Sunday, December 18, 2011

Milk Carrier Paperwhites

Happy Sunday, Everyone!
A little more with Paperwhites...

For me, Paperwhites are just the embodiment of a natural theme for Christmas. I usually buy about 75 to 100 each year of the Ziva variety and have them planted in containers between Thanksgiving and Easter. This year I was behind schedule in getting them ordered, so they didn't arrive until the week after Thanksgiving.

I love using vintage containers for them, from soup tureens to just stacking the bulbs in peat pots. However you do it, there's an instant feeling of Christmas.

I love candles, and have one burning almost every day, but the thrifty part of me hates throwing away a perfectly wonderful glass jar. I saved them for awhile, not knowing for sure what I wanted to do with them, but after a "clean out" of my stash this summer, I just had 3 from this season to use.

I like using pea gravel and a little potting mix with my bulbs. I just like the way it looks rather than seeing the roots...just me. Then I cover them with some moss to hold in the moisture. I Didn't get that far with these.

The main thing is just to cover the bottom third, otherwise the bulb will rot. So into the candle jars with a little burlap ribbon on the outside, and then into the milk carrier. 

Keep in a bright window. In order to keep the stems from getting too long and falling over, you can water with a mix of rubbing alcohol and water in a 10/ 1 mixture. Not too much alcohol, just enough to stunt it's growth. (so many jokes for this...but I'll refrain)

I wish I'd been saving my candle jars earlier, in order to make a full carrier of them. A lttlle faux greenery will have to do for this round. I imagine I'll do another set in January. (I'm saving my candle jars now!)

Here they are this morning, after my camera made it back.

A super easy little project, you can use any jar, or jars and put them in a grouping, no carrier needed, just have fun with them. I buy mine from Blooming Bulb, but you have to order early. They also have a huge variety of Fall Bulbs and lot's of gorgeous "green" Christmas ideas.

I'll be linking up with:



  1. Lovely vignette! Great idea to use candle jars.

  2. Great way to show off your paperwhites. I think they are pretty but I had them one year and my family hated the smell! LOL!


  3. Pretty! Love your use of the milk carrier!

  4. Love your carrier, Debra! I'll bet they will look great in it with the greenery.

  5. They looks so lovely in there, Debra, and the white milk carrier looks wonderful on your white chair- BEAUTIFUL all together.
    Sunday hugs-Dorthe

  6. I love this idea of the jars in the milk holder. They look beautiful and it is a wonderful way to display them as they grow. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love paperwhites too. Yours look adorable planted in that carrier. Thanks for the tips on getting them started.

  8. I love these Debra!! They are perfect in the milk carrier and on the white chair. Another idea for me to store in my little brain. :)

  9. Great idea. Looks beautiful!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. that looks so pretty. I wish I thought I could grow them.. maybe I'll give it a try..

  11. The paperwhites in that carrier are so pretty, Debra! Never thought of putting them in there. But I know that I'm going to have to paint my carrier white, now that I've seen yours. lol!

    xoxo laurie

  12. I'm still on the lookout for a similar carrier. Yours is so precious with your wrapped jars of bulbs, Debra. Mine are just in some glass marbles and water. They always do well. But darn, I'd really like to put them in a nice carrier like yours!

  13. I have grown paper whites for years and have never heard of this alcohol solution to control the growth of the foliage. I am going out first thing tomorrow and buying some more to try this. My current paper whites are already at least 2 feet high and starting to the topple over. Thanks!

  14. Adore your carrier. The paper whites are going to look exquisite when your paper whites are in full bloom.

  15. I'm so impressed, Debra! That's a lot of bulbs. I love the look too. SO pretty the way you display them all. ANd so terrific to have you stop by. Such a busy time! I'm checking in from the road. My kids are in six different cities across the country, and we're visiting them all! xx

  16. Debra,
    I love paper whites too and I really need to buy me some next year...hope I don't forget:) Merry Christmas my friend.


  17. I have never heard of paper whites before. They look interesting. Love to see them when they are in bloom. Also like the jar idea. xx Merry christmas Jeanetteann

  18. So that's why I'm not very tall...been mixing my alcohol all wrong! (you might refrain Debra...but you know I can't.)
    I love your carrier and how the jars fit in perfectly. Why is it the minute we throw something out...we need it just a short time later?

  19. How pretty! I love your display, and your idea for using candle jars is great!

    I always wonder how people come up with solutions such as the rubbing alcohol. Seriously, who would think 'hey let's use rubbing alcohol to stunt their growth'....?

  20. Hi Debra, I love your Blog! I am going to start some bulbs right after Christmas. Thanks for the great Tutorial, great tip with the alcohol. Thanks for stopping by my Blog. I am new to this and can learn a lot from all of you great Ladies! See you next year! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  21. I just adore paperwhites. I have some growing now, and the first bloom appeared yesterday. I love how you have yours in a milk carrier. It's great to reuse candle jars, but I was thinking that inexpensive glasses from the dollar store would work, too. Love those little burlap bows, too!

  22. Beautiful! My daughter loves forcing bulbs, too. Easy way to introduce a bit of spring spirit indoors!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  23. Love the way you've gone the bulbs. Those really are perfect for the season and so wonderfully fragrant.

    Happy holidays,


  24. Love the way you planted the paperwhites in the jars. Then decorated them with burlap and put them in the milk carrier. It makes a very pretty vignette.
    I'm visiting from Tabletop Tuesday.

  25. Perfect re-purpose for the milk it :) Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  26. love this make me want to now save something that i have listed on etsy! thank you for the inspiration! xoox, tracie

  27. love that chair, carrier and everything about it.

    barbara jean


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