Showing posts with label Kitchen Sitting Area. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen Sitting Area. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Bountiful Fall Baskets Blog Hop

Using baskets has been a fun and creative way for me to decorate since I saw the first issues of Country Living Magazine back in 1978. One of the best things about them is that they can be found at any vintage market, flea, antique shop or garage sale, usually for a price that will fit anyone's budget. Baskets come in so many varieties; mostly wood products, wicker, willow, and even metals. Since I turn first to vintage finds, I have a good stash, big and small, that I can choose from. Today I'm joining in for a Fun Fall Blog Hop that's showcasing Baskets decorated for Autumn. If you're coming from Follow the Yellow Brick Home, so glad you're here. I think Amber loves this time of year just as much as I do.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Fall Decor in the Middle of the Mess

Hi Friends, since this is my favorite time of the year, I'm going to try and share some small posts on Fall. It's a mild form of chaos over here at "Packing Central", but sharing here, and seeing what you all are doing for Fall decor will help me stay somewhat sane. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Small Summer Changes

Hard to imagine that Summer is at it's mid-point. It's been hot, hot, and hot here in the lower Midwest. I think we're all having abnormally warm temperatures. It's been record setting here since the beginning of June. At least we've been fortunate and had a few good rains; more than a lot of people in our area. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Seed Box Vignette on the China Cupboard

Since Easter, I've been puttering around here bringing in some vintage pieces that are seasonally "Spring". I just removed the "bunnies" on top of the china cupboard, and replaced them with a  vignette using an old wooden box decoupaged with seed graphics. It was a "make-do" attempt, but with that wonderful original green paint, it makes a perfect display piece for Spring.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hop Into Spring Blog Hop

Hi Everyone, I'm so glad you're here today to celebrate Spring and join us with our "Hop Into Spring" Home Tour. My good friend Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home has brought together a group of Bloggers who love to decorate their homes with the colors and warmth of the Spring Season. If you've come from Stacey at Poofing the Pillows, Hello and Welcome to Common Ground. I'm so glad you are here and following the Hop.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Little Cottage Romance

Hi Friends, I challenged my decorating "self" this month to do some Valentine's Day vignettes with pinks and soft pastels instead of a lot of red. No sooner do I put away the reds from Christmas than they're back again for February and Valentine's Day. I wanted to keep the Baker's Rack romantic and feminine, so I used my antique china teapots and some of my English Cottages to keep things sweet and homey.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How to Make a Moss-Covered Heart

I love organic decor accessories and using nature to guide and enhance the Seasons and Holidays. I'm  also a fan of layering those natural organic pieces with mirrors and walls, doors and vignettes. Wreaths, faux flowers, branches, and natural elements can come together to create a one-of-a-kind Holiday Centerpiece for your room.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Kitchen Sitting Area with a Cottage Feel

I've always loved the quaint tradition of tucking in photos and postcards around the edges of a mirror; like a little memo board of sorts. It reminds me of my childhood and the vanity and hall mirrors of my aunts and grandmothers.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Vintage Elements on the January Baker's Rack

Before the calendar changes over to February and we find ourselves indulging in all shades of pink and rosebuds and hearts and Valentines, I'm finally able to share some of the vintage goods that I've brought together here in the Kitchen Sitting Area.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wooden Crate Refresh and an Ironstone "Candleholder"

Before I say anything else, I want to say thank you to everyone who read my previous post on my health update and family "goings on". Those are hard posts to write, but I feel like I need to be open and honest in my blogging, just as I try to be in my everyday life. It's difficult for me to share a minor little DIY or decor update when there are things going on in life that are important. Having said that, I also don't want to be burdening you all with personal stuff constantly. So thank you for your comments and prayers, and for sending good thoughts my way. I want to share things with you all in case something I'm dealing with can maybe help one of you or someone you know.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas Kitchen: and Yes, it's Plaid!

Hi Friends, well, we're down to the last week of the Christmas countdown and I'm finally getting around to posting the Kitchen Sitting Area. It's always the most fun to decorate because this is where the whimsy usually is. Santas, Reindeer, Elves, (and sheep)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Christmas Lite

Hi friends, I hope you all are having a good week before Thanksgiving. Last week I was on a roll getting out the basics for Christmas. Of course bringing out Christmas decor requires putting away all the Fall decor, first. That's not near as much fun as getting it all out, so I'm doing a little at a time. I found a mid size white-washed olive bucket and the perfect size faux tabletop tree last week at the Christmas Open houses. So today, I just wanted to share the little spot in the kitchen sitting area where they landed.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Wreath Makeover for Thanksgiving to Christmas

One of the great things about living in this area is that there are a ton of great shops, antique malls, and vintage markets. Fall and Christmas Open Houses are the highlight of the year as the shops go all out with great seasonal displays and merchandise. My sis and I made it to several shops yesterday for the annual event, and I have to admit, when I got home I had a case of Christmas decorating fever.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Little Black Cat

Happy Last Weekend of October, Friends! I've been meaning to do this for awhile and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to our newest member of the family. We've had her for a few months, but she had to have surgery (for a tumor on her leg) and then she was a little embarrassed about her looks because of it. So I'm just now getting around to introductions.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Welcome to my un"Official" Fall Home Tour

Hi Friends, this is a post from our previous home in 2017. We may no longer live there but it's still one of my favorite Fall "Home Tours". 

I think I have all the photos together now to put together my annual Fall Home Tour that I will keep on the sidebar for the rest of the season. Each year, I like to bring all the Fall Decor into one post to remind myself how I decorated that year. So I'll keep the words to a minimum and let you look around. Welcome!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kitchen and Sitting Area Fall Home Tour

I think I've shared the rest of the house last week on two Fall Tours, so today I have some pics of my Kitchen and the little Sitting Area that adjoins it. It's my favorite place to decorate for the seasons, and I seem to spend most of my time here, so come on in! 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

ReStyled Fall Wreath and Black Botanicals

As much as I love Fall you'd think I would have a huge stash of wreaths to choose from here at the Midwest Headquarters of Hoarder's Anonymous, but no, I only had one decent wreath up till last year. I'm not sure why, other than I'm really picky when it comes to wreaths, or that I've tried NOT to overdo it with the "Faux Fall Foliage", which can at times be a little overwhelming around here.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Late Summer Sitting Area and an August ReView

Hi Friends, as usual, when it comes to the end of the month (or season), I find there are pics and places I had wanted to share with you all, but I never got around to posting. The Kitchen Sitting Area is a spot that changes almost weekly, since it's the spot that I hang out in the most. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

An Ironstone Pitcher for an Endless Summer Bouquet

I've been watching my Hydrangea bushes in the back yard, waiting for the right time to snip the blooms and bring them inside for drying. Several websites and bloggers say to wait until the blooms have gone to a deeper color and that their petal texture has become delicate and paperlike. Whoops... I almost waited too long.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Olive Bucket Candleholders on the Cheap

Hi Friends... are you like me and see something you just have to have and you can't get it out of your brain? Do you obsess over an idea, thought or photo until you work it out to either make it yourself or just get it over with and buy the dang thing? I think there's a lot of that going on around blog land; it's part of out creative process, or maybe it's just some kind of Internet illness floating around. Either way, it rarely goes away on it's own...