Showing posts with label paint projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paint projects. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

What will go where?

The last week in August is normally when I'm bringing out some Fall goodies, trying to subtly ease into the Fall scene. Creeping in would be just a few little dried leaves and grasses; I might even sneak in a nonchalant small pumpkin or two. Big BUT here, instead of decorating, I'm surrounded by packing boxes and my house looks like the inside of a U-Haul store.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Weathered Gray Finish for the Spring Cart Refresh

Last post I shared my inspiration pics on giving my black goat cart a freshen-up for Spring. I had a plan to use Chalk Paint as I had a few colors on hand from previous paint projects. There are a few go-to colors that I have used in combo for most all my furniture painting. What is that old saying about plans?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spring Paint Refresh for the Goat Cart

After Valentine's Day is here and gone, we can legitimately begin to think about Spring. Around here in the southern Mid-West, February is still considered Winter. Cold temps, freezing rain and snow are the norm. Once and awhile we'll have a surprise day or two of 65. There may be a few little Daffodils pushing up through the snow, and we know the worst of Winter is usually over. We can now start dreaming about gardens, flowers, and all things "green", without judgement. (insert happy face and a wink)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wooden Crate Refresh and an Ironstone "Candleholder"

Before I say anything else, I want to say thank you to everyone who read my previous post on my health update and family "goings on". Those are hard posts to write, but I feel like I need to be open and honest in my blogging, just as I try to be in my everyday life. It's difficult for me to share a minor little DIY or decor update when there are things going on in life that are important. Having said that, I also don't want to be burdening you all with personal stuff constantly. So thank you for your comments and prayers, and for sending good thoughts my way. I want to share things with you all in case something I'm dealing with can maybe help one of you or someone you know.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Painted Leaf Fall Wreath

Hi Everyone, I know you all are probably getting some Fall decor out of storage, and searching Pinterest for some fresh ideas and inspiration. I knew I wanted to try to create a new wreath for the Kitchen Sitting Area, but I also knew I wanted it to be neutral. I love the colors of Autumn, but wanted to try using something that was in shades of white, cream, grays, and tans....

Monday, December 7, 2015

"Village Churches" Mini Makeover

I think many of us collected the various "Village" Houses and Churches back in the late 90's. I know that I concentrated on finding just the white churches, without giving in to the obsession of collecting a whole village of people, shops, churches, houses, and figurines. Last thing I needed was one more "collection" of anything...

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Patriotic Sitting Room

One of my favorite times to really go over the top in my sitting area decor is for the 4th of July. Patriotic decor is a natural when you have white or neutrals as a backdrop. I love layering on the old quilts and pillows in some red/white/blue. I've been trying to give this kitchen room sitting space the feel of my old sunporch, since I don't have one at this house.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Keepin' it Real, Folks

In an effort to blog more "Real Time"
I had a decision to make.
Do I show you what I'm working on today
...or do I not?

I'm choosing to share a project in progress.

Now I know many of you will want to bop me 
for thinking this needs to be painted.
That's ok, I've taken a few jabs this last day or two.

We talked about "being real" and trying to be more 
in the moment on our blogs.
Not to make a "production" out of every blog post,
or strive for perfection.
But to just be ourselves.

So, I'm sharing what I'm up to today...

I've had this little jelly cabinet for about 30 years.
It's not old (in furniture years) 
and it's been moved all over creation and then some.
It has chunks of wood missing and deep scratches and gouges.
I know, you can't see them from here.
But I need something in this spot behind Hubbs' Chair.
I don't want something dark and "noticeable".
Too much of that already.
I'm thinking "blend in" has become my decor motto.
Especially in a small space
with too much furniture already.

This spot drives me crazy.
Nothing I've tried fits, or looks right.
It's one of those odd spaces, due to furniture placement.
So I need something to take up the negative space
and cover up this wall that feels lopsided.

So I'm in the process of painting it.
First coat is French Linen ASCP.
Not sure where I'll go from here.

But I'm blocking the Hallway traffic 
so I'll have to get it figured out pronto.
Thank goodness for chalk paint.
I did not want to sand this thing.

Have you entered the Canvas Pop Give Away?

Endless possibilities for your own canvas art...

See you all Wednesday Evening for 

joining in with:

Back to painting.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Concrete Pedestal for the Dining Room

One thing I've learned in living in this new house, that's smaller and "Open Concept", is that keeping a sense of "flow" is very important. Having a Kitchen, Living Room, Entry Hall and Dining Room that are all one big space can present some challenges in decorating.