Monday, September 12, 2016

Early Fall Entry with a new Chalkboard Print

With each new season I try to create a vignette that's something a little different than I've done before. That's not always easy because there are tried and true elements that I'm happy with and just look "right". The lamp, the clock, and the shutters and mirror; those are all part of this spot. But I love to play with faux flowers, and then add a seasonal print, painting, or needlework... and what's a Fall Entry Vignette without at least one pumpkin?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Painted Leaf Fall Wreath

Hi Everyone, I know you all are probably getting some Fall decor out of storage, and searching Pinterest for some fresh ideas and inspiration. I knew I wanted to try to create a new wreath for the Kitchen Sitting Area, but I also knew I wanted it to be neutral. I love the colors of Autumn, but wanted to try using something that was in shades of white, cream, grays, and tans....

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Vintage Owl Vignette and an Update

First of all, I'm having a little issue with Blogger. I'm not sure why, but it's decided each time I have to edit a post that it wants to "republish" and act like I just published it. This is getting old and I've tried scheduling the old time, but it's doing it any way. Anyone else having this annoying problem? I imagine a few of you are wondering about my sanity and blogging ethics. I hope it fixes itself soon, I feel like I'm walking around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe...

I wanted to share my new-to-me vintage concrete owl that I found at The Vintage Peddler last week. Isn't he a cutie; just the right amount of white chippy-ness!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

New Shops at the Vintage Peddler

(I'm sorry, my blog keeps updating on it's own each time 
I join a new party and add it on my blog post...)

 I never know what to call someplace that's so totally unique...
separate spaces housed in an old manufacturing building;
shared by a group of extremely talented vendors.
A place full of vintage and curated pieces;
some new artisans and remarkable stylists,
all with a passion for antiques and vintage.

Welcome to the Vintage Peddler

(be sure and click on "read more" for the rest of the post...)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome to September...

Hi Everyone, are you like me and get excited when you can turn over that calendar page and see that it's finally September? It may still be hot outside, but in our little Fall Lovin' Hearts we know we can now actually put a pumpkin on our blog and not have to disguise it as "Fall Inspiration"!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Out and About... at Harrison House Market

We have so many great places to shop in our area, with tons of talented people making it all happen. Late last spring an older shopping center in Ozark, Missouri (just south of where I live in Springfield) that was a hub for great vintage goods was sold. In an instant, the vintage shops and flea market vendors that it housed had to start looking for new homes and venues. I was so excited to learn that my favorite, Harrison House Market, has found a great spot here in town. 

Be sure and click on "read more" for the rest of the story...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Finally... Checked Curtains in the Kitchen

I've had a project that I've wanted to get done for literally months. It's not that it's a huge one, but knowing myself like I do, I didn't want to tackle it until I was feeling better. I have a tendency to want to see something through in one sitting, and I didn't think I could accomplish a new set of curtains in one afternoon.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Summer Buffet Scape with Ticking Tablerunner and Sunflowers

A few weeks ago I shared some inspiration of one of my favorite Late Summer decor combos; Indigo Ticking Stripes with anything "Sunflowers". Ticking brings to mind lazy breezy summer afternoons on the porch swing, and Sunflowers are those wonderful happy faces that let us know that Fall isn't too far away. 

I have a cupboard full of mismatched ironstone and transferware, and that includes a stack of old platters that I use for cookouts. A good steak or Bar-B-Que requires something substantial so I put a few things together for an impromptu Summer gathering.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Rolling Market Basket and Sunflowers...

Hi Everyone, Happy Weekend!

I've had Sunflowers on the brain for several weeks,
and have made a few faux arrangements for the house
 in vintage watering cans, baskets, 
and now this old rolling French Market Basket
that I keep in the Dining Room.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Vegging Out and Some Late Summer Colors...

I'm feeling a little Fall in the air and the color of the sky.
So I've changed up a few things here in the Kitchen Sitting Area,
one of my favorite places to be...

Sunday, August 7, 2016

When your body has had enough...part 4

In this last post in the series I'm going to share with you how things started to fit together for me. I believe in God's timing, even if it isn't fast enough for our individual desires. I've been praying and searching scripture for verses on wisdom and knowledge concerning my health issues. It's taken what seems like forever, but maybe I wasn't ready before now. Please remember, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just here telling you what I've learned... the hard way. Here goes...I'm sorry it's a long one

Saturday, August 6, 2016

When your body has had enough ...part 3

As I said in the last post dedicated to health issues, I'm not trying to be pushy, preachy, or your doctor. I'm sharing things that have been my own experience. I want to be open and "out there" in hopes that you might recognize any problems or symptoms you might be having and to at least give you something to think about.  Have you read my last 2 posts in this series? Here's Part 1 and Part 2.

I've been writing these posts all this week, so I'll try to get to the comment replies soon. You all have had so much to say and so many of you have been through similar situations with health issues. Thank you so much for sharing them with me and the rest of the readers. Often times there is a wealth of information and knowledge in the comments from you all, so I don't want you to think I don't read or appreciate them. Please feel free to share your experiences or those of your loved ones, in the comment section. You'll be helping others in doing so. I didn't want to put off getting these last posts out. I had only intended to do this in one post, but as I got started, I realized this is important subject matter and that there is so much information (not just about my issues) entailed in my searches, that to do it justice I needed to include it all.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

When your body has had enough...part 2

Hi Everyone. First of all thank you so much for all your affirmative comments from my previous post on this subject. I'm so sorry I couldn't get a personal reply to all of you, but thank you so much for taking the time to leave an uplifting note. We all agree that most women need and want to help other women, and part of that is by sharing our own experiences, good and bad.

As I said, I hate to put myself out there too much here on the blog, because inevitably there is some criticism and judgment, even if it's passive. There's a wide range of ages out here in the decor blogging world, and as an "over 50" blogger (way over), I think we are sometimes viewed more critically. No one wants to be thought of as an over-the-hill, sick person. I think opening ourselves up in the blog world can be majorly intimidating.

So, having put myself out there once again, please be sure that you read my previous post from last week, if you haven't already. Otherwise you might feel like you're walking into a movie at intermission. That first post will give you the background information and you will also understand why I'm sharing all this. I'm just going to tell you my own personal experiences and you can take from it what you'd like. If you see yourself in any of this, please know you're not alone.

Looking back I think the biggest lesson I've come away with after struggling through this last year can be entitled,

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Summer Favorites: Ticking Stripes and Sunflowers

I found the most wonderful antique ticking stripe settee last week while browsing the web, but I was using my IPad and it was in the wee hours of the morning. I was having trouble when I tried to PIN things, so I couldn't find the image until just now. But all the hunting I did for it got my inspiration going once more for one of my favorite seasonal combos...all things Ticking Stripe and Florals... Mainly bouquets and arrangements with Sunflowers. So I thought I'd share with you some photos that just say "Summer" to me...

This is a photo from Worthy Goods Blog from 2014.
Crazy how seeing something can make such a big impression.
This had me on the hunt for some Ticking Fabric.
If you get a minute drop by for more inspiring show photos.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

When your body has had enough...

Each time I sit down to write a post on health issues, especially my own, I cringe. I don't like to draw attention to myself. I know some people might not see how a blogger can feel that way, but I don't like to put myself out there for people to judge... me, my life, or my opinions. When I first had the heart attacks 13 years ago and was faced with a hard reality, I vowed I would never let my health issues define me.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Not So Boring Shell Decor Inspiration

After posting my last post on my Seashell Entry Vignette, I got to looking through Pinterest for some other ideas using seashells. If you're like me, you may have boxes or tubs filled with loose shells from long ago vacations that are screaming to be used in something fun, beautiful, and inspirational. I've made some collages of random images to give you some ideas. Once I saw all these I realized how easily I can get into a predictable and "boring" place. So enjoy and let your creative imagination go. I think the easiest might be to just take the tealight out of it's metal container and place in the shell for some quick romantic Summer ambiance.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summertime Seashell Vignette

Since it's still Summer, I wanted to try to use my antique Blue Willow Transferware Tureen here on the Entry Hall Console. I've had it out with some other "blues" for my Patriotic decor so, I hunted down some of my shells to replace the summertime potpourri.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Cottage Journal Collector's Shed

Many of you subscribe to or purchase The Cottage Journal, 
but did you know they have a website/blog that is frequently updated 
with wonderful feature layouts and stories? 
 You can go to their site and sign up in email for the blog.
 I thought you might enjoy seeing these photos from a recent entry
 on a garden shed that's filled with all the vintage essentials. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Roses Revisited...

Hi Everyone, I thought I'd stop by for a quick update on this last week. I'm sharing some pretty and peaceful photos from a few years ago that were taken on my sunporch. That was my favorite spot for photos, since the room was north facing and the light was always perfect. I've never had regular rose bushes, but we did have this lovely Knock-Out bush in the front yard. It would bloom proficiently from Spring, all Summer, then into late Fall.

I'll share some prettiness before I bore you with my day-to-day fun...

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Centerpiece Basket with Vintage Flags

This last year I've been all about "decorating" the easiest way possible;
How to give a little flavor of the Holiday or Season without going over the top.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Scenes from the Patriotic Sitting Room

Hi Everyone...can you believe the 4th of July is next weekend?
Before it's come and gone, I thought I'd share with you
 a few pics from the Kitchen Sitting Area
where I've added a few flags and some Patriotic Color.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Easy Patriotic Accents with Vintage Bottles

I've been gathering a few of my patriotic and red/white/blue items to 
bring a little July 4th fun to the Kitchen Sitting Area...

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Lambs and Ivy

Every once and awhile I run across something that I haven't shared with you before.
 At the old house this wonderful old fruit crate hadn't made it past the garage
 "shop inventory".
 Now at the new house, it again migrated to the garage. 
I'm not sure why except that I've just never known what to do with it...
pretty lame excuse.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Classical Statuary in Eclectic Settings

Anyone that has "moved" can tell you that there will be certain items, that no matter how much you loved them in your old home, that just don't work well in the new abode. The architecture, furniture, setting...whatever...the personality of the new house just doesn't mesh with all your old decor.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Coffee Table ReStyle

Hi Friends, a few weeks ago I needed to finally put away all my "Spring" rabbits, bunnies, and whatever... I'd been putting it off cause I hadn't felt so great, but when everyone started talking "Summer" it was obvious that my sweet little Bunny Man Basket needed to be tucked away for next year.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

French Cottage

Hi Friends, I wanted to share a new publication by Hoffman Media that I think many of you will really enjoy, but may not have heard about. It's from the company that puts out two of my favorites, Victoria Magazine and The Cottage Journal. Last Spring they released a Special Issue called French Cottage. It was in magazine form, but could have been a hardcover "coffee table" edition. This year Hoffman came out with a second edition, this time in the hard cover.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Basics for Building a Tabletop Vignette

Although I haven't been changing things up around here too much lately, boredom has set in big time, and I needed something fresh to look at here in the Living Room. Each time I think of putting together a vignette or grouping I panic. Good Grief, where do I start? Then I spend a lot of time hunting down and trying things, moving stuff around, then discarding them; generally wasting my time. Decor books and magazines help, but even then I'm sometimes left without an idea of where to start.

I LOVE doing seasonal vignettes, but no matter if I'm decorating for a specific Holiday or Season, or just something basic, I've learned some foundational "building blocks" that make it pretty simple to put together an "Easy Change" Tabletop Vignette.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Vintage Blooming Prints and the Consult

I don't have a lot of "blooms" around here yet. I've been putting off planting containers outside until I felt more like taking care of them. Some days I don't get much accomplished except laundry and putting something easy together for dinner. I'm really missing the color of my spring containers full of Geraniums, Million Bells and Lantana. So for now, I'm enjoying these old prints on the console in the Entry. Hopefully, I can get some plants out in a few weeks. It looks sort of bleak and forlorn around here.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Next Step

Hi Friends, I just wanted to check in with you and let you know that I have an appointment with the Cardiologist here in town that does the CTO Procedure. The Chronic Total Occlusion Procedure is done to open up arteries that have been occluded and are nonfunctioning. It's something relatively new on the horizon of Cardiac Intervention and Care. I had tests earlier in the month to see if my heart was functioning well enough to attempt the semi-sort-of-surgical procedure. It's been a long month, people. I'm trying to stay positive, and really I can't do otherwise. God won't let me get too down or have too big of a pity-party. 

The alternative to trusting God over this doesn't work for me. I can gripe and complain, but then He lifts me back up and out of the dark place it's so easy to go. A few of you in the comments from my last post said they felt guilty for complaining about lesser problems and illnesses. But let me tell's all relevant. every. single. trial we go through matters and if they're in your life and causing you worry, grief, and pain they each are known by The Father. He sees us and loves us and will deliver us. I could quote a whole boat load of scripture here, but I'm going to tell you that that is the TRUTH. I have Faith that God STILL has a good plan for my life and I'm believing that He will get me through this.

I'm a CNN Junkie, and I have to tell you I've been so grieved over the death of Prince. Not because I'm a huge fan,(although some of his music was captivating and brilliant) but because it grieves me to see men and women in their 50's and 60's that have so many hopes, dreams, and plans still to be fulfilled, die so suddenly. He was just a few years younger than me. He was a genius, and thought by many people to have been anointed by God as a child. He gave in to all the "showbusiness" junk when he was young, but had had a "come to Jesus meeting" and evidently had changed his life. I don't know what caused his death; some hint at a prescription drug problem brought on by chronic pain. (I totally understand Chronic Pain, it can eat you up and ruin your life) But friends, our bodies and our lives are so very fragile. Life can be over in a moment. Please ask yourself if you would be ready for that day if it were today. 

If you have questions about the CTO procedure, just type in CTO Heart Surgery and you'll get tons of info to check out. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers more than you can know. I'll let you know what I find out after the consultation. 

Love you all...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Hall Bathroom Shelf and an Update

Hi Everyone, things have been pretty quiet around here the last few weeks, but I wanted to say "Hello" to all of you and check in. One thing that I've finally managed to get accomplished is to put a few things up in the Hall Bath. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Garden Flower Pot Wreath for Spring

I made this fun Springtime wreath a few years ago after I'd found these old French seed packet labels on Etsy. I added them to some tags and then tied whitewashed flowerpots on the grapevine wreath. Last year I didn't get to use it because it was hidden among a ton of other tubs and boxes in the garage, but this year it's hanging on the mirror on the old door in the Kitchen Sitting Area.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Peach Blossom Branches and a Cover-up

We have a couple of fruit trees in the back yard planted by the previous owner,
and this "Doughnut Peach Tree" really puts on a Spring-time Show.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Decoratin' O' the Green!

I don't go all out to decorate for St. Patrick's Day, but I do like to tip my hat to the Irish Holiday. I'm sure I have a little Irish blood in me from someplace and I have a daughter named Erin, so St. Patty's always gets a little attention from me around the house...

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring Window Box with Garden Fencing and a Birthday Bouquet

I've mentioned before that vintage garden goods are my favorite vintage items. I love all things vintage, but there's nothing like some old rusty fencing, seed packets, and garden utensils to get my undivided attention. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Grapevine Bunny Basket

Last week I was wanting something new and fresh for Easter and Spring; something that made a bit of a statement and that was fun and colorful. I was hoping (hopping) for a moss covered rabbit or something organic, so I headed to my favorite local wholesale-type floral shop to see what they had. I found this adorable black/white rabbit (made from some kind of grassy material) with a basket on his back. He was one of three styles of these cuties. Then I browsed their previously made floral arrangements and found an idea that I thought would work... 

Monday, February 29, 2016

First Glimpse of "Spring"

Happy Leap Day!!

Since tomorrow is March, and Easter is coming early this year, I thought I'd get started on bringing a few Spring Things out of the tubs and boxes. This is just my starting place... on the Dining Room table, which is usually where all my seasonal decorating begins.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Living Room and Leopard Print Pillows

Hi Everyone, things have been quiet around here and I've been keeping my nose to the grindstone so to speak, in regards to my quest in sorting through more boxes of decor and organizing my storage room downstairs. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Little Valentine Chaos

Hello Friends, 
Hope you're having a "Sweet" Valentine's Weekend!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Monday, February 1, 2016

I've been in Blogging Rehab...

It's been about 6 weeks since I've written a post, here. It was the week before Christmas when I said I needed a break. So, I've been on a journey this last 6 weeks, and it was a necessary decision that was a long time coming.

New Posts in Your In-Box