or the sound my camera makes when it is turned on???
    Have a blessed weekend...brace yourself...there's more coming our way!!!

  7. Oh, Debra. What a great way to spend an icy day! I love watching the birds. My kids call me an old lady because I will stand at my kitchen window and watch them!

  8. Great entertainment you had there! The bluebirds are lovely, but the Cardinal is "it" as far as I'm concerned..we don't have them here, and every time I see a photo of them I think how stunning they are!
    Hope you;re completely better soon.

  9. Dear Debra, I'm sorry that you've been sick all week but glad to hear that you're doing better now. What fun to watch all the lovely birds and the cute squirrel from your window. Good thing that you didn't lose power. Hopefully the winter will soon be over for you.
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  10. You have a nice variety of birds at your feeder Debra. It looks very nasty there in that storm and I'm glad you are safe and cozy in your house. I hope you feel better soon. Blessings, Pamela

  11. Good Morning Debra,I am taking some me time to catch up with you all. I am so glad you are feeling better. The flu shot is not helping with what is going around. I will take my snow over your ice, I can drive on it if I half to, but ice forget it. I love your bird pictures and keep hoping maybe Spring is around the corner. Have a wonderful day and stay warm and safe. Your NW Missouri Friend.

  12. Hope you're feeling better, Debra. Love the squirrel taking refuge from the ice!


  13. Glad you're feeling better. We were sure lucky with this ice storm. Not nearly as bad as the 2007 one! We do have some beautiful birds here in the Ozarks. Glad to see the Illinois state bird as well...that's where I grew up! Fun post and love that little squirrel picture.

  14. Hi Debra, I saw the title of your post and held my breath as I clicked your link...hoping there would be pictures...and there were pictures!!! Thanks for sharing, I do the same thing for all our outdoor wildlife, someone has to help 'em out right? Have a great, warm, indoor weekend.
    Audrey @

  15. Love these little critter pictures ~ the cardinal is stunning and the blue birds are so sweet. That little squirrel is cute too ~ have a great day ;-)

  16. Glad you're starting to feel better....I also slept most of this week, just couldn't get on top of it!!! The birds are wonderful!!! The bluebird is also our state bird, and there are many nested in the woods across the way......feeding all of our critters is getting pricey.....can I use that as a tax deduction???? lol....

  17. Oh I love it when birds visit! I have a cardinal couple that must nest nearby because they are here every year. You got some wonderful pics.
    Hope you're feeling better!

  18. I love to watch the birds in our front yard. Seems we have a family of woodpeckers who cleaned out our feeder. The squirrels can't make it up to get to the feeder but I have seen the woodpeckers doing battle with some bluejays.


  19. I heard (radio) that this year's flue vaccine was only 53% effective!
    I absolutely love your bird pictures--especially the lovely blue birds. And I can tell your cat is wishing for the opportunity to go after some of them! Glad you're keeping him inside. Our neighbor feeds feral cats who go after our birds (unfortunately, with much too high a success rate!)

  20. What beautiful birds and squirrels, not to mention the bird watcher! Hope you start feeling better soon!

  21. I love feeding the birds but the squirrels have broken so many of my birdfeeders that I gave up and don't anymore. I'm in North Carolina right now and it's cold here just like Pa.
    Hope you are feeling better and the ice is melting!

  22. I was wondering if you had a telephoto lens, these pictures are wonderful! I know it must be fun to watch all this critter activity. The birds are just beautiful!

    I hope you feel well soon. I had the flu shot, too, and a few weeks later caught the bug. I've read that it can be a lot worse if you haven't had the vaccine so I know I will continue getting it every year. Take care and stay warm.


  23. these birds are beautiful...we have very few around here in Central NY - and I love the adorable bird watcher!!

  24. Oh Debra, I'm just catching up on my blog reading because i've been down all week with the Flu. So sorry you got it too. I'm glad to see you've still got energy enough to enjoy these sweet friends in the window. Take care friend!
    Leslie (GwenMoss)

  25. I hate ice storms, but I love seeing the birds at your feeder. Hope the ice goes away soon and you keep power. Happy weekend.

  26. Debra - Those bluebirds are so beautiful!! I have never seen them around this part of Oklahoma. The bright red cardinal is gorgeous in the snow. Looks like Kitty would like to be out where the birds are!


  27. Who needs the nature channel when you've got a live show in progress right outside your window! Quite a performance they put on for you, I'd say. I hope you're feeling better!

  28. Hope you are feeling better, Debra! It's so fun to watch the birds isn't it? Looks like that little squirrel was pretty persistant! The bluebirds are so pretty, they are one of my favorites. Keep warm & cozy!

  29. How nice to see all those critters right outside your window. Such a sweet vignette out there for them to perch on too. You may not have had a zoom, but your pictures are wonderful!!!

  30. Aw, I love these! The one of squirrel clinging to the feeder cracks me up. I sure miss being able to have a feeder. In our current home the only place I could have one is right where the kitty hangs out! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. Glad you're feeling better!


  31. Hellooooo Debra!*!*!
    Just L*O*V*E all your Birdie Pics!!! and Especially "Your Official Bird Watcher"!!! Hope you're feeling better...
    Hugs -
    Jeanine Burkhardt

  32. Oh my goodness those bluebirds are gorgeous and I'm in love with your cat!!

  33. Such beautiful pictures of nature in winter. We had a bird feeder like the one you show and the squirrels eventually chewed the top off. We would look out the window and see a squirrel fully submerged in the tube with only his tail sticking out!

  34. I'm laughing to myself at your "bird watcher". I don't blame her for dangling from the feeder one bit. Take out is always faster than waiting for a frozen dinner to thaw out.
    Sure hope you get to feeling better doodlebug.
    Stay warm and dry. At our age...staying dry is a good skill set.

  35. Those pictures are wonderful! The squirrel is so cute. And your birdwatcher seems to have found a perfect spot! I hope you'll keep feeling better!

  36. Love all your pictures of your beautiful critters. At this moment we have a critter trapped in our chimney and don't know how to get him out. I'm afraid of the eventual outcome for our friend Skippy.

  37. A purple seeing all your gorgeous pics of these lovely birds!! And puddy cat loves watching them too it seems! Hope you're feeling better!

  38. The birds are all so lovely and your photos are good! I enjoyed this post very much. I hope you soon feel 100% better!

  39. Great pictures! Your kitty looks like mine! A Maine furry and fluffy!

  40. Glad you are feeling better Debra!
    Winter colds are THE worst!
    Your cute photos are making waiting for spring even harder!


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