Friday, April 8, 2016

Hall Bathroom Shelf and an Update

Hi Everyone, things have been pretty quiet around here the last few weeks, but I wanted to say "Hello" to all of you and check in. One thing that I've finally managed to get accomplished is to put a few things up in the Hall Bath. 

Our Master Bath is on the smallish side, so instead of having a constant turf war with Hubbs on counter and drawer space, I opted to take the Hall Bath as my own. It's limited on cupboard space as well, so no shots of my counter top and make-up clutter. I try to keep it presentable, but that's difficult for me, so I usually just offer an apology up front for any guests needing to use it...

I didn't want to hang anything too big or heavy in here, 
since it's such a small space. 
I just wanted something to show off a few vintage things
that I've collected over the years.

This is how the little shelf started out:
a pale yellow that really didn't work against the taupe paint color.

It got the gray mix Annie Sloan Chalk Paint treatment.

A few of my vintage jewelry caskets, sheep, cottage prints, and perfume bottles
all got together to make a grouping on each little shelf rung.

Here is the small wall above the counter next to the door.
Bad lighting = Bad Pic

I've parted with several of my vintage prints,
 but I've kept the English Cottages and Landscapes.
They just are so home-y and cozy. 

I love the chippy creamy patina of these two.
They look a little "dirty", but it's just the aged paint.

Here's a close up of the little plate. I couldn't find much about it except it was a series of Royal Albert China Tartan Series possibly from the early '60s. My mom is part Scottish, but from the Cameron Clan. This little plate (maybe a Biscuit Plate) is Buchanan; anyway just so sweet with the Heather Sprigs adorning it.

I don't like to get into my health problems too much here, but I'm way overdue for an update. This is what's going on in my life after all, and I'm not so good at "pretending" that life is full of excitement and fun. Creativity and decor and blogging have been on the back burner. I made a hospital visit the second week of March, because I had never improved after Christmas. (extreme fatigue, more chest angina) and found out some surprising news. My two grafted arteries from my Bypass Surgery back in 2003 are no longer functioning. So that means that I only have 2 arteries carrying the entire load of my heart. I hadn't expected that bad news. I have a new Cardiologist here in town, so he told us about a new procedure called the Chronic Total Occlusion Procedure. (Pioneered at St. Luke's in Kansas City) I'm going through tests now to see if I'm a candidate for it. It feels like a long shot, but I'm praying and hoping that this might give me better blood flow, we'll see. Life has been crappy at best since late last Fall. no need to get into all of it. I appreciate your prayers and good thoughts coming this way, and I'll keep you updated. 



  1. Your bathroom shelf is so lovely...I love the little sheep and vanity items. The tartan plate is a treasure.
    I'm so sorry to hear you have been feeling so poorly...hope the new procedure might be an answer for you! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way, Debra! xoxo

  2. The little shelf is so cute! I am so sorry you're going through this. I hope you get some energy and good news soon. Thinking of you...

  3. Sorry to hear your health news. I miss your regular posting, but do enjoy seeing what you pin on pinterest -- we have similar tastes, especially the sheep thing! Sally

  4. Debra, I will pray that you are a candidate for this procedure that could possibly give back to you the energy and stamina you so desire.....Don't give up!!! Sometimes we are in God's waiting room for good reasons it seems. Love your little shelf with your lambs and such......especially love the cottage prints....I have a few too and love them soooo much!! Missing your posts but so understand!!! Hang tough!! God is in this! Linda

  5. Debra this bathroom shelf is so charming--the paint color looks wonderful and I love your assortment of collected pieces. I do agree about the landscapes they are so warm and cozy looking--my eyes are instinctively drawn to them whenever I go into an antique store. I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers, I so sorry to hear about your discouraging news, I know it's so hard to be dealing with such a debilitating condition. Hang in there my friend.

  6. Debra, your little shelf is charming with all your sheep and pretty things. Something about a wall shelf that greatly appeals to me.
    I'm sorry that your health has not improved, but will pray that the new treatment will be something that is appropriate for you. Best wishes as you travel this road. I think of you often.

  7. Debra,
    Smart move to have separate bathrooms! Your shelf with its new paint looks perfect in YOUR bathroom.
    Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I suspected your health may have been slowing you down, but am hopeful for you that you are a candidate for the new treatment.


  8. Hey Debra~ I'm so sorry to hear that you've not felt well for so long. I miss your presence in Blogland and always enjoy your posts. Everything you do, including this little shelf, has so much charm. I'm praying for you and speak healing and LIFE over you, In Jesus' Name!
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  9. Thanks for sharing your charming shelf arrangement. Love the sheep and and the dear English house pictures and, well, everything else you so artfully placed on the shelves. Praying that you're a candidate for the heart procedure and that it will set you on the road to much improved health.

  10. Hope it works out in your favor. Love the shelf and the cottage prints. It looks perfect now.

  11. Sorry to hear the bad news :( I will pray for you. Good luck

  12. Sorry to hear about the news,Will be praying everything turns out in your favor. The shelf looks so cute and i like the color of the shelf.Have a Better Day!

  13. Your little bathroom looks so much like a woman's space. We all need a area just for ourselves. I detest sharing a bathroom so I would gladly trade shared space in a larger one for a smaller one all my own. So sorry about your health issues - my sister had bypass surgery 5 years ago and they warned her that new arteries don't last forever. The good news that by the time they wear out, something new and better has come along. I hope this procedure is your new and better .....

  14. You've added such vintage charm to your bathroom with the addition of your treasured items, Debra. I especially adore the English cottage prints!

    I'm so sorry to read that you've been suffering all this time and I hope you're a candidate for the new procedure. I think of you often and hope all goes well.

  15. Debra ~ I'm so sorry you are having to go through all this heart stuff! I'm an oldish ICU/CCU nurse, and I've been researching the CTO procedure this afternoon.
    I have some info and questions you should be asking while you are being worked up; do you have an Email I could write to about them? Your blog probably isn't the best place.
    In friendship ~

  16. Debra,

    Here's wishing you the best and I truly hope and pray you'll be a candidate for the CTO procedure.

  17. Hi Debra,
    Sorry to hear of your health situation .....I hope this new procedure will work for you.

    Love and prayers,

  18. The little shelf is so charming, Debra. Love all the pretties. Praying for all that concerns you, sweetie. My heart is heavy for you. ♥
    Big Hugs and Love,

  19. I've read your blog for quite a while, and was starting to get worried when you hadn't posted again, in a while. Lifting you up in prayer.

  20. Hi Debra,
    I'm so glad that you are letting us know what's going on in your life. I have missed seeing your posts, but I certainly understand why your blog had to take a back burner. I hope and pray that you will be a good candidate for that procedure. Prayers for you.


  21. Love your bathroom! So sorry to hear about your health problems, Debra. Praying for you, that you'll be able to get the procedure and it will help.

  22. Debra, I am so sorry to hear about your health situation. I have missed seeing you blogging but certainly understand why. Prayers going up for you.

  23. I have missed your blog posts and now I know why. Your shelf is just beautiful. I hope your doctors work wonders for you.

  24. I have missed your blog posts and now I know why. Your shelf is just beautiful. I hope your doctors work wonders for you.

  25. Prayers to you precious Debra... I think of you so often, I love you, xoxo Julie Marie

  26. Debra, your little shelf is so sweet and I love all the vintage charm you have collected. I'm so sorry to hear about your health and hope that this new treatment will be a good match for you. I don't always comment but read you all the time..Have a good week..Judy

  27. I really hope that this is the health answer you have been waiting for. I will keep you in my prayers Debra. Your shelf is darling ~ love it! I have that same English cottage print and I love mine too. Take care dear girl and stay positive. My sweet auntie had open heart surgery at 88. Her condition was quite grim prior to the surgery, but it was successful and she was good as new. Don't give up hope.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  28. Oh I just HATE to hear that you're going through so much with your health! I hope the new procedure will do the trick! I love what you've done with your bathroom. The vintage artwork looks great.

  29. Just when we maybe think things are not the best we hear about somebody that really has it much harder. Am so sorry your ticker isn't humming along as it should, sure hope procedure you mentioned will be a solution for you. Please do keep us informed of your progress.

    Shoot hearing what you have to deal with daily makes my shoulder replacement seem like walk in park. Even physical therapy where it feels like somebody trying to rip arm out of said shoulder to get range of motion back. Believe me not being crummy, really empathize with what you have to live with. My Mom had heart trouble but she kept on smoking. She had to have heart bypass and some part replaced, she was an ornery old gal, denied she smoked up to minute she walked into hospital.
    I love your little shelf and your prints are right up my alley. My favorite is one on top shelf right. Does it have curved glass on it? If so have couple similar found at antique stores in KY.
    You take real good care of yourself, let us know about that procedure, hope it will work for you. Happy week

  30. Best wishes to you, Debra, for a way to find improvement soon. Do take care! ~Michele

  31. Your little bathroom shelf arrangement is so sweet! So sorry you are not doing well. Let's just pray that this new procedure will work out for you and you will be 100% better real soon. My youngest sister had heart problems and I know how well it can just zap your energy. Praying for good news soon!


  32. Oh no but I'm so glad that they have found something. I hope and pray that you will be able to get some good news and a recovery plan. Praying for you, Sweet Debra.

  33. Sorry to hear about the new diagnosis and praying that you are a good candidate for the new procedure....your cabinet is very beautiful and love those cozy cottage art pieces....Take care and please update us with your progress...thoughts and prayers!!...xoxo's

  34. Your bathroom is adorable, and i can relate to SMALL bathrooms since we have two of them. I'm sad to hear of your continued health issues.. and only having two arteries providing blood to your heart is bad news. I hope you are a candidate for the total incursion and will bring you more quality of life. I will keep you in the front of my prayer.

  35. Prayers and well wishes about your heart condition, Debra. Your blog is such a treat to visit. The bathroom
    shelf is wonderful. Your decorating is always delightful. Take care! Hope you can feel the love and concern
    of your many readers and friends.

  36. Love your little perfectly adorned shelf!

    Keeping you in my prayers.

    Hugs to you, Deb. ♥♥♥


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